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Johnny Camaro Sucks!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, October 02, 2023, 07:53:40 PM

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Date Posted:05/10/2010 1:21 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
Johnny Camaro Sucks!
  Johnny Camaro, Justin Rogers, Lacey Daniels
Here my roleplay!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
SEF presents "Extreme" is on the air, the scene shows Chris Orton already in the ring getting a massive heat reaction from SEF fans, so Orton lifts the microphone started talking.

Chris Orton: Do you really think I give a *beep* about you people booing me, because I'm sick and tired of the same *beep* every single week, so I don't really care about my future in SEF. You see I'm suppose to be at the top of SEF ladder right about now, but I'm stuck dealing with losers like Justin Rogers, and my challenger for "Extreme" Johnny Camaro, so Johnny Camaro suck doesn't deserve to be in the same ring with me. I'm going put down Camario once and for all move up to better things like after the show I'm celebrate with Lacey Daniels in our hotel drinking wine toasting to us being most dominant couple in SEF history.

SEF fans started to boo, and Orton lowers his mic, lick his lips, continue on speaking into the microphone.

Chris Orton: I'm suppose to be SEF World Heavyweight Champion, but I'm facing Johnny Camaro, so what the hell is going on around here, because I'm starting to get piss off the way I'm being book I got this feeling it's going to change after "Extreme" after I put down Johnny Camaro in middle of this ring. You people didn't pay your ticket to see the good guys, because you can to see bad guys break the rules, so I consider myself a pretty cool bad guy. Tonight on "Extreme", this bad guy going to put down Johnny Camaro career in the ground, and I bury his success in SEF for good. I will become the man once again it not going to happen later it will happen after I get done finishing Johnny Camaro on "Extreme" tonight!

"I Stand Alone" blasts on the pa system, Orton stood there very confident that he going to win, so "Extreme" went to a commercial break.

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