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Knox and Dusty ppv

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 04:32:55 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:06/05/2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:29/08/2010 9:30 PMCopy HTML


obannons.jpg Knox & Dusty picture by pegasusfeds10

..::Knox and Dusty's ppv::..
..::Dusty and Knox::..
..::Dusty, Knox, Lacey, Justin etc, etc::..
..::NEXT MATCH::..
..::Dynasty vs the Legacy::..
..::Sorry everyone!::..

{{Dusty and Knox show up at the arena.  Neither of them looking in the best of moods. 
Jessica_Alba_Lunches_efa8.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10
Dusty is carrying her daughter on her hip.  They are also not alone.  A very bored, almost heroin chic teenager with a fucked up haircut is following, sullen behind them}}
Kristen_Stewart_bad_posture.jpg Tate picture by pegasusfeds10

"Babysitting, seriously?"

{Dusty starts to give her hell but Knox holds his hand up and stops the snotty remarks.}}

Knox:"Yes, I'm deadly serious, Tate.  For the time that we are in the ring, you are going to watch Emily and God help you if you let anything happen to her.  SEF has enough video feeds running through this place that if you even let her cry for to long I'll know and then you're ass is mine.  You want me to thrash you again?"


{Dusty frowns and looks at him funny}

Dusty:"What is thrashing anyway?"

Knox:"Physical punishment I used to do to my new recruits when they crossed the line.  Granted I am not spraying cold water in her face while I force her to work out till she pukes.  {Dusty tosses a smirk back at her sister-in-law}  If I find any more shit like I did yesterday and have to bail you out of jail again, I just might consider it.  Before we go out to the ring ever single inch of the room and every single scrap of fabric in any of our bags and gear will be searched.  Lacey's even arranged for a female guard to check your body to make sure you didn't hide any of that shit on you.  You are on lock down from here on out.  If there wasn't a video feed of every single aspect of an SEF arena I would never even consider leaving Emily with you."


{They are arranged in an locker room with Lacey.  Lacey has given a scathing once over to Tate and repeats her earlier statement}

Lacey:"I'm not a miracle worker."

{Tate smirks and points to a video feed}

Tate:"Mommy Dearest is having her shit made public."

{They turn and hear the Legacy's comments.  Dusty seethes and starts out of the room.  Knox and Lacey catch her arms}

Lacey:"IF it bothers you don't let them know."

Knox:"What have I been telling you about perceptions and excuses?  They'll take ever single hint of a crack in our team to throw it in our faces.  You have beaten their golden girl twice in a row with a partner that you met formally only a few days before you had to team with him.  So their logic that a team based on years of experience is better than a team with a few months of experience is pure fiction.  You met him the day of Extreme when he the Triad had our backs, then formally met him a few days later when you guys trained for the match.  So tonight they have their chosen favorites instead of the poster boy for closet fags to team with their golden girl."

{Dusty snickers}

Dusty:"Looks definitely run in my family and if he was dumb enough not to at least get a piece of ass out of the deal so that he could string her along and reap the benefits of her spending all of her money on him then he has to be either stupid or queer."

Lacey:"I think he's both."

{Dusty and Lacey laugh}

{Knox listens to the rest of the feed and then places his arms behind his back, pacing.  He is deep in thought.  He stops and then turns to gesture the camera in further}

Knox:"I am actually going to do something unexpected.  I'm going to spill the truth like you wouldn't believe.  Yeah, we did have a few problems and yes our daughter was with my parents.  Until a few days ago there were things going on that I personally felt her staying with my parents were the best for her."

{Dusty sighs}

Dusty:"Not for the reasons that you arrogant bitches would expect either."  {Knox nods to her}  "Unlike some of the people around here, this is not the only place that I wrestle.  One of the reasons that Lacey chose to keep me around is that I'm not playing nice.  I am using the experience that is offered to bite my family in the ass.  I wrestle all of the United States, Canada, and sometimes I fly over to Japan and wrestle in Tokyo.  Yes, I bet you didn't know that, did you Maegan?  Your very own twin brother, Matthew often books Knox and I to work his shows in Asia and Canada.  As do my Uncle Scott in Tennesse, Knox's uncle in New Orleans, our cousin Barry has a former partner who also runs a little company in New Orleans who wrestles all over the Gulf Coast.  That's right.  We work Old Skool Wrestling out of Kenner.  I am now, after last night, the Louisiana Ladies Champion.  I took that disease ridden wh....{she pauses and points to Tate} Take Emily out of here."

{Tate ignores her.}


{It is hard to tell which one she jumped to obey as Tate has changed her dingy girlie beater top for a Lacey Daniels "Yes I am That Good" shirt.  Her jeans are clean and look new.  She's also trashed the nasty combat boots that looked so nasty that you wouldn't even find them in a Salvation Army trash bin.  She scoops the baby up and her bag and closes the door between them}

Knox:"Sorry, habit."

Lacey:"Not a problem."

