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Training with Pyretta(EXTREME 183)

Started by Midnight, October 02, 2023, 05:00:45 PM

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Date Posted:05/09/2010 11:19 AMCopy HTML

Ravyn and his cousin Pyretta was walking side by side down a long narrow hallway inside Blood Manor. They was heading for the dungeon where Ravyn has his ring set up for when him and the rest of the DSS would come over and practice. Ravyn stops and places a hand on a large stone, pushing it inward, causing a loud scrapping sound to emerge. A stone door opens up and inside is long winding steps leading downstairs to where there is a huge wrestling ring set up. Ravyn moves forward down the steps and Pyra follows him as the two of them are going to go over some new moves. Once downstairs, they make their way inside the ring and they both begin their bouncing around and stretching as Pyretta spoke.
"Seems Ricky boy doesn't think your worth anything. I say the Y2J wannabe doesn't know you well and know how things are done"
Ravyn chuckles.
"Rick can have diarreha of the mouth all he likes, that doesn't save him for a beating of his life from me. His cousin will suffer great pain, because I plan to end his career for GOOD!"
"Sounds like you got this well thought out cousin."
Ravyn circles his cousin and she does as well as the two of them lock up, one pushing forward on the other to see who is jocking for position. Ravyn moves swiftly and grabs Pyretta's arm and twists it, causing her to go down on one knee briefly before popping back up. Ravyn twist it again and then jerks it so she would be in more pain.
"Is that ALL you got dear cousin? I am still waiting for something new from you."
Ravyn reaches out and slaps her in the face hard while still holding on her twisted arm. Her face comes back and she sickly smiles at him.
"Is that what you was wanting Pyra?"
She smirks.


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Re:Training with Pyretta(EXTREME 183)
Date Posted:05/09/2010 1:17 PMCopy HTML

As Ravyn begins to throw Pyra to the ground and stomp on her arm, the intercom comes on and it's Carl the butler, who has a message for Ravyn.
"Master Ravyn...you might want to turn on the big screen tv and watch it. Mr. Rocco is talking shit about you."
"Thank you Carl. Come Pyra..let's see what this stupid boy has to say to me."
Ravyn and Pyretta slide out of the ring and hop over the couch and Ravyn flips on the tv. On it was Rob, who was speaking about Ravyn. Ravyn sat there and listened to what he was saying and suddenly acted like he was asleep. Pyra giggled at her cousin's sense of humor. Ravyn opens his eyes and speaks.
"Is it over? Is he done boring me to death with his kiddy threats?"
"Yeah..it's over cousin."
"GOOD! Now go get my camcorder..time to teach Robby boy a thing or two about mic skills..or lack of."
Pyretta gets the camcorder out and presses record. Ravyn ask if it was on and she nods yes. He speaks while relaxing on the couch.
"ROBBY BOY..HOW GOES IT FUCKER? Seems the shit your spewing seems to give you such assurance that your going to make me tap out or lose to you. NOT A FAT CHANCE! You see Robby, in case you miss the memo, let me remind you who I am. I am YOUR worst nightmare. I am death himself...I am the Vampiric Asshole! You claimed Shane carried my ass..but yet we never had not one single match..so get your fucking damn facts straight Rocco. Good for you if you love the business..because I came to destroy my opponents, not have a love fest with them. See you talk all this bullshit and bore people to death instead of proving it in the ring. And your talking about my skills? HA! I've seen your wrestling and it fucking blows..like your mother. Rocco.. come crunch time..me and you going in that ring..and I am walking out the victor. Your not walking out, but being carried on a stretcher after I snap your legs in half and crippled you for life. Your FATE rest in MY HANDS!"


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