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Putting Them in Their Place - Extreme rp1

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 02, 2023, 07:19:22 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:26/09/2010 11:16 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
More than You Can Handle!w/Chris Orton, Dusty & Knox O'Bannon vs Justin Rodgers, Ash Silva, Maegan Fox & Gracie PayneChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/Fugly FoxesTV Champion x1, International Champion (current)Another shitty week for Aimoo and my damn internet connection ... just thankful I could get something up! lol .. Good luck K :)


The scene opens with Lacey Daniels and Chris Orton walking down the halls of the Peoria Riverplex Arena, holding hands. Greg Boone raises a hand in acknowledgement as he approaches them cautiously.
GB: Uh Lacey .. you got a minute?
They pause and look at him, Lacey raises an eyebrow at Chris before nodding her head.
LD: It's okay baby, you go ahead and meet up with Knox and Dusty, I'll be there in a few.
Chris tilts his head down towards Lacey and kisses her deeply. He then looks over to Greg with a slight scowl on his face.
CO: You got 10 minutes, got it?
Greg nods his head rapidly: Sure .. yep, got it!
Lacey slaps Chris's shoulder playfully and shakes her head as he heads off down the hall.  She turns to face Greg and carefully adjusts the title belts sitting on each of her shoulders as she walks right up to him.
LD: Alright Greg you heard the man ... let's do this already.
GB: Well first off I wanted to congratulate you on your big win last week ...
Lacey snorts and grins.
LD: What as if my victory was ever in doubt Greg?
GB: Oh uh no .. but you know Hell in a Cell against Maegan Fox .. someone you've had a grudge with for a long time ... well it was always gonna be a toughie and you know what they say ... anything can happen in SEF
LD: Ha! As if I was ever going to drop my beautiful International title to that wannabe, not fucking likely Greg! .. She would have had to kill me to take this baby and I knew that wasn't going to happen. In fact that match was a blessing in disguise because, if nothing else, Maegan can't harp on about how I always rely on other people to win my matches for me. I took her on in a match she wanted, one on one and I beat her fair and square and there's nothing anyone can say different. I went out there last week and I did exactly what I said I was going to do, show her up as the second rate wannabe she really is. See all I did was tell the truth last week ... I said she had some talent, I said she was going to push me and she did but I also said it wouldn't be enough and it wasn't! I showed beyond a shadow of doubt that without her cheap tricks and her blind shots that if we stood toe to toe I would be the winner and last week in that cell I was proved right. So now she knows she can't match up to me, I'll just bet she's crapping her pants about the big tag match this week because she knows now that she doesn't have what it takes to match up to me.
Lacey laughs as she flicks her hair over her shoulder.
GB: Well as it's a tag match she could really face off against anyone on your team...
Lacey looks at Greg with a slight frown on her face.
LD: And that's supposed to worry me is it? ... Really Greg! ... Maegan bills herself as the strongest woman in her group so you would think that pitting Tarnished Legacy against the Dynasty Divas, Knox and Chris we would end up paired off against each other wouldn't you? ... Only problem for them is ... I have already beaten their leader Justin and their top diva Maegan ... quite convincingly I might add. So if anyone is labouring under the delusion that they stand any kind of chance against us then let me burst their bubble right now. Chris Orton is a million times more man and a trillion times more wrestler than Justin Rodgers could even dream of being and it's just a matter of time before he's wearing gold, simple as. So if Justin can't even beat me, what hope does he have of ever coming close to doing any kind of damage to Chris? No hope, none whatsoever Greg is the answer. Now as for the other man in their group, Ash Silva ... well I guess he could have some effect but really I know Knox is champing at the bit to get his hands on him after their recent run-ins and simply put if Knox has any worries then Chris could more than handle the double duty, as could I for that matter. And then all that leaves is Gracie and Maegan and me and Dusty are more than capable of taking care of those two bitches. So really what I'm saying is that this week is almost like a week off for us ... it's almost a handicap match because it's their team of 2 men and 2 women taking on our team which is like 1 woman and 3 men, capability wise ... yeah I have to say I'm looking forward to it. We showed our dominance last week when Chris decided to take his match and turn it into an opportunity to demonstrate our superiority over them and it lead to exactly what we wanted ... a sanctioned match where we get our hands on all of them and get to put them in their place once and for all.
GB: Well for what it's worth good luck for tonight ...
Lacey laughs.
LD: Aw that's nice of you Greg but when you're as good as we are you don't need luck ... we make our own and tonight is the beginning of the end for Tarnished Legacy and those Fugly Foxes, you wait and see.
Lacey nods her head and turns to walk away but then half turns back.
LD: Oh and Greg that's not a threat ...
Greg nods his head and smiles: That's a promise?
Lacey smiles: You know it!
Lacey turns and walks off down the hall as the scene fades to black

End of rp 1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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