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universal6 star tag team

Legacy Team promo 187

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 08:59:18 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:17/10/2010 9:06 PMCopy HTML


inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Legacy.jpg The Legacy picture by pegasusfeds10
|| Roleplay ;;;;Heading ;;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy&The Infection/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;;Song ;;;;~Homies by ICP|| MComments ~ One last one before the show
{We are in the Alliant Center in Madison, Wisconsin.  The camera comes down the hall and stops at the Legacy locker room.}

Justin:"Took you long enough, Rage."

{The team laughs as the camera sets up on a tripod.}

Ash:"He's probably got the same earful that I've been getting lately."

Maegan:"Yeah, whatever."

Justin:"Yeah.  Whatever.  {He waves it off}  You know I didn't think anyone other than Reynolds could enjoy hearing themselves talk so much.  Then again Price certainly does.  He tries to cover his mistake by making me look like I'm just talking to hear myself speak.  He tried to tell people that I try to claim that I'm related and trained by famous people.  Then when I prove him wrong, which seems to be his stolen catch phrase this time around, he tries to twist my words.  {shakes his head}  "I am focused on my family and I enjoy being apart of a big family, but you know you, Price, you brought the subject up.  Not me, not this time.  I could get smug, be like Orton, and call myself the future of SEF, but I am a future star.  I am a future champion, but I'm not placing a time frame on it.  I'm not going to be this major bastard and claim that I'm going to be the next Shane Mack or the next Viper like some people around here.  Oh, I have dreams.  I know that I can beat my opponents this week but being a legend?  I'm not even 23 yet, but I'm smart.  I'm not going to make outrageous claims that I'm a legend.  Hell, I'm not even a legend in my dad's company."

Ash:"Just nefarious."

{Justin grins and then flips his best friend off}

Maegan:"My job, thank you very much.  {She stretches and then sits in her husband's lap.}  I watched your promo, Lacey.  Talking about your pretty little strap.  See, Gracie and I have discussed the whole Dynasty Diva Tag belts.  Once we win them, we are going to have them redesigned.  We are going to defend them at Wildside in the tag team turmoil match too."

Grace:"We thought we'd mention it now, since it pertains to our match with you tonight.  Viper decided that if titles were going to be carried around then they were going to be defended.  So that's why we are changing the color scheme of the belts and making them not so girly.  In case you failed to listen to what Lacey said Dusty, Lacey doesn't want to be known as just another pretty face.  These titles are girly and a clear rip off of the WWE Divas title.  When we win them tonight, we are going with black, red, and sterling silver instead of the 14karat gold that you guys did with your little Hart Family wannabe titles.  As much as you want to be, Lacey, you are not a member of the Hart family.  We've dealt with the wannabes before."

Maegan:"Although, I should have been able to tell the difference.  It was a psycho cousin of mine who pretended to be Jade Hart.  The question is was Lacey apart of the attempted subterfuge or if she was just as fooled by Aspen pretending to be Bret's daughter.  {Maegan pauses and smirks}  "How do you like that big word, Faye & Oktober?"

Gracie:"It's a word that we had to know for the SATS and the MSats."

{Justin shakes his head}

Justin:"I think we have told the world enough times that we've all been to grad school, law school, med school, whatever."

{Gracie sighs and turns to her big brother}

Gracie:"These new bitches are getting on my nerves.  They think they are so great and they haven't done shit.  All they've done is run their mouths.  Their biographies do not even give much info about their past."

Justin:"I know.  I'm sure stealing catchphrases in an epidemic now in SEF."

Maegan:"Unfortunately for the Beautiful Bytches that the catch phrase they stole happens to be the liscensed copyright of a SEF legend.  {she shakes her head}  "You know it just furthers what I said before.  These bitches should join the Dangerous Corporation.  I mean, are Grace and I the only ones who see through the hos?"

{Justin shrugs}

Justin:"No, I see what they are trying to do, but you know me.  Unless I'm booked againist a woman or one steps to me like a man, then they are not my problem.  Then again, {he brushes his bangs out of his face}  they haven't shown or even promoted themselves that they are worthy of being here in SEF, where women like the two of you, Lacey, and now Dusty, have proven that they deserve to be here.  {Justin gets a text and smiles}  Well, Well, well, my friend and one time tag team partner is back."


Justin:"Megan Sorrow is back.  {he smiles}  "Another second generation diva who has proven her worth in SEF.  These girls, {shakes his head} they are your problem."

Maegan:"We are going to take care of them."

Gracie:"However, the Bytches are not our problem yet.  We do not have to deal with them until the ppv and then on Wildside in the tag team turmoil match."

Maegan:"They sure do like to talk.  {Maegan smiles}  Once we take care of the Dynasty Divas tonight, then we'll move on to defending the titles, and have to face them eventually."

Gracie:"Damn!  I just wish they'd try to be original!  I know that everyone in wrestling borrows from everyone else but I mean really, are they going to watch old SEF promos and pick and choose things that Mack, Lacey, etc have said?  It's like they are watching Dynasty Diva promos and spewing back the same things they've said time and again.  When does the gimmick infringement and redundancy end?"

Maegan:"When we kick their ass.  That's the way it always is.  We could injure Lacey and Dusty both tonight and everything that Lacey has earned, those two new bitches would scoff and claim that Lacey was nothing.  That she was nothing to brag about.  As much as Lacey and I hate each other, there is respect.  We beat the hell out of each other in the Hell in the Cell match.  {shakes her head}  The Beautiful Bytches have earned nothing in SEF and probably no where else either because if they had, as selfish and arrogant they are they would have gloated about it.  They would have put it in their bio and bragged about it.  That's why the contract asks if you have had any indy fed accomplishments.  {she smirks}  They are all talk."

Gracie:"So girls, as soon as we deal with a quality opponent and her lackey then we'll shut you up.  This might be a good time to try out how much damage we can do with our finishers.  The All-American Ankle Lock."

Maegan:"The Forever Fox."

Gracie:"We really should combine the two and name it.  {they look at each other and then nod} "Confidence is based on accomplishment.  Your arrogance is groundless and unproven."

Maegan:"Watch our match girls.  See how some real competitors, people with mixed hate and respect for each other but with the skills to really be the future of the tag division around here.  The two of you?  No longer worth our time."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!


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