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Fighting Foxes Wildside Promo 1

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 08:40:16 PM

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Date Posted:16/10/2010 12:13 AMCopy HTML

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Maegan20Fox20Banner.jpg Maegan Fox picture by pegasusfeds10
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Fighting Foxes Wildside Promo 1
tag team turmoil
Multiple time wrestling/martial arts champ. Canadian National Soccer team
Wildside promo 1/JC respond
..x{Maegan and Gracie meet up with their rest of their team.  Rage has set up a camera in order to tape the first Wildside promo.}

Rage:"I'm ready when everyone else is."  {The camera is focused on the Fighting Foxes and Justin Rodgers.  Justin is dressed in jeans and a jean jacket that has SEF over one pocket and FFE over the other. He walks in front of the camera}  "While they are getting set up, let me explain what's going on.  My name is Jay Vega, they call me Rage.  I'm going to run interviews until they hiring someone."

Ash:"Why would Matt hire someone?  Your Gracie's bitch.  You work for free."

{He flips Ash off, who smirks, and he sits back on a chair, near Justin as they wait for Camaro to show up.  The girls pull their jackets off and stand in front of the camera showing off their Fighting Foxes t-shirts.}

Maegan:"Now we can focus on the tag team turmoil.  There are a lot of teams in this match, including my cousin Justin and our friend Johnny Camaro.  There are also quite a few people that we have been butting heads with for the entire time that we have been working for SEF.  It seems that if we work both SEF and FFE, then our rivals wish to continue the war, and have followed us over.  So we know for the most part, what we are getting into when it comes down to a tag team turmoil match.  We are familar with the fighting styles of Justin and Camaro.  We trained with Justin for years.  Justin, my twin, and I began our training at the same time, as children.  Once upon a time we trained with Knox and Dusty, and I briefly trained with Lacey Daniels, when she first started out.  The last few months my family and I have been at war with Dusty, Lacey, Knox, and Orton.  For legality's sake, an extension of our family."

Gracie:"You mean for an ironic twist of fate, it would be even closer family."

Maegan:"True, we could have Lacey as an in-law."


{Gracie and Maegan look at each other before glancing back over their shoulder at Justin.  They then focus back on the camera}

Gracie:"So we know what to expect with The Dynasty Divas, Knox and whoever he is teaming with, and as for the Jericho Army, if they trained with Chris, then we have an idea because Chris also trained my mother."

Maegan:"There are a few teams in this match.  Most of the people in the match, we are familar with, it just these two new girls who think they are God's gift to wrestling, and Grand Minoru.  I am not sure if I have ever seen him wrestle.  These people are the Xfactors in the tag team turmoil match.  However, {Maegan smiles} at the ppv, we will get a chance to see first hand everyone who will be in the tag team turmoil match since everyone..."

Justin:"Not me, I'm going to be wrestling for the heavyweight title.  You'll have to handle the Transcontiental division on your own."

Grace:"With pleasure."

Maegan:"everyone except Justin will be in the battle royal to crown an FFE Transcontiental champion."

Gracie:"Of course, as usual the Dynasty Divas will see us as targets, especially if we take their precious titles from them, {she smirks} and we will.  It's actually pretty predictable.  When it comes down to a battle royal or a match where the Dynasty and the Legacy are both involved, we are bogged down as they focus on us first before they focus on anyone else.  They see us as a threat and fail to realize that we are not the only people with talent in the match."

Maegan:"It will be their mistake.  If they neutralize us, then they forget that Camaro is also in the match.  He's a former champion.  They are to narrowminded.  They are so focused on us, they could ultimately sacrifice their shot at being champion just to keep us from winning."

Gracie:"Which really, it sounds like a fairly solid plan.  They'll be coming for us.  We can turn the tables on them and focus on keeping them from winning.  If we were to win, like we've said before, our win would be contested.  No one would believe that we truly earned it.  We may as well have some fun."

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