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I Get My Title Back!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, October 02, 2023, 09:45:56 PM

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Date Posted:22/10/2010 10:26 AMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
I Get My Title Back
  Justin Rogers, Lacey Daniels, Jason Price, Rick Reynolds, Greg Boone 
Here my roleplay!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
SEF presents "Extreme Revolution" is on the air, the scene shows Chris Orton & Lacey Daniels arriving, and backstage interviewer Greg Boone comes into the picture, so Chris Orton talk first

Chris Orton: Greg Boone, do you have anything better to do bother us all the time?

Lacey Daniels: Yea, you always ask us stupid questions anyway, so let me do your job for once

Lacey Daniels takes the microphone from Greg Boone, and Chris Orton gave him a stare,  so Lacey Daniels became a interviewer started talking.

Lacey Daniels: Hello everyone, I'm standing next to soon to be new SEF World Heavyweight Champion, and my man Chris Orton. Chris Orton, what can we expect from you in the main event?

Chris Orton: Well Lacey, people believe my time as number one man in SEF is over, but I think things will get interesting when I become SEF World Heavyweight Champion again.

Lacey Daniels: Really? Explain?

Chris Orton: Well, I become the new SEF World Heavyweight Champion I believe Shane Mack will become the number one contender two of us will have another epic match. I believe I can beat him I know next time we meet my arm will be in the air as the winner, and Shane Mack will be the loser.

Lacey Daniels: Tell us about the challengers you will be facing in the main event!

Chris Orton: Everybody knows I hate Justin Rogers guts, and he isn't good enough to be SEF World Heavyweight Champion. Jason Price thinks my time is over it just got started I won't let him stop me from become the new SEF World Heavyweight Champion, because he and I will go at it and get ugly in the ring. Rick Reynolds claims to be good, but I need to see that up close in the ring, because no one is good unless you prove it in the ring. These three men claim to be good, great, better the only way to make that claim inside the ring, because no one believe I wasn't good enough to be in SEF look what look. My career skyrocket winning mutiple championships, and good matches against best wrestlers on SEF roster. Tonight on "Extreme Revolution", these three men are going to get Chris Orton who become a superstar, and the guy who work his ass off to be number one in SEF. I'm coming into this elimination match to win and beat anyone who gets in my way, because I will become the new SEF World Heavyweight Champion, and I will get my hands on Shane Mack one more time have that epic match. Justin Rogers, Jason Price, and Rick Reynolds prepare yourself for a battle, because I'm going to win the war.

Lacey Daniels: That how you do an interview Boone!

Lacey Daniels toss the mic back at Greg Boone, and she puts her arms around her man, so Chris Orton & Lacey Daniels walk away leaving Greg Boone by himself as "Extreme Revolution" air video promo about Chris Orton success in SEF.

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