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Ain't No Doubt That I'm A Whoop More Ass

Started by Jake Voss, October 02, 2023, 06:09:34 PM

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Jake Voss

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Date Posted:24/09/2010 7:06 PMCopy HTML

Its Friday night and we find the resident beer drinking, ass whooping, TV Champion that is Ares kicked back in the back of his pickup out in the woods, a small fire with a few people sit around it, but we just focus on Ares who slams down some beer, drops the empty grabs a new one from his cooler. He sneers as he cracks it open, takes a drink and now says.
Matlock, if you looked in my beady fucking eyes and saw self doubt you must be blind or tripping son cause you'll see in these cold blooded eyes is the man who is gonna kick your ass yet again cause Sunday night we may be forced to team together and I know, I fucking know, we should work together or neither one of us will walk out with the gold. I say fuck that, if I'm gonna get screwed over I'm a whoop as much ass as I can and it starts with yours you pathetic piece of shit!
Ares slams down his beer and tosses the can away, then jumps to his feet sneering down at the camera saying.
I will agree with that bitch Rob Rocco with what he had to say regarding you Matt. About how you like to bitch and whine that you had shit taken away from you yet you never even earned it in the first place because with all the power being pushed behind you ya failed to even pick that goddamn ball up, ya just deflated it and made the era of Matlock one of the worst eras in SEF history and that is a fact son. Matt, ya only wish ya could have done what I have done here in SEF, in DOGG even, you can only dream kid cause your no talent, opportunity wasting ass isn't getting shit, not even my TV Title. When people think of Matt Matlock they think of mediocre, mid card, coulda been something great, but wasted too many chances, so now look at you, bitter and ignorant to the truth, can't even accept you're a nobody in SEF. Two weeks ago I didn't pin you, your correct there son, but taking the easy way out, nah, I simply ended the match when I thought I could and did just that and what about last week kid, when I pinned you directly?
A slight smirk shows now, but he just kinda sneers as well and says.
Face it son, your nothing special and nobody worth a damn and I have to team with you and even if I win I could lose the gold, so like I said I'm a whoop your ass and then unload all hell on Rob and Axel whether they beat me or not, hell, champions advantage is on our side Matt and I got backup, so fuck you and fuck the DC, this is a war, not a match, not about a title shot, it's a fucking war and Matt, like I said, you are a casualty and Rob, Axel, you two may be the first victims of this war. Of course you probably got the DC all ready to hit the ring at the first sign of trouble, but who's to say I don't have my boys ready to kick some ass too?!
He grins now and reaches down grabbing a couple beers, then hops out of his truck cracking one and says.
Rob Rocco, you want my gold huh, your so hell bent on bringing more gold to the DC, ya all want it all, even if Axel has to take for himself, your indeed deadest on taking my title, well then you better be ready to take my goddamn life! I'm a show up like I show up every week, to whoop some fucking ass all over the arena and I will do that by god, I will kick every one you to hell and back. Rob, Axel, Matlock, the ref if he gets in my way or any cameraman!
He sneers now and the views backs up a little shaking some. Ares just smirks and takes a drink a beer, then says.
Don't worry kid, ya caught me in a good mood for I got a few friends over there, so if ya want, put down the camera, grab some beer, hell, bring my cooler over for me if ya want and we'll all kick back! As far as Sunday night goes, I don't know if I'll be able to hold on to my title for a third time, but rest assured if I do go down, someone is gonna get bloody besides me, hell, maybe all three of ya, even your big masked ass Axel, I don't care how big ya are, chairs take down anyone and so do title belts. See ya around boys!
He grins and sneers sorta, drinks up and heads over to the fire now and the cameraman grabs the cooler as he lowers the camera and fade to black.

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