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Dusty ppv promo

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 09:33:10 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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Date Posted:21/10/2010 5:49 PMCopy HTML

.//Roleplay Title\\. .//People Mentioned/Used\\. //.Record\\. .//Stalk Me\\. .//Out Of Character\\. 
Dusty's ppv promoread itFormer Dynasty Diva tag champ& prettier than you could dream of beingBlank a little ppv/little wildside

"The American Day Dream"
{Dusty is backstage as Greg Boone comes up to her.  Dusty rolls her eyes}

Dusty Rodgers-O'Bannon:"Look you skeebie little horndog, Lacey isn't with me so carry your nasty ass someplace else.  I don't have time for you.  I have a title to win."

{Greg and the camera look down at the floor.  They take in the Black and Pink Nike Shox and follow up her latte colored bare legs up to the skimpy work out shorts and black with pink jewel encrusted Dynasty Divas sports top.  Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail, every hair perfectly in place.}

Greg:"Looking good, Dusty."

{Dusty smirks and places her hands on her hips}

Dusty:"Don't you think I know that, Greg?  Genetically speaking, my looks are perfect!  My mom was a former swimsuit model and my dad a former Marine Body builder.  I got my perfect bone structure from my dad's Commanche side and the perfect skin tone from the fact that he is half and my mother 100% Puerto Rican.  Thrown in my mother's fashion sense and my father's strong willed determination to succeed and you have the perfect compliement to Lacey Daniels' Canadian Superiority.  That's why the Dynasty Divas are so superior to everyone else.  In fact, it is obvious to anyone with a brain that we had The Fugly Foxes right where we wanted them until Julie stuck her nose in where it wasn't wanted.  So the Foxes begged, borrowed, and kissed ass until they got someone to come in and save them from the ass kicking that they truly deserved for continuing a feud that they know that they'll never win.  Now, more importantly, Lacey has the International title sewn up.  They should actually rename it the Lacey Daniels Legends championship because the only way you could get the title off of her is to try to pry it from her cold dead fingers.  {she then smiles cruely} Then again, if that happened Chris would come out and punt anyone dumb enough to fuck with Lacey living or dead so odds are, Lacey will be buried with the title.  Of course, Chris is going to the ppv in the fourway for the heavyweight title match againist Rick Reynolds, Jason Price, and my annoyingly pretends to be perfect older brother, Justin.  We know how that match is going to end don't we?  Price and Orton will kill Justin, making Katana a young widow, before Price gets punted into the next decade, and Chris snatches up the title that is rightfully his.  So that leaves Knox and I.  What are we going to do?  Probably the same fun we had planned when Knox was the Hardcore champion.  One of us will win the Transcontiental title and we will take turns pinning each other on a regular basis, {she smirks and winks} several times a day in fact, passing the title back and forth within our bedroom funtime.  Personally, I would like all four of us to have our own individual titles.  {she pauses, thinks}  You know, since Maegan was so stupid as to boast that the Dynasty tag titles were going to be defended in the tag team turmoil match.....you know, Lacey and I are the Dynasty Divas.  Knox and Chris......No, Chris is strictly, SEF.  We can rename the Wildside titles the new Dynasty Diva titles and the old Dynasty titles can just be the Dynasty tag titles.  That way Knox and Chris can defend those titles here in SEF.  {she smirks} I'm so smart.  Then all Knox has to do is defeat that beast for the television title.  Then we all have titles.  {she claps her hands}  Picture it, Greg.  We would truly be able to show the world our superiority.  Not since Viper was active, I bet that a stable has been not just dominant but golden.  We are building something that will ensure our places in the SEF history books.  Now, shoo, Greg.  {she waves him away} I have to go to the gym.  You don't get to look this good by the grace of God, but it helps.  {she smirks}  Then again, I heard that God helps those who helps themselves.  Which must be why Lacey and I are so blessed."

{She snickers and trots off to the gym} 
"The American Day Dream"

 "The American Day Dream" Dusty O'Bannon
Finishing Move
 Daydream Believer
Dusty Daydream
 Knox O'Bannon

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