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Started by Midnight, October 02, 2023, 05:42:50 PM

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Date Posted:18/09/2010 6:38 PMCopy HTML

"Mouth of War" by Pantera began to play as the fans in the arena begin to wonder who is coming out. Ravyn,Nikky,Johnny,Bethany,Pyretta and a mystery female that is dressed in all black and wearing a ski mask, all come out from behind the curtains. They all stand in a line and raise their fists up and then they come walking down the ramp towards the ring. They all slide in the ring and then Ravyn grabs a mic and talks.
Ravyn: So Rick..tell me. Did you ever get cured at the doctors for that diarrhea of the mouth sydrome you have?? Because you mouth just constantly runs and runs and runs. All you do is talk talk talk. I haven't seen you step to me and show me you mean business.
The fans cheer.
Ravyn: You see this group right here..we are the newly formed NEW...WORLD....SLAUGHTER! Our goal...take you out and the rest of DC any way we can. If we have to start from the bottom of your crew, then so be it..but we are not going to go away quietly. And we refuse to back down from a Y2J reject fucker. As for Mack..I am sure if Mack wasn't at home retired and living life..I am damn sure he would be ripping you a new asshole..but that is what I think and I can't speak for him. But I will offer Mack a spot here in the nWs so he can get his revenge on you and show the world that he can still prove he's the top asshole of SEF.
The fans start chanting NWS.
Ravyn: Now you might be wondering who is this female behind the ski mask and let me tell you, it is a returning SEF diva who called me up and told me she wanted to come back and join our fight against DC. So I said sure..why not.
Pyretta gets on the mic and speaks.
Pyra: DC..your fucking going to burn in hell when the nWs gets ahold of you. We are going to smoke that ass and set your whole world ablazed. We all are going to make you wish you didn't fuck with us.
Bethany gets handed the mic.
Beth: You know Rick..it's really simple asshole. You pissed off the wrong people. And that is not good for you and your pathentic goons. You see..I'm the Psychopathic Bitch..I am really fond of hurting people..I enjoy it ALOT.
Nikky gets on mic.
Nikky: You sonsofbitches..think you can just takeover..well fuck you...we ain't about to bow down to some pussy ass bitches who couldn't whip their ass. You punks are weak and we are the future of this company..not you dickwads.
Johnny: Now Rick..you must think we give a damn about what you think of us..cause we don't. What we care about is putting you boys down. And when your crew gets put down..there isn't anything you fucknuts going to do to come back.
Ravyn gets back on.
Ravyn: Boys...Rick...it's like this...if you step to us and knock us down..we get back up..you put us out..we bounce back. You try to destroy us and we come back meaner and more nastier then ever. We are the nWs. This is our house..and we are the ones now calling the shots. You want us..come get us..you want to run mouths..we will bust them. Take heed to our warning DC..fuck with us...and we..(raises their mics) SLAUGHTER YOU!!
They drop the mics and then Mouth of War plays as the scene fades out.

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