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Not Gonna Let It Get To Him RP # 1

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, October 02, 2023, 05:09:39 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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Date Posted:11/09/2010 10:21 PMCopy HTML

Shane couldn't help, but laugh at Drake Sage's promo, but he is not Chris Jericho's love child. Cody and Shane are Chris Jericho's half siblings, and they had enough of people getting it wrong calling them something that they wasn't. He wasn't about to let it get to him at all, and he might not of won a match like Cody still he wasn't gonna give up that easy. His opponent don't know nothing about him, and underismating him is gonna end up being Drake's downfall in this match hopefully Shane will be able to pick up his first win. Brandy took their daughter Alexis to the doctor since she has a cold, and that means that he will have to go to the ring along. He looks at the camera as he starts talking.

Shane Jericho

Drake you really don't know anything about me, and I gonna set the record straight for the very last time. Cody and me are not Chris Jericho's love children cause we are his half siblings, and we are sick and tired of people getting it wrong. You know something undersimating me will end up being your down fall, so I haven't won a single match that don't mean anything just that I have to do a whole lot better. You will not end my career, and I will put up a fight. Is that the best you can come up with? I will not take it easy on you, and I got my own style that is different from my half brother. I am gonna show all the doubters wrong that I can make it here, and it starts with you. You will regret saying what you did about me, and we will see who comes out on top.

He takes off, and the show fades to black.

TBC: No One

End of role play

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