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---I Don't Need Effort To Beat You---

Started by Matt Matlock, October 02, 2023, 05:49:24 PM

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Matt Matlock

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  • Rank:Rookie
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Date Posted:19/09/2010 3:45 PMCopy HTML

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Ah, you see. Now I was getting what I deserved. Last week I had a shot at the Television Title, but I ended up on the losing end despite not being involved in the decision. Ares got smart and decided to go for the weakest link, and considering it was a Fatal Four-Way, I couldn't blame him. This week? There's only three, and he still has me to worry about. This other guy, Thor? He's not concerned with the Television Title. He's only concern is to hurt Ares on behalf of his cousin. Why on Earth would they be concerned with little ol' me?

Fact is, I've done just as much if not more for this company then either man. And like I've said before, I am the uncrowned champion of SEF. I was proclaimed SEF Champion, but given the XCW Championship belt. I'm here to rectify that, and the Television Championship is a good place to start. But I don't need effort to win this.

The truth is, I've already won.

Ares, Ares. You don't get it yet, do you?

The cameras fade in now, and find me outside the Sports Arena. It's a clear evening, as the sun is starting to set. I'm not getting ready for the match, not just yet. As a matter of fact I'm standing there in my main street attire, a black leather jacket with a gold cross around my neck, and a ring on my right hand. But street attire or not, you can tell I still mean business.

I've been sitting back all week long, just waiting to see what you would have to say. Some people are gonna say I'm back to just the way I used to be, because I haven't shown my ugly face until now. Fact of the matter Ares is I know I have this match won already. You know you can't take me Ares. Last week you could've just shut my mouth completely and pinned me inside the ring. But you didn't. You took the easy way out of that match, and ensured your title would stay with you because you knew you couldn't pin me. You knew that wouldn't happen. So now you have to face me again, but now the only way to avoid me is to go right for Thor. A monster of a man, who's primary concern seems to be to hurt you, decimate you, and leave you broken in the ring. So either you go for the man you know you can't pin, or go for the monster who wants you dead.

Seems the odds are against the so-called "Defiant God" tonight. But they are in favor of me, the uncrowned champion of SEF.

A grin now. Everyone grins but only I grin in that way that makes your skin crawl, and makes you want to come and castrate me. Admit it, you hate me. I look around the area, taking in a breath of fresh air, and then resume speaking, though with my gaze shifted off to the right a bit.

Maybe you should go on the run Ares. Go on the run like a fugitive, and cause some trouble. Seems to be what you're good at. Don't get me wrong here. I've always been one for causing trouble, and taking the anti-authority route like you do. But I'm not stupid enough to lay my hands on the boss. But go on. Go after Frankie, or Sly. Go after them because they supposedly "wronged" you. Makes it a lot easier for me to just walk in and beat Thor for your belt. Oh don't worry big man. I'll get to you. Be patient.

Fucking destroy me Ares? Please, give it a try fucker, I dare you! You couldn't destroy me within a DOGG Fight six years ago, you couldn't destroy me last week either. Shane Mack? He failed. DeeJay George? He failed. David Blade? Scorpion? Viper? Whitney? They all failed! Did they beat me? Yes. But I'm still here, aren't I? Some bald headed redneck who thinks he's the baddest man on the planet isn't going to be able to do what no one else could do. You can call "bitch" all you want, but after all this time I'm still here kicking your ass, aren't I?

A turn back to the camera now, as it gets closer. Not so much a grin now, but a rather plain expression, eyebrows narrowed, no shape to the mouth.

Ever since I came back to SEF I've had twice the passion that I had my first time through. I've grown up a lot and learned a lot in my time away. I stepped it up enough to take that belt away from ya last week, until you punked out and like I said earlier, took the easy way out! Because Ares doesn't have the balls to take out Matt Matlock. He has to take out General Managers to get his point across, right?

I'll admit, I made a mistake. All these years I thought Cyclus was you with a different name. After all, you two looked a lot alike. But hey, no problem, I have no problem admitting to a mistake. Thing was Cyclus had a lot more talent then you do.

There is ALWAYS something to stop you Ares. No man in this business can say there's nothing that can stop them, because at some point they get stopped. In your case Ares, Matlock will be the one to stop you. I realize who I'm facing. I've looked into your beady little eyes and seen exactly the same  thing I've seen in everyone else's eyes over the years. A little twinge of self-doubt. No matter who you are and what you do, what you've accomplished, there's always a tiny part of you that makes you wonder if you're gonna come out on top. I saw that in your eyes Ares, and I know you won't admit to it. But hell, I don't care. I've felt an asswhooping to last a lifetime, hell I've taken asswhoopings for most of my life! It's over for you Ares, come Extreme. And it won't take much effort from me to do it.

I bring my hand up to my mouth now, clearing my throat. Talking about a scumbag like Ares can clog one's throat a bit. I look back to the camera now.

And then we have the mighty Thor. God of blunder, am I right? All kidding aside Thor, I know you don't want me in this match. Hell this was supposed to be just you and Ares, and then I got added in. Lucky me, right? I know you're doing the bidding of your cousin Rob, or maybe Reynolds himself, who knows? Ares has let it be known he's after the Dangerous Corporation, and I've let Reynolds know the main reason I'm back in SEF, is for his belt. He can do whatever the fuck he wants for now, but sooner rather then later, he's going to have to face me. So hell, maybe Thor you want to take out two birds with one stone? Take out two threats to your buddy Reynolds at the same time?

But I'll make it easy for you. I know Rick ain't going to give me a title shot anytime soon. You want Ares you can have him. Just walk in there and kick his ass, and let me pick up the pieces. You don't care about titles, you don't care about winning or losing. You just want to break someone in two, right? So you do that, but leave the belt for me. I don't care if you're a former champion or not, I know I can beat you. So if you want to go back to your buddies without a concussion, and you want to go back there having done your job, then stay the fuck out of my way. Because you step up to me in this match and I'll make sure not even your own cousin Rob Rocco will want to look at you again. Just a fair warning.

I doubt I need to put forth much more effort. So I'll leave it at that. Just don't make me have to work harder then necessary boys. You don't want ol' Matlock pissed off, do you?

With that, I arch an eyebrow in the air and laugh, before walking out of the scene. Tonight? The Television Championship comes back to my waist, the first step for SEF's Uncrowned Champion, regaining his crown. The scene fades.


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