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A Sit Down With Johnny Camaro

Started by Johnny Camaro, October 02, 2023, 08:17:25 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:10/10/2010 10:54 PMCopy HTML

Warning: This roleplay may contain things not suitable for everyone. There may be some violence, there may be some foul language, hell there will be sexual content. So all you single-minded people out there...TURN BACK NOW!!!
You've been warned...

   <!--< TD-->
RP Title: Part 1
Accomplishments: 2 many 2 count
Inspiration: here
Out Of Character: this is my Rough Cut
To Be Continued By: here

Johnny is sitting in the SEF boardroom. There is a camera propped in front of him. Johnny has a JC shirt, jeans, crucifix necklace, and a light brown leather jacket on. Light is shining through the windows behind him yet it doesn't effect the camera's shot. Johnny leans back on his chair and places one of his Etnies on the table.

"Many have asked me why I decided to go to Fox Fire Entertainment, after the beating that was delivered last week they thought I'd want some revenge. Though I am mad that attack showed how much the power has shifted. I haven't done anything to them recently and yet they came after me. Clearly all they were doing was changing their sights to someone who doesn't have a pose backing him up. They changed their sights to someone they knew they could beat through their numbers. Having said that, I do believe that Viper will become corrupt. Personally I think that Viper's a pretty cool dude, but looking at the events that have transpired the past few months...scratch that, they past year...Nah, two years, SEF has been one power trip after another. it started when little Dick-E faked every one's death. Now that this power trip is done, I'm just waiting to see when the next one will occur."

Johnny looks down and rubs his eyes.

"You know, the fans of SEF have been looking at my promos a little too seriously. Take last week for example,they thought I came off arrogant when I was simply trying to rally everyone up. After saying I think Viper will become corrupt I'm sure that the fans will have a few choice words for me, not to mention Viper. So I'm going to explain my thinking again. I personally think that Viper is a great dude, but from what the trend has shown us there is a high likelihood of Viper turning corrupt. Do I want him to? Hell no, I hope to god he's the one to break the trend."

He grabs the glass of water beside him and takes a big sip from it.

"I don't know why I even bother speaking my mind, every time I do the message is lost in a pool of haterade. They say that America is the land of the free, how is it when someone can't speak their own mind. When I came back here I admitted that I had turned bitter while I was here, but the truth is that I was shot down for speaking my mind. Eventually the weight of the combine down shootings forced me to throw away my Morales. Last week, I was hyped up and I was trying rub my hyperness onto the fans, but as I said I was shot down. There were times where I wanted to quit again, but it didn't solve anything the first time so I'm still here. This time I'm just trying to ignore the shut downs and going on with what I was doing. It's a guarantee that people will see this and shit on it but I just don't care. I want everyone to know what goes on in my head and I want them to realize that I'm trying to get them to do something. I Hope that next week there will be a lot more cheers but...I just don't know."

With his head in his hands he rubs his face. The hands stop at the mouth and just stay there, Johnny is trying to think of what to say next. How will he progress with this?

"I've just tried so hard to get the fans on my side. I've tried to target those who they hate. I... I tried to rally them up!"

He lets out a little snicker as he says that.

"All they want is Shane Mack. I feel like the only one that they will accept is Shane Mack. I've tried so hard to do anything that worked for me in the past, this time I'm just telling it the way I see it. Screw the repercussions. Fuck, I've tried to replace Mack, I've tried to soften the blow of him leaving. The thanks I got were boos and the middle finger. I tried to be someone for you to your faith into. God Dammit I tried! When you chanted Shane Mack, Shane Mack, Shane Mack I came out so you all would forget about your sorrows. I came out so you could feel the joy Mack gave you once again. Now, just look at me, I have to explain this in a sit down."

He takes another mouthful.

"This originated as a chance for me to explain why I changed rosters and I did that. Clearly I had more to get off of my chest, but I don't care. Everything I did was for the SEF fans and they didn't get the message. So fuck the consequences, I need everyone to know that I do this for them. I don't go out and risk my career and life for myself, I do it so the fans will walk home and say Extreme was great even without Shane Mack. I never decide to go out their and kill myself each and every week so I can get a paycheck. I can go anywhere else and get a much higher paycheck, I stay here because there isn't anything else like SEF. I hope to god that you fans soon realize why I'm here, cause fuck, I'm about to lose myself again."

Johnny sits there and the camera fades away.
(c.) cruel intentions at layout corner.


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