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Maegan and Gracie rp 2

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 05:50:37 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:19/09/2010 3:46 PMCopy HTML

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inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Legacy.jpg The Legacy picture by pegasusfeds10
|| Roleplay ;;;;Heading ;;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy&The Infection/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;;Song ;;;;~Homies by ICP|| MComments ~ Wrote this last night. I have two that I wrote for each person i think.
{Maegan finishes working out.  Gracie is setting up a camera for the two of them.  It's obviously recording while she sets it on the tripod to focus it}
Gracie:"Where the hell are the other women in this company?  Bethany makes a few comments about her return but I do not believe that any other female besides the two of us have even mentioned working Extreme."
Maegan:"Your two newbie opponents Jessica and Christina are probably still getting used to the way things are going around here.  As for Dusty?  Who knows?  Maybe Tate killed her and Knox both.  It could be one of the reasons Lacey hasn't said anything.  She's mourning the loss of her surrogate family while in the afterglow of having Chris back."
{Gracie snickers}
Gracie:"Lacey we can be sure has Chris wrapped around her finger.  He could be training her privately for your Hell in A Cell match.  If I'm lucky then Dusty will use all of this training that she claims to be doing to actually try to win a match without help from Knox and Lacey.  I don't know how she can be Josh's kid and have no sense of pride."
{Maegan giggles}
Maegan:"You ever noticed that Josh's kids are all super confident, stubborn, and if pushed can be damn near arrogant with pride?"
Gracie:"Lucas was way past "near" arrogant.  He was insane with it.  Dusty is another animal entirely."
Maegan:"Barnyard variety?"
Gracie:"Besides that, {she is barely holding back her laughter}  "I was speaking theoretically.  Justin, Jagger, Gabby, Payton, The Twins, {shakes his head} "They all bust their asses to be good at their desires and they have the confidence and pride in all of their hard work.  Dusty goes out there, gives a half ass perfomance, Knox and Lacey swarm out to take the win for her, and then nothing.  She gloats over the victory but she never really earns anything.  The only thing that she shows pride in is the fact that she landed Knox as a husband."
{Maegan shrugs}
Maegan:"He's no great catch."
{Gracie frowns}
Gracie:"His attitude sucks, his efforts here are that of a major asshole, but previously?"
Maegan:"How many times do we get bitched at about how past achievements don't matter?  When in SEF only SEF matters.  Which is why I plan on tearing Lacey apart for the International title.  I could hold every title in my brother's company, go undefeated for a year in all divisions with clean wins, and despite being impressive and quite possibly unbelievable, no one would give a damn in SEF.  However beating Lacey Daniels in a Hell in A Cell for the International Title with no outside interference?  That would be impressive.  That would mean something."
Gracie:"You're right.  I actually ejoy being put in matches that have more than one competitor, but with one fall only.  I actually like the challenge presented by having to study more than one person's ring work and preparing for the unknown.  It makes me feel better about myself when I can walk out of a match and say I beat three bad ass competitors rather than saying I fought my step-sister again.  Her husband hit me with something and she capitalized on my disorientation.  I honestly about ready to say screw it, go to Sly and ask for some kind of final match with serious stipulations like a Japanese Death Match or a Prison Yard just so I can get past this rivalry with Dusty.  I'm never going to advance to be able to challenge Ares for the television title if I can end this with her.  I haven't had a title shot in SEF yet.  I may never get that chance if I have to contend with Dusty week in and week out."
Maegan:"Maybe at the next ppv you can get a match like that where the winner gets a shot at the t.v. title.  {she grins wickedly.}  Once we both have titles we can rub it in their faces about those fake tag belts they have."
Gracie:"Okay, team battles are still go.  Based on the sheer bogus nature of those belts.  I can't believe that they still carry those things."

Maegan:"Well, Lacey and Dusty are our problem this week as usual.  We have been battling them since we showed up here.  Maybe SEF has a Survivor Series kind of thing.  Justin can lead us and Orton can lead them.  {she pauses and then looks up at Grace} "You know I hate to say it again, but really our problems with them are never going to be over.  We're related.  Something is always going to come up."
{Gracie sighs}
Gracie:"I know.  A brief respite would be nice.....so would a different opponent on Extreme would too."
{The door to the gym opens and they both get defensive.  They relax as they see its Ash.  Gracie goes back to the Eclipical machine.}

Ash:"Okay Maegs, that's enough.  Tonight, we are going out.  Carry your ass back for a shower."
Maegan:"I got to prepare for my match with Lacey."
Ash:"Enough for one day.  I got needs Woman."
{Maegan giggles as Ash picks her up over his shoulder and carries her to the locker room area.}
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!


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