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---Admitting My Mistakes, To Correct My Future---

Started by Matt Matlock, October 02, 2023, 07:13:37 PM

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Matt Matlock

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  • Rank:Rookie
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Date Posted:26/09/2010 1:32 AMCopy HTML


Another failure? Seriously? That shit is unacceptable.Once again I faced off against Ares last week on Extreme, and yet again, I fell to him. Although to his credit he actually did pin me this time. A setback? Yes. Albeit it a minor one. This week a tag team match, alongside Ares, against Rob Rocco and Axel. An interesting situation to be sure. If I don't get along with Ares, then neither of us win the Television Title. I have to get along with that fuckface to be able to win the belt? That's a lot to ask.

So, another week. And another shot at the Television Championship.

We fade in now. It's simple, like it needs to be. Nothing fancy. Just me, and a can of beer.

So this week, it's me and Ares, versus Rob Rocco and Axel. The winning man gets the SEF Television Championship. You know this is the third time in a row I've had a shot at that beauty, and I'm getting awfully sick and fucking tired of not holding it. I was gonna stand here and say to you Ares hell, let's get along. After all, we need to. Otherwise one of the two fuckheads across from us gets YOUR belt. Right?

Of course I'm right. I'm almost always right.

But you don't care do you? Nah you just want to go around and whoop ass, beat on everyone you see! I can't blame you for that. I love kicking ass myself, but I do it on my way to being a success. You just do it because you don't know how to do nothing else. But you want to whoop my fucking ass?! Try it Ares, I just dare your ass to try it. You pinned me last week, lucky you. I had to worry about the walking talking brick wall that is Thor. You took advantage of the fact there were three men, and you pinned me. Fine. But kick my ass? Fuck you, you ignorant cocksucker.

Bitch and whine? You get your goddamn head on straight Ares! You want to bring up shit from the past, then fine, let's do that. When I left the SEF years ago, I did feel like I had been wronged. I felt screwed over. But you know what? You're right. You and that punk Rocco, are both right. I didn't earn that shit in the first place. I got the push that anyone in the world would envy, and, to use a term someone once used in reference to me, I "Matlock'd" the ball. I fumbled it, deflated it, whatever. Maybe I deserved what happened to me.

I look back on it now, and I realize I made a mistake. That shit was done to motivate me, not alienate me. It took me years to realize that. I came back to SEF to correct that mistake. So you want to rag on me for it, go right the fuck ahead! Because I deserve it. But outside of a casual mentioning of it elsewhere, and off-camera to boot? I ain't brought that issue up since I came back. Focus on the present, boys.

A pause, and a raise of the beer can, which we can see is Molson Canadian, the best beer to ever come out of Canada. I press onward.

You want to know something else Ares? For a long long fucking time, that's exactly what people thought about Matt Matlock. Mediocre, mid-card, and too many wasted chances. But that was back before I "retired". I came back, and I'm working my ass off to correct the mistakes of my past. To make sure I'm remembered for more then that. And to come all the way back around, to do that? I need that Television Championship. I need the first step on my way back up the SEF ladder to face Reynolds. So hell, you don't care?! Fine! Kick my ass Ares, take that boot of yours and shove it up as far as you can! And with that boot up my ass, I'll still kick yours, Rocco's, and Axel's and walk out with your title!

A bold statement? Of course, when the fuck don't I make a bold statement? I could back it up of course. If I have to face my own partner as well as the two D.C. stooges? Bring it.

But enough about the man I'm teaming with. Let's focus on the two fools opposite the ring from me this week. Rob Rocco, and Axel. The head of the Triad, who work with the so-called "Dangerous" Corporation and who's accomplished so little it's funny, and Axel. A giant walking mountain of ugly who doesn't even intimidate the junior high girl walking down the street. Quite a pairing.

Like I said earlier Rocco. Ares agreed with you, and I agree with you. Yeah, towards the end? My SEF career became a joke. All the support I had behind me, and I still fucked up. Story of my whole career to be honest. But that's the past, and it doesn't matter now. I fucked up, I paid for it, now my mistakes are being corrected. You want that belt? Not a chance Rob. You say I can't match you grappling on the mat, and you're right. I can't. But I don't need to. I've never needed to match up technically with another man, I've never needed to be a technical wizard. I wrestled for over an hour with a man who could wrestle circles around you, and won. I got enough skill and experience behind me to match up with you easily. You can stand there and refute that all you want, because you don't want to believe it's true. But it is. And assuming Ares doesn't attempt to kick the shit out of me as he says he will, then his belt is mine, not yours. Not a fucking chance I'm letting a third chance slip past me.

More beer? Of course. After a long drink, a satisfied grin crossed my face.

You know that line you said Rocco? The one about no one being able to stop you? Yeah, that's an old line. And it's bullshit. Everyone spouts it trying to make themselves seem big. But everything can be stopped Rob, even you and the group of retards you hang with. I don't have to overcome your finesse or your high-flying, and I sure as fuck don't need to worry about Big Ugly next you and his power. I don't have to 'match up'. The way I wrestle I can defeat you in ways you can't even imagine.

The two of you are going to end up reporting back to Rick and to Sly that your asses couldn't get the job done. The belt is supposed to go to Rocco, but Axel can take it if he wants. Blah blah blah. The belt is going with Matt Matlock, not to either of you, or anyone else in your so-called 'Dangerous' Corporation. I'm going somewhere, straight to the fucking top of SEF this time around. No bitching, no whining, no fumbling the ball. My path to the top goes through Ares, through the two of you, and with the Television Title in my grasp it'll take me right through The DC right up to Reynolds, when I end up unseating him as the champion. It'll all come to pass, but for now, winning at Extreme is my focus. 

And if you don't like that? Well, fuck you, because it will happen, one way or another.

With the promo finished, I polish off the beer. I grin, and toss up a single middle-finger salute, telling Rocco & Axel along with the rest what they can go do with their time. I had come to term with my career mistakes elsewhere a long time ago. It was only recently I started coming to terms with what happened in SEF. Only by coming to terms with that, could I correct the course of my future career in SEF, and get to the top where I wanted to be.

I walked out of the shot now, the scene fading to black. Extreme was going to be a hell of a fight. But one I knew I would win.


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