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Can't kill what doesn't wish to perish!(Extreme)

Started by Midnight, October 02, 2023, 07:08:20 PM

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Date Posted:24/09/2010 10:15 PMCopy HTML

Ravyn and Pyretta was watching the monitor as Adam was spewing nonsense from his lips. Ravyn turns around and faces the camera along with his cousin Pyretta. Both of them laugh as Ravyn spoke.
Ravyn: You know..I swear you remind me of Wade Barrett the way you fucking spew bullshit from your mouth. Maybe your his twin brother or something. Anyways asshole. I think you insulting my cousin didn't do a bit of good. She doesn't give a fucking shit what you say to her..but come match time..you will have to deal with her in the ring and that will not be a pretty sight.
Pyretta chimes in and began to speak.
Pyretta: You know you got some brass balls motherfucker to be calling anyone ugly. Look at your nose..did a bus park on it or something? I would mind your tongue bitchboy..because I have a tendency to not be a very nice pyromaniac..you get what I am saying Wade..I mean Adam?
Ravyn: As far as you wife..dicknose...she doesn't scare me. As far as me being disboweled by you..Kiddo..I dare you to do that. In fact I will offer you a chance to try to snap me in half little man..because you couldn't do it. Why I say you would be too chicken shit to disbowel me. Because your a pussy and the fact your not tough at all twinkle toes. I have seen tougher wrestlers that would be way better then you on your best day. So you go ahead and try bitch and make me famous...because you can't kill what doesn't wish to perish!
Pyretta pulls out her lighter and lights the table cloth on fire. Her and Ravyn walk out the room and close the door and it read"The Smiths". Ravyn gets a light off his cigar from his cousin as the scene fades off.

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