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Revolutionizing Extreme (Camaro)

Started by Johnny Camaro, October 02, 2023, 10:14:17 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:24/10/2010 12:06 AMCopy HTML

 showtime,baby -
"Preparations Being Made"

So I don't know where to put this as it is both for Wildside and the PPV

Many have begun to take notice that something, or should I say someone, is missing from last weeks SEF Extreme. That small piece that, whether they realize it or not, they love to see. With all due respect to the other workers on the roster, SEF seemed uglier. That reason is because Thee Quintessential Star and all around pretty boy of SEF is now gone. To where? To FFE! Fire Fox Entertainment! Even with the interference from Rob Rocco and the continual disrespect from that kid Drake Sage, Johnny was the big man and walked away. Rob Rocco and Drake Sage will make up lies that they beat him up so bad that Johnny left to not get hurt. It is quite the opposite, in fact I believe his direct words to Viper were, "Fuck You! I won't be back until you and Extreme can get shit under control!" Later Johnny did end up phoning Viper back and apologized and Viper was cool about it, afterall it was just heat of the moment.

So now apart of the FFE roster Johnny Camaro will be pitted against nine wrestlers. Going into this Johnny has an imidiate advantage; his nine opponents are all wrestlers, Johnny Camaro is Thee Quintessential Star. but let's be vague about it. Johnny is a Star and his opponents are all wrestlers. On paper Johnny will win a thousand times out of ten, in real life it won't be that easy. Then again, communism was flawless on paper, so Johnny may only win a hundred times out of ten. 

Johnny Camaro had come out of his television silence for a special interview, but before that we need some background information on what Mr. Camaro had been up to. He was trying to return to complete peace before returning to the wrestling ring. He thought the best place to go for that is somewhere cold. He originally was going to fly to Aspen but changed his mind and fly over to Timmins, Ontario. Apparently they had a wrestling show up their and bought a ticket. The guy who sold him the ticket ended up being the owner of this company, he wanted Johnny to wrestle in the main-event for their Top Of The World Title. Johnny happily accepted and walked into the back. To his surprise Suga Shane, The Hurricane, Gregory Helms was wrestling in that same match. So Johnny threw on his tights and walked out sporting his original indy music, The Ultimate by Summer Brockwell, he cut a promo and later wrestled one of the most quickly paced matches of his career. It ended with Johnny winning the TOTW Championship, he gave it away to The Hurricane, Suga Shane, Gregory Helms because he truely deserved it more.

So still in Timmins Johnny walked the two block Central Business District, it was snowing and Johnny couldn't be more happy. He was twelve hours minimum from any CanAmera boarders and he was freezing. How in the hell could he be happy with those conditions? Well he finally got to sport his fur coat without sweating and it was just plain peaceful. He rented a Chalet for the week and just relaxed. He left his business shit at home so their was no possibility of SEF phoning and telling him to work a house show on Tuesday. There wasn't girls clawing him to get an article of his clothing as he walked in his door, he was alone...Well, he had his girlfriend there.

So in the cold minus 4 degree (celsius that is) weather Johnny has his furcoat, sunglasses, and a nice pair of jeans on. He is alone right now, there is literally no one on the street. He pulls out a slip of paper

312 Cider Rd.

He truns to his right and looks at the building number. 312 Cider Rd. This is the place Suga Shane told him to go. Johnny heads inside the building. As soon as he walks in it is super busy. Johnny walks to the receptionist and asks her, "Where is Mr. Catrell?"

"Third Floor On The Right." She responds.
Johnny gets up to the third floor and heads to the right. Zach Catrell? Not right. Johnny stands there and thinks, he remembers something about the top floor and Johnny heads in the elevator and flys up to the top floor. He heads to his right and here he is, Monty Catrell. Apparently this guy is the greatest undiscovered director in the business today. He is suppsoed to also be a great camera person so Johnny is going to himm to cut a promo. He knocks on the door and it soon opens.
After the long and terrible task of setting up for the interview Johnny is finished in makeup and finished his costume change. His abs have been jeweled and hhe is ready.

† C H R I S T 
"I am Survival of the Fittest."

"Extreme Revolution...The newest pay-per-view and creation from SEF. This Sunday as a replacement for Extreme we have this pay-per-view. This is the first time the roster from Extreme and the roster of FFE merge into the Extreme Revolution roster. It is the first time that brand doesn't matter, all that matters is how hard you fight. It's what you do, not who you are." Johnny is sitting in a chair, the background is rather grungy. He is dressed in street attire- he only had to change his shirt- and a bandana leaving the top of his head exposed. He has his hair tied in a ponytail and still has his sunglasses on.

