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Running Ya All Down

Started by Jake Voss, October 02, 2023, 04:40:28 PM

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Jake Voss

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Date Posted:04/09/2010 2:25 AMCopy HTML

After having himself arrested at the DOGG DAZE pay per view last Sunday Ares has been a foul mood so to say, he's been fucking pissed right the hell off and most agree he should be. But he has a title to defend and this Monday for the special Labor Day Extreme he does just that in a fatal four way match meaning he can lose without even losing. So we get set to hear from Ares now and find the man sitting in the back of his pickup on a lawn chair, similar to where he cut a promo recently only the truck is parked along the Ohio River it looks like. Its late or early depending on you. Ares is just drinking a beer wearing some camo shorts and nothing else, his feet propped up on a cooler and he looks pissed as he says.
So Matlock finally decided to grow up and get over his petty, bullshit that made him leave SEF in the first place, he finally came back and thinks he's just gonna walk in and take the TV Title off me. Well son, I will agree with your worthless ass that six fucking years ago you were a challenge and we did tear down the house in DOGG fighting and clawing our way to become the first ever DOGG Champion. I give ya props, you're a good wrestler, you tried to make it to the top, just not hard enough or you would have, plain and simple. The only one who kept Matt Matlock from being the top guy in SEF is Matt Matlock and until you learn to accept that your gonna be bitched out and beaten down and I got no problem whooping your ass ya little fucking asshole! Oh yea, ya say I'm gona run your ass down, well so fucking what? You got a problem with someone ripping into your worthless, pathetic punk ass, well fuck off then!
He slams down his beer and tosses the empty, then Ares brings his feet off the cooler and reaches into it pulling a new beer out and cracks it open. He takes a drink and says.
Now Lacey, honey, you think beating you was a fluke, well then when I win on Monday I guess you'll realize there has been no fluke win in my career at all. I whooped your ass a few weeks ago and I got no problem doing it again, hell honey, I told ya whenever you had the guts to get your rematch you got it and you could have named the match. Instead ya got another title, ya went after someone else, ya stayed away from me until management decided to give your rematch, now my win is a fluke, uh uh baby. Just like last time your gonna be left on your back and not even in the same way your used to being when the red light comes on. Your gonna be knocked the fuck out thanks and that's all I got to say about your skank ass!
He guzzles down his beer tossing the empty can away, then pulls a jug of moonshine from under his chair and uncorks the top, takes a big slug and corks it shut. He sets it down and grabs a new beer cracking it open and takes a drink, then says.
Knox O'Bannon, you and Lacey seem to be friends, your wife is the link between you too and you have worked together recently showing unity, but Lacey wants more gold or so it seems. You gotta be wanting some gold of your own, getting hungry, but coming after my gold, my TV Title, your biting off way more than you can chew son. Monday Night I plan to drive my ass into that fucking arena and I don't give a shit if I end up losing, but you all better believe me that I will be fighting to keep my title, but I'll be looking to hurt all of you or at least one of you so bad you just may have to take a week or two off. Last Sunday I had management arrest me, not a first for me, hell, I did something real dumb back in DOGG and had my career ended when I went to prison for fourteen months, had several months added on for fighting and homicide because not one day or night in there did I ever get raped. Instead I fought my ass off and even killed to prevent that from happening. Getting arrested and put back behind bars, even for that one night, it made something snap and now I'm out for someone's blood. Since Sly is pretty much of f limits I guess its you Knox or maybe its gonna be Lacey or hell, maybe Matlock or maybe all three of you lowlife sacks of fucking shit are gonna bet whooped to hell and back again by the Defiant fucking God that is me!
He stands up slamming down his beer, tosses the empty away and reaches down grabbing a new one, cracks it and takes a drink. Ares sits down and says.
Ya all can run me down all you like, call me every name or label with every stereotype there is and whatever may happen to be true I'll admit to it cause I don't really care. What you better be labeling me as is an ass kicker, a fucking wrestler who will give you the goddamn match of your fucking miserable life or else your gonna be in for a real rude awakening when I get my hands one ach one of you and beat you bloody. Lacey, Matt, Knox, just like the last few beers your all gonna down easy, but I'm throw you down as hard as I fucking can whooping your ass like only I can and that's all I got to say, so get the fuck outta here!
Ares jumps up guzzles down his beer, then throws the can at the camera which backs off now. He drinks from his jug again and is seen getting a new beer, then the view fades to black.

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