{Dusty sighs deeply with a satisfied smirk that she can speak freely}

Dusty:"I took this no good disease ridden whore named Claudia Del Solis and ripped every strand of her extension out of her greasy nasty hair before I beat her within an inch of her life.  Not the person that I wanted but she's avoiding me much like Gracie has.  Gracie doesn't want to face me one on one.  So yeah, it may not matter in the grand scheme of narrow minded SEF fans but I do have what even my ex-family members can not deny is a legit title.  {She goes over and pulls two belts from Samsonite cases.  One is black and pink with a heart shaped top which is the Dynasty tag belt, the other is black, red, and purple oval with a small Louisiana etched into it.} "I know, poor Danika, she really wanted it.  She didn't want someone from Texas to have it.  {she screws up her face and feigns tears} "Wa Wa, poor baby.  Doesn't matter.  The only thing that matters is that I'm not sitting on an ever widening ass waiting around for SEF to say we want you to work more than a couple times a week.  If we can't break Tate from her nasty bitchiness, since she dropped out and only got her G.E.D. because she was in Juvie under armed guard then she can travel with us.  Once Lacey finishes what Knox started, then I'll feel safe keeping my baby near me, like I wanted.  Despite what you stupid bitches think.  Yes, I did make appearances and do tours as the Dynasty tag champions as well as individual appearance.  You might think I am an evil bitch who doesn't want my child around me but tell me Maegan, you are a mother, not a sactimonious little virgin.  What kind of mother would I be to bring my impressionable three year old daughter to New Orleans where I wrestled for NOLA Extreme?  Would it be the right thing to do to let my daughter play where they do not hide the fact that they do more than smoke weed and drink beer?  Who knows what kind of things she could stumble upon.  What if Radu left a needle lying around.  Should I let her suck on it like it was a binkie?  Don't be stupid.  Grace, you shouldn't be so naive!  Unlike you, I don't have the unlimited financial resources.  Yes, I have some but I did the smart thing.  I bought a nice house in a safe neighberhood in North Dallas and a safe Escape Hybrid with child safety locks and the built in child booster seat.  The rest of the money is put in Emily's name.  It is her college fund.  I'm not living off of other people like some people I could mention.  I am busting my ass to be a major star in this business.  The money that Knox and I have is money that we earned!!  So the perception of the fans is skewed.  Who are the real good guys in the real scheme of things?  A bunch of self-absorbed rich kids who have nothing better to do than try to control the world and force them to think the way they do?  Knox, Lacey, and I are working to deserve everything we get, yet people hate us because we are not conforming or kissing people's ass.  We are doing what it takes to become the best that have ever stepped in the ring.  Do we need or want the fans to cheer us like the mindless sheep whenever my brother or step-sister show up?"

Knox:"Hell no."

Dusty:"Of course not.  If we did, we'd come in wearing shirts with our trainers.  Knox could come in wearing dress blues.  Lacey could wear a Bret Hart Legends t-shirt.  Me?  I don't have a world famous trainer.  My dad may have the Texas crowd in his hip pocket, but not the world.  Who is Josh Rodgers and Kristin Fox-Rodgers in the grand scheme of things?  No one, but their trainers....oh they have names.  Kerry Von Erich..Chris Adams...Lance Storm.....Chris Jericho.....yeah they are famous.  Have I met them?  No, I'm not the chosen daughter.  I could run around wearing a Lance Storm Wrestling Academy t-shirt.  Then maybe the sheep would start bleeting my name when I come out.  {she tosses her hair back over her shoulder}  Isn't that really why you people bend over backwards to please my brother?  There is a reason he calls his group the Legacy.  He's not here because he wants to be, no matter what he tells you people.  He's here because of his Uncle.  Christopher had the wrestling bug infused in every fiber of his being.  He lived it, breathed it, bled for it, and ultimately died for it.  It's really the only reason any of them are here.  We WANT to be here.  It shows when we beat each and everyone one of them!!!  Like we will tonight.  It shows when we barely get here in time for deadline.  It's because we are not only busting our ass in the gym and showing up here to work a couple times a week.  We are all over the country honing our craft.  Like it or not, when they get burned out or bored playing whatever game they are playing, pretending to pay homage then they'll just fade away like they did before.  I personally would like to force than being sooner or later.  {she crosses her arms} You talk about dealing out harsh truths?  How is that for a harsh truth."

{Knox has his hands to his mouth, lips pursed}

Knox:"You know, {he exhales} Ash was right about one thing.  I am not a big talker.  I have pulled my own shit around here, but I did not bring personal shit to play.  That was Lucas' game.  I did not attack Katana nor did I condone it.  I even gave you the key to get into Lucas' beach house and you got a free and clear shot at him.  Now you want to bring it up?  You want to start shit?  I'm not the one who chose poorly the first couple times I attemped marriage.  Does Maegan know about the reason why you got a divorce?  Ironically, Kiara's the one who cheated and initiatied the seperation, but it wasn't her lover who got arrested for being a Meth head.  That's the reason you do not have full custody of your wife.  See?  I can sling shit too.  I can sling truthful shit or I can play the mind games.  I do not like bullshit.  Its why I generally avoid the stuff that Dusty does to get under your skin.  So a word of advice Ash, make sure your own house is in order before you start bringing shit up.  Tonight, the six of us have so much history of hate and violence that one or two of us won't walkout of here tonight.  Now, I borrow from Lacey.  That's not a threat, its a promise." 
((This has been an official *Knox and Dusty O'Bannon* Roleplay))

Layout 2003 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison Designs ((ALL RIGHTS RESERVED))


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