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Making the announcement

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 08:02:40 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:06/10/2010 11:59 PMCopy HTML




{Matt Fox comes out to the old music that his family used when they were in SEF in 2007, "Attitude" By Sepulthera. He is dressed in a nice suit, Armani shades, and a title belt over one shoulder.  He has a microphone in his pocket and a clipboard under his arm.}

{Matt smiles as before he can get all the way to the ring, Little Miss Dangerous by Ted Nugent hits the p.a. and he pauses thinking his twin sister is going to join him, but is pleasantly surprised as his wife comes out, dressed to kill in platform heels, tight hip hugging slacks, and a black and red Fighting Foxes t-shirt.  She threads her arm through his as they go to the ring.  He holds the ropes open for her.  She stands back and watches as he raises the microphone}

Matt Fox:"I know that some of you may remember me and some of you may not.  I did not have a particularly spectacular career here...not one that would inspire the hearts and minds of the SEF fans.  I am heading up a brand new brand under the SEF umbrella.  This is one that with the exception of being under the SEF umbrella is being created entirely of my own volition.  It will be known as Fox Fire Entertainment.  Of course, my beautiful wife, Sara, {he points to the short blond in the ring with him, smiling/flashing dimples}, and our friends Tao and Milan will be my executive committee.  We are introducing two new titles: a Transcontiental Title that will be second only to the SEF HW title, currently held by The Real Franchise Rick Reynolds.  It will be equal to the Extreme brand's International title, currently held by Lacey Daniels.  The other title was original the SEF Hardcore titles.  Although, we will be bringing them back under the new name 'The Wildside Tag Titles,' promoting the Fox Fire Entertainment's show Wildside which will premiere on Oct 27, 2010.  At this time, the only star that we have signed from the SEF roster that will be wrestle both on Extreme and Wildside is my cousin, "The Prodigy" Justin Rodgers.  I will be scouting talent tonight as well as in the coming weeks for other superstars to invite to also pull double duty on our brand."

{He hands the microphone back to a tech, helps Sara from the ring, and heads toward the announce table.  He pulls out a silver Cross ball point pen inlaid with his name to start taking notes.}
((This has been an official *MATT FOX * Roleplay))

Layout 2006 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison Designs ((ALL RIGHTS RESERVED))

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