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I'm Just Better

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 04:48:41 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:05/09/2010 12:14 PMCopy HTML

The view opens inside of a gym, kinda dark and dank, no windows and a ring in the middle good ol' school equipment being used by a few guys in there, wrestlers, boxers, and various other fighters. We see Thor in the ring with a couple guys coaching them it looks like while spotting Rob Rocco working out on a heavy bag, throwing some kicks and punches, sweat pouring down his head. His grey sleeveless shirt soaked in sweat. He wears black boxer type of shorts and sneakers with white socks, moves quick and fast rocking the bag back and forth. After several minutes he slows down and soon stops with one hard punch about chest level, then backs off and bends down grabbing a bottle of water. Rob takes a small drink, then looks to the camera nodding and walks over to a dumbbell rack and leans against it, then takes another small drink of water and says.
Ravyn Crow, you better train a lot harder and a lot better if you think you can match me in the ring tomorrow night because while I admit you got the size over me, your weak ring skills don't compare to me and I'll tie up and make you tap before you can even think about how to get a hold of me. And you may want to spend less time worrying about what my cousin Rick had to say and more time focused on just what I can do or your quickly gonna find out the hard way when your tapping out or getting knocked out. You want to end my career, please, you're a joke Ravyn, your all time you've ever been in SEF has been a waste of this companies time because all you ever do is come in here like recently and lay claim to being dark or being real, whatever flavor of the month ya go for at the time. You try hype yourself up as this big, badass and always come off as a weakling, as a worthless nobody. Hell, Shane Mack carried your ass here and you still couldn't get over, so end my career, maybe in your dreams!
He smirks and takes a drink of water, then says.
Too bad for you I live in reality and you have no chance of ending my career, so you better shoot for a more realistic goal or else your gonna fail. Beating a big man like you will not be an easy task for me, I accept that, I know how it is to be one of the smaller men in a match which is why I already stated I can out wrestle and I have proven that for years here in SEF. I wasn't always great in the ring, but I stuck with it because I love this business and one day I want to do what both of my cousins have done, become the SEF World Heavyweight Champion. I know how to take down big men Ravyn, so passing me off as someone you can easily take out is a mistake you will pay for, mark my words son, your going down and your gonna find out that you can't keep up with me. I will wrestle circles around you and fly around you and pick you apart, break you down and simply break you!
Rob gets full of some intensity now and snarls a little as he says.
Your nothing special Ravyn, just another poser, another dark lord wannabe trying to rip off an original in this business who will never be duplicated, especially by some joke like you. You better bring your bitch Pyretta with you too because remember, The Triad are closer than brothers, so you fuck with one of us you fuck with all of us!
He takes a drink of water calming down now and says.
Face facts Ravyn, your barking up the wrong tree coming after any one of us, your in for a world of misery, a world of pain you have no idea about. Go ahead, spew your nonsense about darkness, try to claim something that has nothing to do with this business, act like your immortal, like your so great, but the problem is that no one buys it, no one gives a shit about you because ya have yet to prove you can do anything at all. You can continues to talk shit about Rick, but it only shows your lack of focus and lack of intelligence. You're a pitiful excuse and shouldn't even be in a wrestling ring and you better be ready for your career to be over sooner than later because going against The Triad is a dead end road. We will end you Ravyn and send you crawling back to your pathetic cave or manor or whatever you wanna call it, your finished and its time for a little R and R to put you down for good!
Rob sets his bottle down and turns picking up a couple dumbbells, then starts curling them alternatively as the camera backs off and pans around seeing everyone still going about their training, so now we fade to black.

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