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Good To Be

Started by NBD, October 02, 2023, 09:24:49 PM

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Date Posted:20/10/2010 11:44 PMCopy HTML

The symbol adorned by Shane Mack is now flashed in red.

And then darkness, like that everlasting darkness we all eventually sink deep into!
Sunday might marks a historical night for any wrestling historian and especial an SEF historian knows that Matt Matlock versus Shane Mack is going to be truly special. These two had one of the hottest rivalries in SEF and well many note Mack has had many great feuds, Matt actually cared when he faced Mack. So now let's see if that fire can finally rekindle inside him for we all know the fire never dies in Mack, it never even comes close to going out!
Extreme Revolution is when these two men meet, for the first time in nearly four years is what Nick Miller stated on this past Extreme after Viper dropped the bomb picking both these men to face each other. Now its not just another match, this match wasn't made for the sole purpose of another Matlock versus Mack match, no. The winner receives a World, yes, a World Heavyweight Title shot just three days later on the first edition of Wildside which is part of the FFE brand. Though its operated under SEF, so hey, a huge attraction for this new show just got bigger with the possibility that Matlock or Mack could be the next contender to the World strap. No doubt about it, both men want that belt, Matt needs to win it, he has to have it to, but why?
And what exactly has he done to prove he truly wants to be SEF World Heavyweight Champion?
Sure, he can wrestle a good match, especially when facing a guy like Mack who can make anyone look good. Matt's faced several guys who can do that yet never really cared to do anything on his own, just sit and wait and hope he pull out something cheap and lazy. Still so much wasted potential in the form of the being that is Matt Matlock, but then again, maybe he'll prove that he's done wasting talent. Maybe Viper knew exactly what he was doing by making this match after all, he even stated that choosing Matt made sense when choosing Mack. If anyone can make Matlock rise from his slump and finally give a good performance that is who is facing now, Mack!
But the win is what its about Sunday night, going on to face the World Champ. Mack had his reign cut short this past summer and would suffer an injury, some believe that is what cost him against Reynolds, but no one will ever know. Mack healed himself, he rebuilt his body over the past few months, reconditioned, reinvented, and refocused on getting back that World Title. He's not done by a long shot, he was never on a vacation because vacations are something you want to do, you look forward too. Mack missed action for three months, quite a run I this business and with Mack's drive, he's ready to make up for lost time!
Matlock is the perfect opponent for Mack's first match back, a good test, a past rival back for his own glory meeting up in another sure to be classic, sure to be showsteala. Matt is a challenge, he makes Mack think and move cautiously, precisely, ready to pounce, but quick to defend. At least one can only hope he is still a challenge for as of recently Matlock hasn't much of anything besides lame!
A true downfall for Matt, his mouth that constantly tries to tell you how he thinks something is and constantly getting it wrong. Always one to talk shit irrelevant to what actually matters, stepping in the ring and showcasing your ability as one of the absolute best like Shane Mack does every goddamn night of the week. This isn't all about the money or the glory, its an art form of true nature. Human bodies moving gracefully on the mat, through the air, performing breathtaking moves and trading solid holds. Chaining together beautiful moves in a flow like no other, its what Mack does, always has!
So Matt, what is it you do, who are you?
Mack has answered it for himself numerous times in his career, several right here in SEF as he never fails to prove who he is every night of the week. He's coming straight for the World Title, he's coming back to show the world that Mack is better than before and before, no one could hold a candle near him. This time no one will be able to keep that shit lit, lace his boots, hold his jock, though that last one, he'll just have to swing by yer ol' ladies house and show her why it is Good To Be Shane Mack!
And again we see the symbol of Mack flashed in red.

Then again total darkness, perhaps the fate of Matlock after Da Shows Ova, a hundred percent original move and that's a shoot, or maybe its like Mack once stated, everybody taps!?!

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