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Gonna Make An Impact RP # 1

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, October 02, 2023, 06:03:32 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:23
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  • From:USA 
  • Register:11/11/2008 7:48 AM
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Date Posted:22/09/2010 6:22 PMCopy HTML

Cody might have lost last week, but that didn't shake him at all. He knows he will make a name for himself one of these days as it could be when he takes on Nikky Venom, and he takes a deep breath as he is standing backstage. He looks up at the camera, and starts talking.

Cody Jericho

I really wasn't effected by losing last week still I gave it my best shot like I said I would, and I am gonna make a name for myself no matter what anyone says cause I won't be giving up at all. I am facing Nikky Venom, and I am gonna show him that getting in the ring with me is gonna be bad for his health. I will prove my point in this match, and there is nothing he can do about it. I am more prepared this week then I was last week, and I want this more cause I won't stay down for anyone. I came back for more, and I am gonna entertain you wonderful fans no matter what happens in this match I will still be here. Nikky I am really looking forward to this match with you, and one of us will walk out as the winner.

He walks off, and the show fades to black.

TBC: No One

End of role play

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