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The Biggest Mistake Was Coming Back

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 07:24:25 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:26/09/2010 2:01 PMCopy HTML

So the lazy, worthless, good for nothing, bastard that is also known as Matt Matlock has finally spilled his piece to all and after a boring line of bullshit and disgrace to language everywhere we are now done with his pathetic meandering sewage spewing from his septic tank of a mouth. Now it is time to let Matt know where he truly stands, let him know that there is no way he will ever face me because he doesn't nor will he ever deserve to. He'll get owned bad enough by Rob and Axel, so I look up from sitting on a nice sofa, leather feels good, but this belt feels better. I rub World Title faceplate on my lap looking down at it with a smirk of confidence, then look back up and speak to all you pathetic peons who don't deserve my presence in any form!
Matlock, you should not have come back for SEF is not the same and well obviously nothing stays the same, things have changed big time! The DC is more dangerous than your pitiful pea brain can possibly imagine. You spew insults left and right thinking it covers up what you don't know and gets you a ticket to the TV Title, please. Your pathetic attempt will be met with a technician of which you have no clue about. You think you wrestled a guy on Rob's level or even mine, prove it or continue to be known as the biggest liar in the business as its all you have ever been known for anyways!
I sneer and shake my head side to side, disgusting is this Matlock, truly a disgrace and why SEF even let him back, well, probably to give everyone a chance like they claim to, miserable pukes.
You stated once that several people in this company failed to take you out, but Matt, the only fail has been proven to be you like that big failure Ares pointed out. You want to try and call those who's legacy you can never touch a failure which is a bold lie and even claim one of them uses a rip off for their finisher which is yet another lie. Its all you can do Matt, but the problem there is no one who believes you, not a single soul and that is why you have always come off as a joke and continue to do just that. Your talent in the ring is that of one of these true rip offs Shane or Cody, your intellect that of a rock, you have no place in SEF, so why don't you do what your best at and whine, complain, bitch, and moan, throw out more cheap third rate insults and tuck your tail between your leg whimpering out of here like the bitch you truly are!?
He won't though, for some reason matt believes he is truly better, he believes he is good enough to wrestle even me, but he is still the laziest asshole there is, so where is the passion he claims to have?
You can try to talk yourself into believing you'll be TV Champion tonight, but its only gonna set up more failure for your huge failure of a career. Your pathetic attempts to gain notoriety and championship gold are met with superior intellect and talent that will force you to stay where you belong, at the bottom of the roster, jerking the curtain where you belong! This is my show son and your not a part of it, so I hope you enjoy trying to get in because it's the only enjoyment you'll get. The World Title will never be in your hands, around your waist, over your shoulder, held high above your head after winning a grueling match, never Matt, NEVER...will you hold the biggest prize there is and call me a liar for stating that fact, but if ya do ya better be ready to prove it cause so far you haven't proven anything! All you do is sit around wasting opportunity like before and I'm done with you now, Rob, got a few words to say to your opponent tonight?
And so now we move from Rick Reynolds to find Rob Rocco standing out on the balcony and he turns with his back to the rail, wears a nice suit like Rick's and crosses his arms over his chest saying with a straight face.
Rick already owned his ass verbally and now I get to own him physically. Matt thinks he has faced better in the ring, but the problem is he doesn't know who he has to face in the ring tonight. Matt likes to bring up shit that happened outside SEF as if it proves anything of what he can do here when it doesn't matter one bit cause he's never been anywhere bigger or better, just different and that's a fact. Matt needs to get over his own lies and focus on what lies before him tonight and that is one of the best wrestlers in the sport today and one of the biggest, meanest, baddest monsters around. He can claim all he wants that Axel does not intimidate him, but Matt, whoever said anything about trying to intimidate you?
Rob just smirks and continues now.
Axel told you what he is gonna do and he will do it, plain and simple. He doesn't need to try and work on you with games or get inside your head and beat you before the match, no, he's a big fucking monster who will destroy you when he gets his hand son you and that's it. You and your pathetic partner won't work together to begin with, so face it pal, your fucked and like I stated before, it will hold true tonight, your looking at the new TV Champion!
Rob lets his arms down and points his thumbs back at himself, gets a cocky grin and slicks his hair back, then rests his arms on the rail and says.
Keep on preaching your pack of lies Matlock, maybe somebody you'll find someone dumb enough to believe them, but after tonight you'll hopefully get a lesson stomped and wrenched into your pea brain that like Rick said, this is not the SEF you remember, this is not the place where your gonna get a free ride and have the chance to piss all over it. Here in SEF you earn your way to the top and so far you haven't earned shit except a lesson in wrestling and I get to be the guy who give sit to ya! Who knows, maybe tonight, to win the TV Title, maybe I'll do it by making your ass tap out because I can. Doesn't mean I have to and I won't focus anymore energy than I need to on trying for the goal is the TV Title, making you tap to win it would just be sweeter!
He grins and holds his arms up in arrogance, then we hear Rick say.
Alright monkeys, time to go, the girls are here!
And the view pans around spotting a couple nice looking broads walk in, one blonde, one kinda dirty blonde and she sits down next to Rick while the other sits in a chair. Rob walks in and the camera is backing out now seeing he gives the girl in a chair a kiss in the forehead. Rick glaring at us, so the view now drops and then fade to black.
These pathetic cretins, almost as bad as Matlock, but in time they all will come to recognize who is their leader, the representation as the greatest wrestler in SEF, the World Heavyweight Champion, AH, forget Shane Mack, its is truly Good To Be ME!

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