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The Arrival of the Pyromaniac Queen(ALL READ)

Started by Midnight, October 02, 2023, 04:47:25 PM

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Date Posted:04/09/2010 5:27 PMCopy HTML

The arena was dead silent when suddenly the fire alarm goes off in the building.  The sprinklers in the ceiling start pouring water down to the floor while Pyretta can be heard laughing her ass off. Security comes rushing over as Pyretta runs away cackling. She runs down the hall until run right smack into Samantha Winters who was on her way to interview Pyretta about why she came to SEF. Pyretta and Sam fell on their asses, while Pyretta cursed her.
"Yo bitch...watch where your going..you fucking slut!"
Samantha looks up and sees the woman she is suppose to interview and appologies.
"I..I'm sorry Ms. Blaze."
Pyretta whips out her lights and flicks it so the flame comes out. She gets a sick grin to her face.
"How'd you like to be burned alive right here, right now bitch? Huh?"
Sam backs up and gets a fearful look on her face as she pleads to Pyretta not to do it.
"Please..I am sorry Ms Blaze. I didn't bump you on purpose. I was on my way to find you to see why you are here. That is all. Please don't set me on fire. It won't happen again..promise!"
Pyretta blows out the flame and then shoves the lighter back in her top and then grabs Sam by the shirt.
"I came because my cousin Ravyn needed me. I came to take care of a few problems..namely LACEY! Lacey...if your watching this girly...I come for your title and I come to set you on fire and show the world why I am not to be taken lightly."
Pyretta throws Sam to the floor, whips out her light and flicks the wick, causing it to flame on. She then get real close with it, shoving it in Sam's face as she grins.
"Next time we meet..YOU had better show me respect whore!..NOW SCRAM!"
Sam gets up fast and books it out of the area as Pyretta laughs her ass off. The scene fades off to black.


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Re:The Arrival of the Pyromaniac Queen(ALL READ)
Date Posted:04/09/2010 5:45 PMCopy HTML

A voice calls out. Pyretta jerks her head to where the voice came from as Ravyn, her cousin comes close by her.
Pyretta sees her cousin and runs up to him, standing at attention and waiting for his next order.
"At ease."
She relaxes a bit as Ravyn continues.
"What took you so long Pyra? You know that I am a very impatient man. I do not tolerate insubordination whatsoever."
"Yes cousin. But I have good reason."
"And that is?" he said cocking his eyebrow.
"My contract. I had to wait for a bit longer to make sure things was settled first."
"Alright. I will let that one go..but next time..be here on time..got it?"
"Yes Ravyn."

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