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This Is Priceless

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 10:12:30 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:23/10/2010 10:40 PMCopy HTML

And so is Jason Price who did exactly as he said he would do and won the first fall, but had Justin Rodgers piggy backing to tie him on Extreme. Jason secured his spot, Justin got his and Chris picked up the third, so now its Extreme Revolution to look forward too, a World Title shot against Rick Reynolds, the leader of the Dangerous Corporation!
Its twenty four away from the big event and Jason is sitting at a table in the bar of a hotel, nothing fancy and he sits back by himself sipping from a small glass with whiskey in it. He wears casual attire, jeans and a tee, looks serious and dedicated, focused and sips some more whiskey, then says.
Justin Rodgers, your little hold couldn't make Chris tap out, so I applied something that can only be compared to being priceless and got the job done allowing you to advance as well. Face FACTS Justin, had I not decided make Chris tap and kick your head off, then you may not have advanced, then again, with the likes of Chris Orton and that never was hack Haz in the match, a guy like you actually stands out while a guy like me!
He smirks arrogantly and says.
I am showcased as the best wrestler in the ring and tomorrow night I surpass the World Champion when I take his title. Reynolds, you say you wouldn't mind having me in the DC and I don't blame you one bit, but I am not giving up my shot at your belt. I worked too many years for SEF and busted my ass to gain gold here, now I have a shot at the biggest chunk of gold there is to hold and I'm taking it! Although, I wouldn't rule out joining the DC in the future, so if you can let bygones be bygones after this match is over, then let's talk!
Price keeps smirking and takes a sip of whiskey now, then lowers it saying.
Chris Orton, my feelings on you have not changed one bit. Your still a shadow of who you once were, reduced to whining and complaining, bitching and moaning. I think you've been pussy whipped too long boy and its time you made a choice, but that's your deal. My deal is walking out of Extreme Revolution with the World Heavyweight Championship and making every one of you tap out!
He says with a grimace, teeth clenched and then gets a cool smirk back and continues.
All three of you are staring across the ring at a man who could make any one of you tap out in a matter of seconds. I know more holds than all of you know people. I have perfected more holds than any of you have held championships. I am a professional fucking wrestler and if anybody deserves a damn shot at Rick Reynolds it is me!
He sneers a bit and takes a sip of whiskey, lowers the glass and says.
I promise you all that I will make you tap and I really do not want to break a promise, so instead I'll break you and take that belt for my own!
Jason now stands up taking the last of whiskey down, then sets down the glass and pulls a couple ones out dropping them down. He nods to the camera and walks off out of the bar leaving, so fade to black.

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