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The Confession ( ARES READ AND DC READ) EX R/P

Started by Drake Sage, October 02, 2023, 07:42:37 PM

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Drake Sage

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Date Posted:03/10/2010 12:01 AMCopy HTML

. . W a r n i n g . .
The roleplay of  Drake Sage that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

. The Real God.

The scene begins in the back stage area where Drake Sage who has won two in a row now is on a hot streak. Knowing he is moving up in the ranks time for the new legacy to begin. Drake is sitting in his chair watching the match. With every move he does to Cody he smirks.

Shane. Shane. I don't know what to say. You know i just seen your little promo and it stated your not going to give up. You have lost three matches and two of them are from the hands of the real god. Does that not tell you something? You don't even have a match coming up. What does that say for you buddy? Your time is coming up. Your career is ended. By who you may ask? ME! The real Fucking God! I told everyone in the beggining i am a jobber killer. Because that's what you are is a fucking jobber. You are nothing but a peice of gum that sticks to my shoe. What do you do when there is gum to your shoe? You scrape it off, stomp on it. That's what i did to you Shane. You even had someone els in the match you could have taken your fustrations out on. Did it happen? No even that 1999 Chevy Camero beat your ass. Shame. Shame. Shame. Also. Camero. You want to attack me after i left you all in the ring in shock and awe. Showing everyone who the real god is. Which is me torment and defeat you. You said in your promo that you have been here a long time. Never had a chance for a title. Look at me? I got a non title match against a the new television champion. Don't you dare ever think your career is ever going to be better then mine. If you are going to keep trying to take me down. Maybe i will have to end your career with a ....PUNT...To...The..HEAD!

Drake smirks as he grabs the romote and looks at the camera. Speaking of a punt to the head. I need to go to the ring. The lights dimmer and the crowd boos and as the beginning of BMF starts as smoke simmers in the air by the arena tron. Drake Sage pops out looking at the crowd. He walks slowly down the ramp down to the ring Once to the ring he jumps up and grabs the ropes for leverage. Walks into the ropes. and gets in the ring looking ready with the mic in hand.

As all of you know. This guy right here that all you people doubt. Me. Drake Sage. Has won a singles match with a retard. Then beat a car and a retard in another. Finally this damn management team has seen the trueness in my ability and put me in a higher upper match against some....kinda better competition. Before I go on. I would like to show you how Rob became the champion. Lets look at the screen everyone.

Axel lets go and Rob goes back to his corner. Matlock goes back to his corner and is tagged in. As Ares is going through the ropes a masked man pulls him outside sending him crashing to the mats, then backs up and charges with a hard kick to his head, the ref with his back turned and the masked man slinking up the aisle!

Its a real shame what happened to ares in that match. A real shame. Ares. You go around saying your a god? Well, i am the real god and i have a problem with what you say you are. So for the past two weeks i have ruined your life. I can not let it go on anymore. I am the real fucking god. you are nothing! I am doing way better in the past two weeks then you have done in the past year! I told all of you people I was going to make an impact. What did i do? Same thing in RF5, WWA, BUD, EVERYWHERE! I took out the top guy. Ares. You lost your chance to win the Television championship. So now what i'm going to do is what you can't do and win it. So Ares what i am saying is. The man who has kicked you in the head for two weeks in a row now. WAS ME! It was me! The REAL!. Let me say THE REAL FUCKING GOD! You are no way near a god like me. Ares i will keep ruining your life untell you shut me up. That's why i'm lending my services to DC. If you guys need a new member in your group. Someone who is ruthless and will not stop untell someones Career is ended. Its me. Let me know.

He stops talking and looks around at the crowed.