"This Sunday people will be leaving their marks in many ways. People like Shane Mack, Matt Matlock, Justin Rodgers, Chris Orton, Nikky Venom and Johnny Camaro. I plan to go through the other nine opponents and win the Transcontinential Title. It is destiny! Look at my achievements, I hold many longest reigning championships and even more first...Champions! Another title is created and once again I am in the title match. I am the man who sullies the virginities of championships- not like that you dirty-minded perverts - so now that I'm faced with yet another oppertunity to sully another title. I'd like to think that I have the advantage in this match because I am a master of these situations, I've struggled through multiple tough opponents and came out with a title held high above my head whether the fans were behind me or not. At Extreme Revolution I won't force the crowd to cheer, if they want to cheer while I fight to win, perfect. This time I won't let the fans chose my path in this company. This time I chose my own path, and if the people want to be behind me as I follow that path then I will give them something to cheer about." Johnny grabs a glass from off screen it's filled with water. He drinks some of it and puts it down beside himself.

"So I look at this match and I see the eager faces of the Fighting Foxes. They look like they could put up a good fight...but for someone else. It's seems that their minds are elsewhere. Their focus is beating the Dynasty Divas. Their minds are not really set upon winning the Transcontinential Championship, it's set on defeating the Dynasty Divas. Speaking of which they are also in this match. Now before I break their presence in the match down I must say this. I like the name. Mainly the fact that it has a y bing used as a vowel. I enjoy something about that yet I can't figure out what. But I digress. Lacey is being cocky as usual and doesn't realize that the world doesn't revolve around her. She seems to think that her little...(he laughs) "assault" would warrant a broken neck and a broken heart. Well young Lacey, I am in that match to pop the cherry of the FFE tag team championships- Just a pun you dirty-minded people - that match is the same as any other. There will be no targeting because I understand that you are just as fucked up as Nikky Venom. Maybe it's just cockyness, or fuck, maybe you think that because you have a belt you think you are the next Shane Mack. The next Great One. Who knows though right?" Johnny just sits back and crosses his legs.

"Who else is in this match? Knox and Dusty Fart. HA! Immaturity, you've got to love it sometimes. But I digress. So Dusty's promo was basically a waste of time and... well now that I mention it, both were. It doesn't even sound like Knox wants the title, so he will be pretty easy. Moving onto Shane Jericho. First I want to say...Congratulations on the wedding and boy could it not have come at a worse time. See, you're mind will be set on Brandy. Cody on the other hand, I'd say he has one of the best chances in this match. I think that he is deperate for some sort of achievement in SEF. I think this is chance he wanted, I think he will fight harder than he ever has. Next there's Broktober Summers and Fay Grimm. Just like Fighting Foxs they have their sights set on hurting the Dynasty Divas. So clearly I do not see them completely focused on winning the Transcontinential Champion." Johnny grabs the glass of water and takes another sip.

"Finally there is The Grand Mino...Minor...Minaru? The GM! I can't pernounce his name! Anyway, I haven't really seen anything from him and I'm excited to see what he can bring to the table. I can't say anything bad about because, I haven't heard of him before! So basically It is a certianty that I will win this match. It seems like I'm the only one with his head in the game." Johnny changes sitting positions in the chair and once again begins to speak.

"After my match on Extreme a couple of weeks ago I went to Viper and basically yelled at him for not controling that situation. It's been on the spoiler sites and on various podcasts. I'll basically clear up the situation because it makes me seem like a real dick and I'm really not I just had a rage blackout of sorts. Unfortunaty Viper was the one that I directed it towards and I really shouldn't have. But I think the main point I yelled at him about was not sending security. Now that I'm calmed down and the rage has subsided I see that no one came out to help me at all because they've got their own shit to care about. I tried to make this another thing for Viper to battle and all he did was suspend me til I cooled down enough. After hearing about the creation of FFE I thought that it could be the to cool me down. Now I realize that my problems with Drake Sage and Rob Rocco won't go away until I make them. They wanted to fight me and I will definatly be bringing the fight to Dangerous Corperation in general. Whether I'm with Da Gangsta's or not I will have to make this happen. If I don't I will be the continued target. It took me some time away from the drama to realize that I need to stop letting them get away with beating me. Sage and Rocco want to fight me then I'll take out their legs before they can touch me again. Extreme Revolution, my chance to prove I'm much more than a pretty face and my chance to pay back Viper for wrongly yelling at him." The camera fades to black.


Taylor Andrews

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Re:Revolutionizing Extreme (Camaro)
Date Posted:24/10/2010 12:35 AMCopy HTML

And then we open up to find Viper sitting back on a sofa in his office wearing the usual black suit, no tie, blonde hair down. He just leans back after watching the promo from Johnny and laughs a little saying.

Well to clear up any and all rumors Johnny is referencing as to his little yelling episode he claims happened and then a phone call to apologize, there all false. Actually, the truth is, I've never spoken to Johnny once since I returned to SEF, he's never came to me and said a word, let alone yelled or picked up a phone and called me.

He just shrugs and shakes his head a little saying.

Guess the kid must be having delusions, especially if he thinks Lacey is anything near the same as Shane Mack, but then again, that wouldn't be the first comparison he failed with. So Johnny, not sure your deal kid, but if ya ever do want to talk to me, my door is always open for anyone to come ask me anything. Just stop the lies alright, no one buys into them anyways!

He laughs a little and now says.

Alright, you can shut it down, I'm done setting the record straight. Hopefully Johnny gets it, but like Mack told me about him, the kid has a lot to learn!

And he shrugs again before the view just fades to black.

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