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universal6 star tag team

~ Nice Try, But You Fail~

Started by Matt Matlock, October 02, 2023, 07:30:28 PM

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Matt Matlock

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  • Rank:Rookie
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  • Register:29/08/2010 7:39 PM
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Date Posted:26/09/2010 9:23 PMCopy HTML


CS-1.png picture by PureEvil2007
~Last week, Christine Smith told her opponents that she would come out the victor. Grace Payne and Dusty O'Bannon were too busy fighting over their family and a bunch of shit that wasn't relevant to SEF. Jessica Winters? She's too new to the business. Christine came out the victor, a drastic change from her old days in the SEF where it seemed she would end up with a loss anytime she turned around. This week? A tag team match against one of the biggest retards in wrestling, Ravyn Crow, and a gothic slut he picked up on his way home from selling drugs one day. A match that should end up as a simple affair.~

~Backstage at the Peoria Riverplex, we come across both Adam and Christine Smith. The two are watching a monitor, and watching the crazy elaborate promo that Pyretta Blaze did a few days ago, breaking into a hotel room and lighting clothes on fire. After all, that was her gimmick right, to burn things? Well as the camera zooms out from the monitor, we find Adam and Christine and they are indeed both standing there, not in "rags" as Pyretta said, but their regular street attire. Adam looks to his wife.~

"That's.....rather pathetic, isn't it?"

"Very much so. You want to have another go at them?"

"Nah, I got something last minute I need to check on. They're all yours."

~Adam walked away, and Christine stared after him a minute. Then she saw the camera and smiled, turning to face it now.~

"Well well, that was a nice try there Pyretta. I certainly never came across anyone in my career who would go to such elaborate lengths to try and intimidate someone. I mean that was a really elaborate little production you and Ravyn put on there. I mean you even got yourself a helicopter! Bravo! But, as you can see, I stand here in my favorite blouse and dress pants, not singed or burned at all, as I get ready to go out there tonight and kick your ass!"

"Now I'm sure you're watching, and you're probably confused? First off all, Adam and I weren't staying at a hotel last week. Most of the week, we were back home, helping the people in our hometown clean up after Hurricane Igor. I'm pretty sure Adam mentioned that to, but I wouldn't expect you or the retard you cart around as your partner to figure that out. The chances of you getting into our home un-noticed is zero, especially with all the people up there now working to clean up around the outside of the place. And I was really impressed as well how you jimmied that lock. Pretty sure that most hotels these days use electronic locks though, sweet heart. And if you did you know, start a fire? The fire alarm would have gone off, and someone would have callen the cops and the fire department. Pretty sure that the cops could have a helicopter or two following you not long after you and Ravyn took off."

~Christine took a moment to brush her hair aside from her shoulder.~

"Basically what I'm saying is that your little show was one of the stupidest things I've ever seen! And I don't think some little girl who likes to set things on fire should be attempting to wrestle. It makes you look like a retard. As for your partner, Ravyn Crow? I've seen guys who wrestled for years as jobbers, who would make for a better partner and a better opponent. I'd be less worried about my man breaking you in half, and more worried about me. I've held my own against guys four times the man you supposedly are. But like Adam said, there's rumours your a bit gender confused there Ravyn.  Pyretta hasn't won a match yet, neither have you Ravyn. And yet you stand there saying me and Adam, who actually won our matches, are worse? It doesn't matter if you don't wish to perish Ravyn, because you will anyway. Just like your little stunt that you pulled with Pyretta, come Extreme, you're going to fail."

~Christine winks, and mockingly blows a kiss at the camera. She walks out of the scene now, as we cut to black.~



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