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answering the call

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 07:46:14 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:03/10/2010 6:15 PMCopy HTML




{We open on a balmy afternoon in what appears to be New Orleans.  The scene is similar to many scenes around a pool in the movie Billy Madison.  There are beer cans everywhere and when we finally find humans, there are all very drunk.  In the pool floating on a grey raft is Matt Fox.  He's wearing black swim trunks and silver mirrored sunglasses, snoring slightly.  Justin is face down on a deck chair nearby.  Rage is passed out on the concrete on one side of the pool, Ash & Jagger on another.  Some of their other friends are passed out in the grass near the pool.  There is a big silver pot turned out its side, the smell of cayenne pepper overpowering the smell of beer.  A burner on a small stand is smoking a little bit, a woman/girl disgusted walks over and turns off the gas burner.  She has honey blond hair and is young.  She picks up a purple and gold nerf football, takes aim, and throws it hard at Matt.  It smacks him in the face and he goes ass over tea kettle into the pool.  He comes up sputtering.}

Matt Fox:"What the hell?"  {he wipes his face and realizes his sunglasses are gone, wincing at the glare.  He goes back under to retrieve the glasses.  He shakes them off and puts them on} "What the hell, Em?"

Emma Fox:"Is this what I need to go to college for?  {she gestures around the pool.}  "So I can learn how to get drunk before, during, and after a football game and pass out in the pool?  Is that what you, Justin, and your friends did?  Get drunk and pass out?"

Matt Fox:"No, this was different!  The Saints won again!  This was the first time since the Super Bowl that all of us where able to get together and really enjoy a game.  Carney really pulled our asses out of the fire with his field goals.  I thought Coach Payton was going to have a heart attack and Justin nearly had an anuerysm!  {He sneezes and pinches his nose closed to clear his head.  He then looks up at hear} "Besides the discussion is closed.  Mom and Dad said you were going to college.  You are going to go to college even if I have to chain you to each desk in each class."

Emma Fox:"Actually that won't be neccessary.  I don't want to go to college so I found a program that I can attend online."

Matt Fox:"Some bullshit fly by night school you saw on t.v.?"

Emma Fox:"Yeah, Duke's a fly by night school.  They have a online Paralegal program.  I figured I'd either do that or go to this other school I found.  It's been around for almost a hundred years.  I'd take the Sports and Recreation Management program."

Matt Fox:"Why can't you do both?  You can work for me."

{Matt looks at her funny.  She doesn't answer.  A phone rings and one of the men groans, shoving a cordless phone out from under a cardboard beer holder.  Emma walks over and picks it up as if it will infect her with the plague.  She answers it and then holds it out to Matt}

Emma Fox:"It's for you."

{Matt heaves himself out of the pool and grabs a towel.  He towels off a bit and then holds up the phone to his ear}

Matt Fox:"This is Matt Fox.  {he listens}  "That's a very interesting concept.  If I agree I want my family on my roster.  Would our Global Championships be recognized or would we have to strip our current champions in order to meet some semblance of fairness because in all honestly I am related to them in one way or another.  My wife is my X divison champion and my cousin by marriage, Jagger just recently won our Global heavyweight title.  How bout I come by your office and we discuss the details?  Great, I'm on my way.  {he hangs up and puts the towel over his shoulder.  He heads into the house where he finds Maegan and Sara on the couch watching Sweet Home Alabama.}  When are you going to prepare for your match?"

Sara Taylor-Fox:"Who?"

Matt Fox:"Maegan, she's been on her ass since I got here and she's got a Fatal Fourway coming up on Extreme."

Maegan Fox-Silva:"Since when?"

Matt Fox:"Since the card was changed since Ravyn and Pyretta asked for a Leave of Absence for personal issues.  You'd think you'd pay more attention to detail!"

Maegan Fox-Silva:"As opposed to getting drunk and watching football?"

{Sara giggles}

Matt Fox:"I am semi-retired from the ring and the guys out back don't stop busting their asses, well Justin doesn't.  He's usually a workaholic.  Justin and Ash needed a day off or they were going to go at it.  Grab your gear.  I have a meeting so I'll give you a ride.  {he looks around} Where's Gracie?"

Sara Taylor-Fox:"She's at the gym with Gabby.  She's going to wrestle for Josh and Kristin, maybe for Scott and Alyssa."

Matt Fox:"Gracie works as hard as Justin.  {shakes his head} Ten minutes Maeg, or I'm carrying you out of the house like that."

{Maegan looks at him with a smirk}

Maegan:"I'm in sweats, Matt, why would I need to change?  You want me to work out in a Ballenciaga and a pair of Jimmy Choos?"

Matt:"A what and a what?"

{Maegan rolls her eyes}

Maegan:"Nevermind.  My bag is by the door.  Go shower you smell."

{Sara hides a smile.  Matt flips Maegan off}

Matt:"Piss off."
((This has been an official *MATT FOX * Roleplay))

Layout 2006 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison Designs ((ALL RIGHTS RESERVED))

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