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Justin Extreme 186 #1

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 07:37:17 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:02/10/2010 4:11 PMCopy HTML

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inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10
|| Roleplay ;;;;Heading ;;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;;Song ;;;;~Homies by ICP|| MComments ~ I hate my sinuses.  If anyone wants to chat I have msn IM on my phone kristinbenoit97@hotmail.com. i have to work tonight but I'm off Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday this week.) ||
{Justin paces back and forth talking on his I-phone, dressed in a New Orleans Saints 'Shockey' jersey, black windpants, and Nike Shox}
Justin:"What do you mean he's not coming?  {listens} "I know he has a world title match this week.  We...{listens}  Fine, I can respect that he wants to do it his way, but we still need to strategize about this week.  DC, {he cracks a smile} "I know it sounds like a bunch of comic book characters...anyway they are not going to let Ash have a fair shot at the title.  JC and Nikki have a group and as much as I know that they have our backs, I'm not even sure who is all teaming with who anymore.  I know the Infection has gotten bigger.  I'm just sure where anyone besides our family, JC, and Nikki's loyalties lie.  {he laughs} You fucking right I need some sleep.  What with SEF, Katana's cravings, DZWA, and PCWF Canada I am burnt out.  I'm not evening getting to wrestle much anywhere else but here.  I guess I can't complain about my opponent.  He has a history here and maybe my history isn't so bad after all.  At least I won a few matches while I was here in 2007.  {He groans} "Yeah, thanks, I know I had my ass handed to me a few times but so did you so get off my ass.  {he laughs but hears a noise and turns toward the camera} Look, Gracie and Rage will be here in a few minutes.  I plan to stay here all day so we can work everything out so you guys head over when you can.  Later.  {He taps the screen and then slips it into his pocket before coming over to the camera} "Yes Matlock, you heard me correctly.  I do have some respect for you....I have it for your work ethic.  However, I can't seem to get over the things that you started about my family.  I have put up with a lot of crap from people before.  Hell, my own brother put a contract on my head for death or dismemberment some months back.  I not only beat that, but walked out of that match with the SEF International title.  My ex-girlfriends have a way of coming back and stabbing me in the back or {he points to his head} giving me understanding what a football feels like when Hartley puts it through the uprights.  Orton may have knocked a few brain cells out Matlock, but as Metallica says, 'The Memory Remains.'  Whatever respect I have for your talent is shadowed by the disgust I have for you as a person.  It's almost normal for girls to call each other sluts in this business, hell its expected for girls to throw out taunts about the others sexuality but for someone who prides himself on not being stupid?  Well, you may not be stupid but you are a fuck up.  I'm surprised Maegan didn't shove her foot up your ass when she had the chance.  {He shrugs} Maybe, her husband, my best friend, Ash just might be waiting for the right time to strike.  You can rest assured that it won't be some blindside attack like I got from Orton but there will come a time when the two of you have to face each other across a wrestling ring.  He may have something special planned for you then.  {Justin smirks, crosses his arms, and reclines back againist a weight machine}  Then again, I may just be blowing this all out of proportion to make you think we consider your words to be more threat than a cheap attempt to undermind the momentum that we are trying to build.  We are mired down with a family feud that may or may not be winding down with a close.  Ash made my brother-in-law Knox O'Bannon tap last week in our stable match and this week my sisters are facing off again in a hellacious cat fight.  They hate each other and I wouldn't be surprised if some guys were taking bets on it turning into a stereotypical cat fight.  {He grimaces}  Come to think of it Gracie's boyfriend is probably the perv who is going to take that idea and run with it.  I'll have to remember to kick his ass later.  He might make a decent warm up to you, Matlock, then again maybe not.  I could just been rambling on due to lack of sleep or I could just be fucking with your mind.  You decide."
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