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universal6 star tag team

Knox and Dusty

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 10:10:49 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:204
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  • From:USA 
  • Register:06/05/2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:23/10/2010 6:10 PMCopy HTML


obannons.jpg Knox & Dusty picture by pegasusfeds10

..::Knox and Dusty::..
..::Dusty and Knox::..
..::Dusty, Knox, Lacey, Justin etc, etc::..
..::NEXT MATCH::..
..::Dynasty Divas vs Foxes/Knox vs Drake Sage
..::Sorry everyone!::..

{Knox is backstage with Dusty and they are both fuming.  Knox is pacing back and forth.  Dusty grabs the microphone and shoves Danika on her ass}

Dusty:"Why is it that every single person has their heads up their asses?  First people complain that we are in the gym and that we work to much.  That we are an old boring married couple, when in truth, neither Knox and I are not even close to our 25th birthday!!  {She flaunts her light mocha colored skin} I'm 21 and I'm one hot mama! Literally and {she smirks} and proverbially!  We've been married for a little more than three years and we bust our asses.  I was a scrawny little bitch when I came here in 2007 and now, I'm filled out, {she shakes her shoulders so her boobs move} and trimmed up, {she runs a hand over her flat stomach that is forming a six pack}.  I worked my ass off to look as good as I do.  SEF and FFE are not the only places that I work.  I travel all over the U.S. kicking asses and taking names.  Now these two new skanks come in here like they own the world.  You have shown nothing that you are a couple of lesbo skanks who respect nothing.  You work out just to keep from blowing up from all of the hot air you got trapped in those air heads of yours.  {she sneers at the camera} "So much shit that you spew about how smart you are.  If you were so smart than you'd have paid attention to the way things work around here.  The way things go around here is that the Fox vs Diva feud always steals the show at Extreme.  No one looks better in our gear or in the ring than we do.  The more you talk out of your asses the more I hate you because the more it makes me realize how worthy of an opponent my step-sister is.  It makes me appreciate the fact that she doesn't downplay all of the hard work that I have put into earning my spot as the tag team partner and best friend to the best thing SEF or FFE has going, the SEF International Champ, Lacey Daniels.  So it makes me hate you two even more, especially you, Fay.  You continue to keep your bleach blond head stuck into the dirt so full of yourself that you can't see past all the shit you keep shoveling."

{Knox takes the microphone from her}

Dusty:"I wasn't finished...."

Knox:"Whatever, that's petty shit.  Those fucking skanks have nothing to gain by flaunting themselves except to make a name for themselves.  I have real problems!  Matthew, what the fuck were you thinking?  You signed your own fucking death warrant when you laid your hands on me, you no good Canadian bastard!" {Dusty lays a hand on his arm}  "What?  He is a no good Canadian bastard.  Doesn't mean I hate all Canadians...well all of them except for Lacey.  She's the only one who has earned my respect!  Matt Fox is throwing his weight around here because he is kissed Viper's ass enough that he has his own brand and thinks Viper is going to protect him from the ass kicking that he deserves and that I'm going to give him.  I don't care if its at the PPV or at fucking Wildside!!  You fucked up!  You threatened my wife and you put your hands on me.  What kind of pussy ass bitch slaps a grown man in the face like he's a just out of wrestling school chick on the fucking rag?  FUCK! My baby sister, same age as your skanky ass bitch of a sister, steps up to a problem and will lay your ass out with a left hook!  I accept your weak ass challenge, Matt.  You know those stupid movies we were forced to watch, to try to make us all get along when we were younger?  Like Tombstone.  "Tell 'em Death is coming.  You tell 'em I'm coming and hell is coming with me."
((This has been an official *Knox and Dusty O'Bannon* Roleplay))

Layout 2003 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison Designs ((ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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