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Legacy RP 1

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 05:20:21 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:17/09/2010 2:58 PMCopy HTML

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inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Legacy.jpg The Legacy picture by pegasusfeds10
|| Roleplay ;;;;Heading ;;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy&The Infection/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;;Song ;;;;~Homies by ICP|| MComments ~ Wrote this last night. I have to work 14 hours tonight.  I'll work on my response to you rp tonight Chris. Expect it tommorow|
{We open on the Legacy's locker room somewhere. The girls are stretching, ready to head to the gym to work out.  Ash is taping his hands, gloves slung around his neck.  Justin looks to be texting.  He finally looks up.}
Justin:"You ready?"
{The girls continue stretching but Ash looks up as Justin stands up and walks over to the camera.}
Justin:"Someone actually emailed my site and asked me if I planned to quit now that Orton is back and gunning for me.  {Gracie snickers, alerting everyone to the fact that the girls are very much aware of their surroundings.  Justin glances back over his shoulder.}  "Funny how a slight concussion sends waves of panic through any one with even a little medical training in my family.  So I talked to Bill and asked him if it would be cool for me to sit out for a week if it was okay.  Either good or bad, we all got the Labor Day show off last week.  Although a lot of people are going to call me a pussy because I took time off after losing to Rick Reynolds in a Dog Fight that included, yes a run in from my opponent this week, Chris Orton.  It's sad, I know, but I have more respect for Orton than I do Reynolds.  Reynolds' run ins are all based on sheer cowardice.  Orton's was and usually are about sending a message.  He can get to anyone at anytime for whatever slight they may have caused him.  My past relationship with Lacey Daniels and the subsequent outing of said relationship the past few weeks that he has been gone are more than enough to irritate a man with a temper like Orton's.  Then again, some people may think I took Lacey's virginity, something that would seriously piss off a man like Orton who is very possessive and doesn't like other people to touch "his things."  Did I pop Lacey's cherry?  It would be very vindictive for me to say no, that even a man as well endowed as myself got lost in the cavern like folds of her labia, but that would be both..."

{Justin glances back at her and she rolls her eyes at him.}
Justin:"That would be a lie and very disrespectful to Lacey and myself.  Whatever Lacey has become in her personal life she may act like a slut to fool people but she really isn't.  So yes, I believe I was the first person that Lacey slept with and I mention that because I know it will probably get under Chris' skin that he isn't the possessor of some great secret.  He can be gotten to, just like any other man.  Now he's been off with a serious knee injury to find me pretty damn close to the spot that he vacated in his absence.  Maybe he views my rise through the ranks from a relative nobody to one of the top contenders, previously a number one contender to the SEF title in the past eight months that I have been here.  That may not be a fast rise but a consistent one.  One day I will be the SEF champion, under the right circumstances I could have been two weeks ago but for now, I have to deal with Chris' jealous paranoia over Lacey, who has clearly stated, as have I that nothing is going on.  If I can beat Chris, then my standing in SEF history is even more secure that my previous reign as SEF International Champion.  Unless Orton has faced Mack then I could be the single biggest challenge that he has ever faced." {Justin's cell phone pings with the sound of a gong and he walks over to it, and smiles.} "I'm downloading your matches now from Itunes, Chris.  I'll be ready Sunday night.  I suggest you do the same.  I'm sure Lacey knows where to find my match archives."
{The camera focuses on the girls.  Both girls are dressed in pink and white.  Maegan has her hair French braided and Gracie has her hair in a cute pony tail that makes her look even younger than her twenty years.}
Gracie:"I don't have much to say on the majority of my opponents.  Christina and Jessica are two competitors that I are fairly unknown to me.  However my third opponent and I go way back for years.  There is not much that I can say about Dusty that I haven't already said.  The basics still remain the same.  We hate each other, have hated each other for years, we'll probably die not having settled our animosity, and we have not shed enough of the other's blood to satisfy the other.  Only now, I have even more reason to beat your skull in.  Our baby sister recently turned 18 and graduated high school.  Even though she went out of the way to get you seats on the other side of the auditorium away from the rest of the family, you failed to show.  Your tickets were never picked up.  Even though she receieved graduation and birthday presents that suposedly from you and Knox, even she wasn't foolish enough to believe that you really went to the trouble to buy them for her.  She is no longer delusioned with the fact that you give a damn about anyone else except your small circle of friends.  For this is now a major reason why she is fighting with my mother and your father about going to college.  Even though her whole point of taking home school courses over the summer to get early graduation was so she could go to college with Emma this fall.  You ruined apart of her dream.  She's thinking of coming up here to face you in the only place you seem to acknowledge anyone other than your clique.  I would love to see her take you."
Justin:"She's not coming up here.  Stop encouraging her."
{Grace turned to Justin, something passed between them before Grace turned back to the camera}
Gracie:"I am not discounting you other girls, Jessica and Christina.  The next few days I'll be checking your histories out. I'd hate to lose because I was hellbent on destroying my step-sister."
Maegan:"Speaking of destroying people, I finally get what I've been asking for.  The past several weeks I've been practically begging to get Lacey inside a Hell In a Cell cage and its finally happened.  Getting a shot at the SEF International title is just icing on the cake.  I've noticed that since Chris has been back that you've been deceptively quiet.  Catching up on all the booty that you missed while he was gone.  It would be foolish to me that despite the Sex Capades to forget the fact that its just an excuse to get people to be lulled into a false sense of security.  I'm sure you're in bed quite a bit but you're probably more in the gym with Chris being back than you were before.  {Ash and Rage snickers.  She responds without missing a beat} To train, honestly, not everyone is as pervy as you about location.  You know most people actually go to the gym without getting kinky thoughts about gym equipment.  {to Rage} Or as juvenile in regards to keeping track of a conversation.  Anyway, Lacey, I know that you will use any excuse to learn some kinda of trick to use in the ring againist an opponent so you can get the upper hand.  A Hell in A Cell Cage is pretty closed in, Lacey.  I wonder if you are going to put your money where your mouth is.  You like to use Knox and Dusty to ensure your victory, even though you claim history speaks for itself when it comes to beating people by yourself.  Yet, I've watched matches from the past and you have not had many opponents that you find quality either by your arrogance or by their own status within SEF.  Now that Bethany is back, it makes me wonder if your abuse of Megan will be avenged by Bethany....I think that's her mother or her sister....I don't know.  I never really had the opportunity to get to know her much less earn her confidence.  I just know that Bethany's reputation as being a really tough chick precedes her and if I wronged anyone she held even the tiniest positive regard then I'd watch my back.  So many factors to consider in our war Lacey.  You had a match last week and I had the week off.  That can be taken in so many ways.  But to be clear to everyone and this includes you Justin, I asked for all of us to have time off.  We've been trying to carry the show and some, like the Triad or now the Dangerous Corporation? Is that what they are called?  They would say that we are not trying hard enough.  Now with this mini-vacation that we were given we are revitalized.  Something that I desperately needed to make sure that I have my mind right for a match of this magnitude.  The SEF International Title  Match; two competitors who know each other very well and despise each other so much battling it out inside a Hell in a Cell.  A match of this proportion has a slight ring of finality to it, but we both know better, don't we, Lacey?  The Dynasty Divas and The Fighting Foxes' feud will never end.  It will just be picked up by another extension of us.  My step-daughter and Dusty's daughter maybe and so on.  So much blood has been shed, yet so much more will be shed.  I know that we are both to stubburn to give up to any normal submission unless we have been to hell and back.  Hell in a Cell for the International title is more likely to end by knockout rather than any other form of victory.  Are you ready for that?"
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