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A Clean Sweep

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 08:01:42 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:06/10/2010 9:59 PMCopy HTML

The view opens up on the door of the Dangerous Corporation as we see the name plate shows DC in big white letters on a black plaque. Tom Walker stands in front of the door ready to knock when the door opens and Frankie's head peers out, sees Tom and then opens the door stepping back as Destruction steps out now. Tom backs up as each man stands on either side of the door crossing their huge arms over their massive chests, then we see Rick Reynolds steps out with the World Title slung over his bare left shoulder as he wears his ring tights and boots. Rob Rocco steps out next to Rick wearing his ring gear and has the NA Title over his right shoulder, both men smirk and then Rick says.
First of all, Ash Silva, why you even both staying in SEF when its obvious to everyone that your career is at a dead end is just plain, well, dumb!
He laughs disgustingly and sneers, then says.
You have had this opportunity to face me in your sights for a month now and you have not used it, you have not made one effort to try and step up to my level, as if you could anyways, but at least you could have tried. Instead you make what I have been saying all along even more true, that no one deserves this opportunity your getting tonight, especially you. You don't even deserve to be in SEF Ash, you don't deserve to call yourself a professional because a true pro of any sport would seize opportunity and push himself to be the absolute best, something your far from and forever will remain that way you insignificant little piece of trash. I am done with you and perhaps tonight, when I make you tap out I will end your career make sure your done in this business forever!
Rick still sneering now gets a hand on his right shoulder from Rob who smirks and says.
Bro, look, Ash will be gone, cause whether you cripple him or the DC ends him doesn't matter, at the end of the night your gonna hold that World Title higher than anyone else in history has ever held it and I'll be with ya holding on to my belt cause were the best. Maegan, your future is the same of your worthless husband Ash...you have no future because in that ring tonight I will have no equal, especially not your pathetic ass. Hopefully Drake takes you out and makes you his bitch, then I'll make Cody wish he never came to SEF. The DC is on top of the world, we own SEF, and there is no one person or any group that can stop us and that's just telling it like it is, so deal with that, chumps!
Rob smirks and Rick smirks as well, then appears to say something, but sneers and turns walking back in his room. Rob follows, then Destruction heads back in and the door closes. Tom looks into the camera and shrugs, then says in shitty English.
See you later!
And so now we fade to black.

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