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Your Too Easy

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 04:04:57 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:28/08/2010 1:14 AMCopy HTML

We find Rick Reynolds kicked back in his same penthouse suite wearing a pair of grey loose fitting shorts and a grey muscle shirt, his blonde hair hanging freely past his shoulders, then SEF Title laying on his lap as he sits on a nice, plush, leather sofa against a wall. Not much else is seen in the view, just focused on Rick who looks on with a slight smirk and rubs his title fondly, then says.
Wow, truly you have no idea what your talking about Justin, you don't have a clue as to who your dealing with. You ramble on about pointless, useless, bullshit like always claiming I said this or that going further and further from what I really said and from our match Sunday night for this, the biggest title there is and one you will never get your grubby little hands on. You talk about having some big IQ, you speak of intellect, throw out some big words that mean shit coming from your mouth because in reality your no genius, your simply pathetic. You try to twist words and act as if your saying nothing, but the truth when its nowhere near the truth. You do have a lack of common sense and that's about all you said that was true and obviously that stems from being babied your entire life, from being spoiled and in this business when facing a guy like me, it will hurt you very badly. I never claimed to be trained by Mack, I stated a fact and if you don't believe me, that's your problem. Mack would tell you the same thing, so ask if you can get a hold of him.
Rick smirks knowing Justin most likely can't and just says.
I don't need to do research on SEF, to go view past events as I have seen them all and I only go back to watch my own matches mostly for they are the best in SEF history!
He shows that cocky grin now and says.
I admit though, I have watched all your matches with this company, I have studied and that is why I said that at DOGG DAZE you will be destroyed, that you will tap, and mark my words Justin, you will beg and you will cry, scream for mercy, but I stand by my word and vow that I will not show any mercy on your weak, pathetic carcass.
Rick looks down all serious, stares at his title and now looks up as he brings the belt up lays it on his right shoulder and says with a sneer.
None of your family have any influence to anything that goes on in SEF, no one you may have met in or out of this business has any influence to what happens. You see Justin, I never said you didn't know this or that person, I simply stated something that you do that gets you nowhere and you couldn't handle it. You claim I threw a tantrum, but fact is I have been nothing, but calm and cool because I know I have your number going into the DOGG Fight, I know and you don't know, you have no clue. This Sunday your in over your head, out of your league, but then again, who else is there for me to face?
He pauses letting the question sink in and now smirks slightly and says.
The answer is no one for its as I have been saying all along, there is no one good enough to step into my ring. Your being brought up from the minor leagues to face the only heavy hitter in SEF today and the way you got in is probably what pisses you off the most. And as far as Camaro and Venom goes, there insignificant to me, hell, I even dropped Venom's before he returned because it was obvious who Camaro had coming back to help out. The problem is that Nikky Venom is an even bigger joke than you are Justin, well, so is Camaro, but I'm just stating the obvious now. If either of them dare to come near me again they'll get put back in their places and maybe right out of SEF if I have to get my hands dirty with them!
He smirks and then says.
Its like stealing candy from a kid, its way too easy facing you one on one Justin and that is why I said I should not have to be defending this belt Sunday because if this is the best I have to oppose me, then I deserve the night off. Your too easy Justin, your whole family is too easy, the girls too sleazy, your father is a lazy bastard who could never amount to shit in this business, so he had to try and push his son into the profession in hopes that you could save the family name, but you won't, you can't. Your whole family are nothing, but a big, pack of jobbers and I'll prove that true all by myself if ya want me to. Hell Justin, when I'm done schooling you and teaching you how to really wrestle, maybe your father should gather up the balls big enough to step in my ring. Then again, he probably doesn't have any balls at all, your probably a product of a test tube, an experiment gone wrong, so ya had to resort to juicing yourself up to try and make up for your lack of talent. Problem is it gets you nowhere in SEF because this place isn't for fake posers like yourself, its for real wrestlers like myself, the REAL fucking Franchise in this business and sure as hell the greatest World Heavyweight Champion of all time.
Rick now lowers his title and lays it on a table in front of him, then motions with his right index finger for someone to come over and says to the cameraman.
And so the view is moving back now, a hot blonde walks over to Rick in a tight, short mini skirt with a barely there, um, bikini top, all black including the very high heels. She bends down to him, her black thong seen and Rick is waving us away, so down the view goes and then fade to black.

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