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Come Sue Us...We Dare You!

Started by Midnight, October 02, 2023, 09:20:15 PM

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Date Posted:19/10/2010 12:31 PMCopy HTML

Angel on my Shoulder plays through out FFE as The Beautiful Bytches come out from backstage.
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen...please welcome...The Beautiful Bytches!
They walk down the ramp and get in the ring and Fay is handed the mic. She began to speak.
FAY: It seems that Lacey and the Fighting Fixes seem to be running their mouth about we are stealing this or stealing that. Pfft..please. I think they are getting mad because we are getting to them with the fact that we are here and they don't like anyone new coming to their so-called "TURF" and stealing their spotlight.
Oktober smiles and mouths the words"So True".
FAY: Speaking of Lacey...seems she's threatening us with a lawsuit if we don't change our team name. FAT CHANCE LACEY! FUCK OFF! First off if you idiots knew how to fucking spell you would realize that we have the word BITCHES..spelled B..Y...T..C..H...E..S! Not the mention that we spun our name from the legendary greatest TNA tag team..The Beautiful People. Maybe you should talk less and lay on your back more Lacey, it's what you was trained to do. We came here to fight...not stand in front of a camera and talk people to death. We don't need to talk alot. We do enough of that by our actions in the ring.
OKTOBER: You see Lacey, you think your smart, but really your not. Even if it went to court, my lawyer would hit you with a countersuit for wasting our precious time and for being such a stupid cunt. Go ahead..sue us..I fucking dare your lawyer to come get some. We will laugh it off in court and just buy our way out like we've done before. Sides we are rich..so it doesn't matter. As for you..I'd watch your tongue girly..you just might get your jaw broken.
FAY: As for the Fighting Fixes...you girls should stop running your gums on us. Really is annoying when all you whores do is talk shit and can't come say it in our faces. Another thing girls...We only said KISS THIS as a one time thing. So fuck off.
She pauses.
FAY: BOTTOM LINE IS FOLKS...we came to wrestle and win. Unlike you all....we don't need to spread our legs to get ahead..not like Lacey, The Fighting Fixes and whatever other whore is in SEF/FFE. And come PPV..I'm going to be your new Transcontinental Champion, and that is a FACT!
She tosses the mic behind her and the both her and Oktober poses in the ring before the scene fades to black.

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