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Fighting Foxes PPV Promo 2 ( Question 4Viper)

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 10:02:21 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:18/10/2010 6:37 PMCopy HTML


The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

_xx.%The Fighting Foxes%.xx_

{The Fighting Foxes are backstage in their gear.  They pass a monitor that is showing a preview for the ppv.}

Maegan:"You know I think we should probably change our attitude about the Transcontiental Title."

Gracie:"You know, with some many people that we do not like, especially these new girls, what better way to really stick it to them that they don't just walk into a company and are the Queen Divas around here on day one."

{Maegan shakes her head}

Maegan:"You know I've been fighting that battle with Lacey Daniels for what seems like forever.  We all know who the Queen Bitch is in SEF and after several ground breaking years in this business she sure as hell earned it!"

Gracie:"Yeah and its for damn sure that her name is not Lacey Daniels!"

Maegan:"For that matter, its not Fay or Oktober either!  At least Lacey is loyal to SEF and gives the respect to the living legends that created SEF."

Gracie:"You know, Matt's creating FFE within SEF is likely to have those sluts walking into FFE thinking that they own the place too.  If Sara isn't going to wrestle and defending what Matt is trying to build, I think that as his twin sister that you should do what Justin is doing.  He got that jean jacket and had SEF and FFE patches sewn on it.  You may need to get some custom gear with both logos on it."

Maegan:"Yeah and for the most part SEF and FFE are family organizations.  Whitney created SEF and she and Mack are the original Golden Couple.  If I remember correctly Whitney has a brother that worked here in the past.  Mack's kid will probably be a star here one day too."

Gracie:"And if there is one thing that the Legacy hates its people bashing our family."

{Maegan smiles}

Maegan:"As huge and as soap opera complicated as it is.  So we need to continue to kick ass and rack up wins.  We don't need to slack off because some rookie chicks walk in here like they own the place and they are most likely a seriously easy victory.  It's not like they are the only people that are going to be in the Battle Royal.  Knox, Dusty, and maybe even Lacey are going to be in the battle royal.  Of course they are all going to be in the tag team turmoil match at Wildside."

{Gracie looks at her nails and then up at the camera}

Gracie:"We've already covered that a time or two on Wildside air time."

{Maegan sighs}

Maegan:"Why is it so hard for people to understand that they are going to be seen as a lot of hot air if they rarely every show up at the FFE but hide in the SEF arenas where they think Viper may discourage inter-promotional battles?"

Gracie:"I don't know."

Maegan:"Well, the one thing I know about Viper is he is a tough bastard.  So, {she frowns} instead of trying to claim that I know Viper and what he's thinking, I'd rather not screw up and get hit with Unforgiven.  Let's go ask Viper."

{Gracie looks a little worried}

Gracie:"Isn't he busy?"

Maegan:"Well, its an important question.  {she motions with one well manicured hand}  Let's find out.  {she goes and knocks on Viper's door.  When she's given permission, she opens the door}  We just had a question.  Do you discourage interpromotional battles?"

Gracie:"If our problems from FFE's tag turmoil boils over to here, is anyone going to be penalized?"
»þąşşıøи▪đяυйќ« at DAF, no stealing will be permitted if you like what you see then come on down and request one instead of stealing it cause lets face it... stealing is for punk ass clowns who cant get shit on their own and I hate thieves! You've been warned you should and better take heed to it!

Taylor Andrews

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Re:Fighting Foxes PPV Promo 2 ( Question 4Viper)
Date Posted:21/10/2010 9:54 PMCopy HTML

Viper just look up from his desk shifty eyed, his arms on the desk and he's pushed up close kind of. The girls look to him waiting and he answers them.

Um, no.

They just looks kind of like, that's all, then Maegan asks.

Oh, well are you ok?

Viper gives a smirk and says.

Yea, just fine, you two want to join me?

He winks now and then a thump under the desk is heard and he let's out a...

Ah, fuck, I mean, shit, muscle spasm, damn desk!

He grins and a zipping is heard, then Viper is pushed back on his desk chair that has wheels. Maegan and Grace look confused now and Maegan looks to say something when a blonde pops up from under the desk and looks back revealing Tina. They both look wide eyed and Tina gets up smirking, then turns back to Viper crossing her arms and says.

I said just you and me, but if they want to join us, then they can after I get you one on one!?!

Tina turns and moves back sitting on Viper's lap sideways throwing her arms around his neck. Viper just grins and says.

So is that all ya need or can we get back to our business? We really had an intense discussion going!

He grins cheekily and Tina slaps his chest, then starts kissing on his neck and nibbling his ear. Maegan and Grace just start to look uneasy as Viper doesn't really care, he's getting fondled!

Kristin Fox

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Re:Fighting Foxes PPV Promo 2 ( Question 4Viper)
Date Posted:22/10/2010 9:28 PMCopy HTML


The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little

[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!


_xx.%The Fighting Foxes%.xx_

{Maegan shakes her head}

Maegan:"Oh.  I'm married.  Thanks for the offer."

{She turns to leave.  Gracie is still a little dumbfounded but turns and follows her out too}

»þąşşıøи▪đяυйќ« at DAF, no stealing will be permitted if you like what you see then come on down and request one instead of stealing it cause lets face it... stealing is for punk ass clowns who cant get shit on their own and I hate thieves! You've been warned you should and better take heed to it!


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