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Calling Out Knox

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 09:51:39 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:22/10/2010 8:17 PMCopy HTML




{Get Ready to fly by G.R.I.T.S. hits the p.a.  Ice blue and silver pyro begins to rain down from the ceiling and ice blue lasers begin to whirl around the arena.  In the midst of the pyro, Matt Fox is vaulted from the floor.}

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{He is hyped up as he throws his arms out and yells.  He has a microphone in one hand and is carrying the Transcontiental title over his shoulder.  He is dressed in boots, acid washed jeans, and a black shirt with a white Gothic cross that says Matt Fox.  He is wearing a silver chain with a silver crucifix and St. Christopher medal.  On his left hand is a Platnium wedding band with small crosses on it.  He climbs into the ring and looks from side to side.}

Matt Fox:"I am not out here to announce that I am overstepping the self imposed restrictions that I have set on myself for title matches.  So no, I am not out here to say that I am in the Transcontiental title battle royal.  However, I can say who will never get a shot.  If that is what it takes to get Knox O'Bannon to answer my open challenge then so be it.  Knox, I know that you are not a coward so apparently you are being a smug bastard who thinks that not wrestling competitively for the last three years means that you are just going to walk over me.  I still work out.  I train young hopefuls who want to break into this business.  I train on a regular basis to help several members of my family stay sharp in the ring.  I work out with Justin, Maegan, Gracie, my wife Sara, and once upon a time I also trained with your father.  So if you ever hope to get a shot at this title right here and in fact, if you hope to help your wife win the Transcontiental title then you best get your ass out here right now or the O'Bannons will never hope to get a shot at any FFE title."

{{American Bad Ass by Kid Rock hits the P.A.  Knox stalks out dressed in a white button down shirt, grey vest, and black slacks.  His black eyes are flashing murderous intentions as he climbs into the ring to face Matt}}

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{The fans brace themselves to see if Matt really is the loser coward that Knox accused him of being.}

Knox O'Bannon:"How fucking dare you bring my wife into this?"

Matt Fox:"Shut your mouth before I change the card again because I'd bet my whole freaking interest in this brand that my wife and I would destroy you and that little two faced tramp that you call a wife!!!  The feud that my twin and cousin have with the Dynasty Divas be damned!  This is about us and I knew the only way to get you as pissed off as I am is to speak a truth that you have spent the last three years trying to change.  Dusty is nowhere near the level that she claims.  She's getting there and having Lacey Daniels as a mentor speaks volumes for the leaps and bounds she has taken since Justin and I let her and Journey tag along to SEF with us in 2007.  Journey's experience and skills have also improved greatly under my wife's tutelage.  IF Sara has her way then the Foxes will become the Vixens once again.  That is neither here or there because at this time it has nothing to do with what our wives may or may not escalate into in the near future.  This has to do with you and I, Knox.  You won round one in our battle.  You made me resort to your level.  When I should have made the match and when you didn't show, then let the world see that you were the coward, not me."

Knox O'Bannon:"I fought in two fucking wars!  I'm no coward!"

Matt Fox:"Right, you held a gun and dressed in full body armor, and skulked around two different deserts in the Middle East.  You were not faced with the same horrors that infantry faces.  {fans kinda boo} I'm not taking away from the fact that you served your country proudly.  You've won medals, but what have you won in SEF?  Whose respect have you earned?  Chris Orton rarely even speaks to you directly and he's engaged to your wife's best friend.  Your former best friend hates your guts and not even your cousin, who was in your command in the Corp doesn't even speak of your wrestling career with respect.  So are you going to man up and accept my challenge?"

Knox O'Bannon:"You aren't even worth my time.  You know what you're worth?"
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{He hawks a big loogie in Matt's face.  Matt smacks the hell out of him.  Knox gets in Matt's face.  The two start shoving.  Several recently hired male referees rush out to seperate them.  Knox hits him with a back fist.  Matt loses what little cool he has, calls him a fucker, and breaks free of the refs.  He spears Knox and starts wailing on him.  When they are finally pulled apart, its only because of Chaotic rushing out to pull them apart}

Matt Fox:"Say something you fucking coward!"

Knox:"Your ass is mine, boy!"

{Demon Speeding hits and Tao comes out dressed in a red velvet dress and matching thigh high boots.  She looks at the two of them like they've lost their minds and scoops up the Transcontiental title.}

Tao:"The match is booked for Wildside unless Viper decides to book the match for Extreme Revolution."

{She turns shaking her head like they are both crazy.  A ref holds the ropes open for her and she climbs out of the ring.}
((This has been an official *MATT FOX * Roleplay))

Layout 2006 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison Designs ((ALL RIGHTS RESERVED))

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