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Ares Out For Longer Than Expected?

Started by Jake Voss, October 02, 2023, 09:35:08 PM

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Jake Voss

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Date Posted:21/10/2010 10:18 PMCopy HTML

So it was learned earlier today that Ares who recently took a punt to the head from Drake Sage and ended up on the shelf for a few weeks injured his arm while training for a return to the ring very soon. Obviously it won't be soon now, more like a few months and when reached for comment Ares had this to say.

Fine fucking time for this to happen, but Drake Sage, I won't forget you intially caused me to be on the sidelines, injuries heal and I'll be back soon enough to whoop some more ass!

Then after throwing us out he could be heard yelling and smashing up his hotel, so we got the hell out of there. Can't blame the guy, sucks, but sounds like he'll be back, so there's something to look for. Drake hopefully is watching and keeps his eyes open for Ares to show up. More news to follow if there is any!

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