Now. Wendsday this is going to be special. its a different day. Make sure you watch it because the real god is going to be three and O! What i'm confused about in this match is why is there a bitch in this match? No, no, I knew that once i came in intergender matches are made in this federation, but i never knew i had to be in the same ring with Cody Jericho again!. * Crowed is mixed with reactions laughing and booing * I mean seriously. I beat the living day lights out of his brother. Yeah this man has won two matches too now, but he was not facing no one like me. The Real God! he was facing other jobbers that i would take out with my pinky. Cody. Thinking your hot streak is going to continoue when your in a match with me. Its not going to happen. I am going to mainly aim myself onto you and beat you like your little brother. I can;t really diss about this other person in this match because she is sexy as fuck! Fox. She is a Fox! HA! I'm hoping to pin her longer then three seconds if you know what i mean. Rob, now that you honestly know who the real reason you won that title. ME! I can't really say a lot about you Rob. I mean you have had a pretty good career. I mean 12/26 i guess is a slightly okay record. I think the lastime i had a record like that was when i played on a team full of retards in basketball. That was when i was a damn kid. All jokes aside. I will make sure that i hit you rob with the Sage Effect and end your toughts of defeating me one on one. Then once i beat you i will have earned specially pinning the champion. Management will have to give me a title shot. This time you won't have anyone to help you win. Even if you have some friends in the back, but fact of the matter. It can be ten friends against me at one, but once i see that damn title in front of me that i can take in three seconds. Nothing will stop me. Nothing will control the way i act in the match. After Extreme i will prove finally that i am the newist franchise to this federation.

Drake smirks again as the crowed is still booing from finding out he is the reason Ares has been getting punted in the head every week.

DC. I need an answer from someone. Do you want the help of a Real God or not. Because we both have a problem with Ares. With me in your guys team. We would be unstoppable. With Drake Sage on yourside nothing can go wrong. No worries take your time guys. This is a once in a lifetime offer. I normally don't like being in teams. I am a solo person, but the only way to make it in any federations is to have someone scratch your back while you scratch theirs. Let me know.

Drake stands their waiting for a response.

OOC - Someone reply.
This Layout Was Made For Drake Sage by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

Taylor Andrews

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Re:The Confession ( ARES READ AND DC READ) EX R/P
Date Posted:03/10/2010 1:52 AMCopy HTML

And he doesn't wait too long before No One Like You by the Scorpions hit's the pa, the crowd booing as they know who it is and then they boo louder when Rob Rocco finally walks out. He wears a casual suit and dark sunglasses, his North American Title folded under his left arm and a mic in his right hand. Axel steps out behind him in his trench coat and mask as Rob lifts his mic up and says.

Drake Sage, so you want to join the Dangerous Corporation, but you want to beat me and you think you will? You think I needed help beating Ares last week, but this title was mine regardless of how it actually happened. You can have all the credit for taking that piece of trash out of SEF, but when it comes time to lock up with me your in for a whole new level than Cody or Shane or Maegan. My record here means nothing except my experience in the ring because I paid my dues by wrestling everyone and anyone who came into SEF, I opened a lot of shows and wrestled a lot of low card matches, but it paid off and now your facing one of the best, you face the most real threat to your precious record you refer to. It is a fatal four way, neither one of us need to be involved in the winning fall to lose, so who knows who could end up winning in this one, but you see, the DC you want to join is in my corner, so if you truly want in, then that would be fine by me and come Extreme its still fair game, but you and I work together until its one on one and then its on until the bell rings and we have each others back afterwards regardless of who wins.

Some booing from the crowd as Drake thinks and looks towards Rob who says.

Now as much as it is cool with me, the final say is not to up to myself nor is even up to Rick Reynolds for he and I and Thor discuss these things together and make a final decision on who joins the group as the three of us are the ones who made the DC, The Triad is who we three truly are. As far as Maegan goes, yea, well she probably is only good for what you got in mind, so you can have her after the match, do whatever the hell ya want. I can't really disagree about Cody either, though the kid has heart, he's got a long ways to go before he gets a title shot with me. As for you and I, well, its up to you Drake, we can either forget about you possibly coming into the DC and just go all out and tear each other to shreds with no future alliance in mind or we can work together and learn to fight as friends, against each other and side by side! I can accept an alliance with you no matter the outcome of our match if it means the DC grows and consumes even more power in SEF, but again, its up to you. Now its your turn and I'll give you time to think about hell, Extreme is still four days away, so take your time if you must, but remember, you wanted to join us and should you now decide against it, then going against any one of us is the same as going against all of us. I'll be seeing ya more I'm sure, think about it Drake and let me and the DC know as I'll talk to them about this. Like I said, its up to you now, what ya gonna do?

Rob smirks arrogantly and just drops his mic now and raises the North American Title into the air pointing up to it and then at himself yelling.


The crowd booing loud and No One Like You hits again as Rob now shrugs and rests the title to his left shoulder, turns and walks to the back, so Axel follows him and Drake is left to think about what was said.

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