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Justin Extreme rp 2

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 05:54:42 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:19/09/2010 3:51 PMCopy HTML


inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Legacy.jpg The Legacy picture by pegasusfeds10
|| Roleplay ;;;;Heading ;;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy&The Infection/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;;Song ;;;;~Homies by ICP|| MComments ~ Wrote this last night. Lacey what did I tell you about crawling around in my head?
{Justin looks down as an automated version of Chris Orton's promo hits his phone.  He's wearing a Tarnished Legacy t-shirt and a pair of ice blue workout shorts.  An automated voice comes on and 'reads' Orton's promo}
||Chris Orton: This jerkoff been messing with Lacey Daniels who is my girlfriend, and he should know the past whatever they had is over, so Lacey Daniels is wearing a promise ring which I gave her. I plan on marrying her when the time is right, so what that means she is mine not his anymore. He wants to come back get in the ring with me on "Extreme" tonight, so I will put him down for good he's history.||
{Justin frowns}
Justin:"I know a grown man doesn't talk like that.  I need to update my program.  It's dropping punctuation and making no sense.  {he starts scrolling through and taps the voice command key} "Chris Orton's Extreme 184 promo."
{Ash walks up as Justin's phone pings}
Ash:"Why do you want to hear that garbage?"
{Justin raises an eyebrow at him with an amused look}
Justin:"I need to know if he really talks like a cave man or if my sim program is dropping punctuation and syntax."
Ash:"Whatever man, I'm outta here.  It's Saturday night so I gotta get Maegan out of the gym.  I would like sometime with my wife before she really gets busy being a champion around here.  Later."
{They bump fists}
Justin:"Take it easy.  {Justin watches Orton's short promo and shakes his head} "Pathetic.  You know Chris, its well and good to be jealous of people looking at your women the wrong way but in case you haven't noticed that we talked before you left and it was MY wife who had the problem.  That's why I ended the friendship.  Not the other way around.  Oh, not to mention a stupid kid sending playboys and panties to me claiming that they we Lacey's.  I should have known that they weren't Lacey's.  Rage said that they said some generic brand, some chick he knew from MEPS that he banged wore.  Apparently a brand they sell at Wal-Mart or something.  You and I both know Chris that Lacey won't wear anything that's not couture.  Victoria Secret'st probably the cheapest lingurie she wears.  Anyway, (he grins) you need to get your panties out of a bunch.  In case you haven't realized I was 15 and s he was 18.  Yeah, she's still hot and I do love brunettes but you're forgetting quite a lot.  Number 1, I'm married.  Yeah, I might be only 22 but you don't know me.  You don't know how I was raised from an early age to be responsible and to some extent I had to mature early.  Knox will probably fill your head with all kinds of bullshit about how I had to take care of mother because she couldn't take care of herself.  You'll probably twist that into something bad.  Actually, my mom worked herself to the bone if not for me, and later Gracie she probably would have worked herself into starvation.  If she wasn't with us then she'd work and drink coffee, but she's hypoglycemic so that would make her sick since she didnt eat.  She'd lose all sense of time, first finishing college and law school, later starting her own business with two of her best friends that is now a multibillion dollar sports marketing firm.  I was young and I felt the need to take care of her until my dad and step-dad decided I needed to be a kid.  Dedication and training?  Sure, I know that you busted your ass to get back here but you also neglected Lacey. Which is partly why rumors started that maybe we were seeing each other.  Did I go see her at the gym one day?  Yeah, we used to talk on the phone, and on occassion we'd work out together if we were in the same gym.  Then all kinds of bullshit stories got started.  It caused my wife problems with her pregnancy.  So you what? You want to make bullshit accusations about me and act like I don't understand what a promise ring is?  {Justin holds up his left hand where his wedding ring is clearly visible}  "You obviously don't understand what this means either.  Considering I've only had four serious relationships, Lacey included, then it may appear that I'm not the dog that you are.  Sure I plowed my way through plenty a maiden in my time.  {He smiled} I can't say I didn't destroy the virtue of many a Chinese Maiden while I was hiding out in Hong Kong before Katana set me straight but as far as being serious?  I know what that means.  You may have age on me, Orton and maybe more accumlated experience than me but don't miscontrue my age with lack of experience.  This coming Halloween will mark seven years that I have been active in the adult ranks, not to mention the fact that my dad started a junior division when I was seven that allowed kids to compete until they were 17, in age division segregated battles.  So I'm history, eh?  Funny, Knighthawk actually planned to physically end my life.  {he looks around, the camera following him realizing that they are backstage in this week's home for Extreme} DO you see him around here?  What about his freak brother?  No.  They are not here.  What about Mr. Sterling?  Who claimed that he was going to take both Ash and I out?  He and his girl are both gone.  {he smirks} JC told me he stomped his ass pretty good in another company but not SEF.  {grins}  It's pretty interesting that when people come to SEF and claim that they won't to end my career or kill me that they end up losing to me before disappearing off the roster.  True, they were lackluster competitors with no real dedication.  Speaking of no dedication, my own brother wanted to end me.  I know you know him.  He's no longer here either.  {he holds his arms out wide}  "I'm still standing here, a member of the SEF roster.  Even if you beat me Sunday night, it won't be the end of my career.  I have my whole life ahead of me, not just professionally but personally.  I have a wife who loves me, who's about to make me a father.  We'll hire a nanny when the kids are old enough to travel and she'll be back on the road with me.  Ready to lay waste to any woman's bullshit claim that I tried to stalk her or in anyway tried to compromise relationships with their partner or my wife.  {He snickers} My wife is cocky enough to walk up and smack you right across your smug face too and she'd be willing to accept the consequences too.  Granted, I'd never let you lay a hand on her but she'd be willing to put herself in that situation.  She's a pretty tough woman normally.  Eventually, she will be back and she wants Lacey with a passion.  You think the war Lacey and Maegan have is heating up?  You have no idea how much hatred Katana has for Lacey, now.  She used to be an annoyance.  Someone she felt had a swelled head and an overindulged sense of importance.  This whole ruse that I would abandon my pregnant wife for Lacey has pushed her past mere annoyance into blind hatred.  I see mixed tag matches in our future, Orton.  May the best couple win."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!

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