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speaking to the Jericho Army

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 09:22:17 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:19/10/2010 1:54 PMCopy HTML


The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Tao20Inoki20Banner.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10
_xx.%Tao Inoki%.xx_

{{Tao heads out to the home that Shane and Cody share.  Brandy opens the door with a pretty sweet diamond ring catching the sun, and sending prisms of light all over.}

Tao Inoki:"I guess that congratulations are in order.  {she smiles trying to make Brandy feel at ease} "Look, I know that everyone is giving your fiancee and his brother hell for their last name.  I just wanted to let you know that I have a pretty complicated family myself.  We....well we just do not have the same last name but we all feel that our mother is our mother, even if she isn't biologically.  See, my mom died young so my father's wife, Jennifer, adopted me.  That's how Milan, Journey, Katana, and Cheyenne are my sisters.  See, for the longest time Jennifer thought she was cursed.  She was engaged to a marine, Journey and Milan's dad, and then she married a cop, my father.  Jen was given custody of Milan when he died.  Of course she did with my brother, Gryphon, who is her son biologically, and I as well.  Then she married Shawn who had two girls of his own.  Another cop and our own little multi-nationality Brady Bunch.  So I have a small idea of what your fiancee and his brother is going through.  People claiming that my being Asian and Milan being Brazillian means that we can not be sisters.  Jennifer made us a family.  She took us all in when some people believe that we would have been better off being sent back to our grandparents.  Why?  She's not the right nationality to raise an Asian and not the right version of Latina to raise a Brazillian?  Okay, I know its not exactly the same, but when it comes to family being family, who gives a damn about legalities?  Your family doesn't and neither does mine.  Jen adopted me when I was eight years old.  Does that make her any less my mother?  No.  Doesn't make Ted any less Shane and Cody's father.  So that's why I booked them as The Jericho Army rather than whatever stable name the three of you came up with.  So again, congratulations."

{Tao turns to leave.} 
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Dean and Seth Moxley

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Re:speaking to the Jericho Army
Date Posted:19/10/2010 4:14 PMCopy HTML

Brandy looks at her, and talks again.

Brandy Gibson

Shane and Cody wanted an actual tag team name, so that is why they picked the Jericho Army. The stable was in honor of the ones that were in it before, so we might give it up just for them to keep their tag team name even though I do manage them as a tag team. I only manage Shane when he is in singles competition, and thanks. We have a little girl named Ellie, and she is 5 years old. She is a mommy's and a daddy's girl, and she is just like the both of us. With Shane's new attitude I can see why Cody is acting the way he is over it, and hopefully they can work things out between them before their sibling bond gets ruined.

She stands there, and waits for a reply.

Kristin Fox

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Re:speaking to the Jericho Army
Date Posted:19/10/2010 4:32 PMCopy HTML

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The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little

[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Tao20Inoki20Banner.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10

_xx.%Tao Inoki%.xx_

{{Tao turns back.}

Tao Inoki:"I love kids.  I was 19 when Gryphon was born so any sibling rivalry was with Milan in martial arts competitions. {she laughs} I was a very convenient babysitter when I wasn't teaching martial arts or taking classes at Columbia.  I can't wait till my niece and nephew are born.  Now my sisters and I are really tight.  As you'll see in my office if you ever stop by.  I don't mind if you call yourself The Jericho Army.  It's how I booked them."    

»þąşşıøи▪đяυйќ« at DAF, no stealing will be permitted if you like what you see then come on down and request one instead of stealing it cause lets face it... stealing is for punk ass clowns who cant get shit on their own and I hate thieves! You've been warned you should and better take heed to it!


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