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---Here We Go, One More Time---

Started by Matt Matlock, October 02, 2023, 10:17:11 PM

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Matt Matlock

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  • Rank:Rookie
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  • From:Canada 
  • Register:17/04/2009 1:18 AM
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Date Posted:24/10/2010 1:21 AMCopy HTML

Surprising? Yeah, you could say that. My performance against Justin Rodgers two weeks ago was disappointing to say the least. Even by my standards. My non-appearance on the Extreme prior to the pay per view was in my mind, a message. Straighten the fuck up or we don't want you. Couldn't say I'd blame everyone. Right now shit was nearly the same as it was when I arrived in SEF the first time. Whole lotta losing.

So you can imagine my surprise when I found out that at Extreme Revolution, I was facing Shane Mack. Wait WHAT?! Shane Mack? Yeah, it's rather amusing I've been listening to people remixing Ghostbusters lately. Now seems I have an old ghost come back to haunt me. But this was the chance I was waiting for. If I beat Mack, not only do I finally redeem myself in the eyes of everyone in SEF because I haven't beaten Mack ever, but I also get my chance to take on Reynolds, which has been my ultimate goal since I got here.

But Shane Mack. Another one of the men who can firmly say I'd never beaten him. There isn't many of them left, since usually if they beat me the first time they end up losing the second time. Only a handful can say they've always beaten me and the Hardcore Kid, Impact Playa, whatever you call him, he's one of them.  But quite frankly I'm looking forward to this. I've made a lot of changes since I came back outta retirement a year ago. And beating Mack is one change I'll be more then happy to make.

Here we go Mack. Just one more time....

Shane fuckin' Daddy Mack. Impact Playa, Hardcore Gangsta, The Ultimate Rebel, The Showsteala. Ya know if someone came up to me a few months ago when I came back to this place and said I'd be facing off with you again after all these years I'd have told him to go fuck himself. Yet, here we are. Me back in SEF and you apparently back off whatever injury you had or whatever hiatus you were on, I don't know. Fact is I'm set to stand across the ring from you, one more time. Yeah, one more time.

The SEF cameras had started rolling, recording whatever I had to say. It was actually rather late, at least by my time. About two-thirty...in the morning. A kitchen table with a lamp overhead the only illumination I had on, didn't need anything else on. A couple of bottles of beer next to me, good ol' Molson Canadian. Still one half full in my hand as I had my arms folded on the top, looking over to the camera.

A lot has changed, hasn't it Mack? Seems no matter what happened, you and I always butted heads. I won the SEF Championship, or the XCW Championship, whatever, off of D-Von Dudley, then you put me through hell inside that sick creation of yours the Prison Yard match. Hell I remember when your boys Da Gangstas handed control of Da Original Gangstas Ghetto over to me, and DOGG and SEF went head to head. In and out of the ring we've always butted heads. Now hell I know we probably faced off a time or two after that Prison Yard match, but I've taken way too many damn shots to head to remember. After all, that superkick of yours probably killed numerous numbers of my brain cells. Hell probably more then this fucking alcohol.

I'm just gonna put this out here right now before you bring it up man. I've made my mistakes. The DC knows it, you know it, these new kids like Lacey and Silva know it, the fans know it, I fucked up. I didn't deserve the SEF Championship because I was a shitty champion and I didn't step up to take the goddamn ball. Hell if you look at my accomplishment list and see that other world title I won? Same thing. I ended up fucking up, or as the owner of that place said, I "Matlock'd the ball'. But in both cases, I didn't stick around to try and fix it. When you revealed that it wasn't the SEF belt but the XCW one, I threw a fit and left. I still remember the rather unceremonious exit I had, as part of getting out of my contract. Frankie basically banning me from Extreme, Destruction busting my face on my own pickup truck. Yeah, nasty shit, eh?

I kinda shuddered thinking about that and took a long drink of the beer. It was a humiliating exit to be sure but looking back it was deserved considering my attitude at the time.

Last time this all got brought up like last month, Reynolds called me out on it and said I wasn't over it. So Mack I'll say right now, don't even. It's in the past, leave it there. I've come to terms with what I did, and I've taken a lot of steps to fix it. The Matt Matlock of today is a lot different then the Matt Matlock of old. Better looking, more mature, perhaps more talented? Heh. But the point is, these days I get a lot more respect then I used to. At least everywhere else, but here in SEF no one forgets so easily. Takes a bit more then getting in shape and growing the hell up to get back in good graces here.

That's what this is all about Mack. Hell at one time I'd say I was a fast rising star in SEF before I dropped the damn ball. I came back to redeem myself, to make up for past mistakes. Have I succeeded? Hell no, not yet. My string of losses is evidence of that. I fucked up and failed to win the Television strap three times in a row. But you Mack? I beat you, and that's a huge step to make up for all of that.  I beat you and I take a step towards redeeming myself in the eyes of my peers. I beat you and I get to face Reynolds, which has been my goal since I got here. I beat you and I get my shot at the SEF World Heavyweight Championship, a belt that's been denied to me for far too long.

I smiled at that, and downed the rest of the beer. Taking a breath I put the bottle aside with the rest and rested my arms back on the table again.

Heh of course I sit here and talking about beating Shane Mack like it's no big deal. Like anyone could just walk into the wresting ring against Mack and get an easy win. And at the same time that happens, Osama Bin Laden converts to Christianity and becomes an American citizen, while serving up some flying pigs for dinner. In other words, unlikely.

The one thing I find interesting about this though Mack, is the stipulation, or the lack of one to be honest. Like I said we took each other to hell inside that hellish Prison Yard match. We probably went at it in some other crazy gimmick match but like I said, I can't remember. Another thing I can't remember is if we ever faced off in just a plain old singles match like this.

Should be interesting in a way. If ya think about it, you and I have a similar wrestling style. Hell you got a lot more training and technical skill then I ever had. All your shoots in Japan and the training in the Dungeon probably engrained in you every hold, counter and grapple known to man. But we both know you love to go a lot more on the hardcore side of things. But it's the same over here though. I don't have any finesee, never had. I don't wrestle all fancy like, I don't chain wrestle or counter grapple or anything. I punch you in the fact, I play dirty, I do what it takes to win. Hell like you Mack I've learned to adapt to things as the match goes on. I even picked up a couple of things from you after facing you in the ring all those years ago, and I've put them to use in my matches. I pick up, I learn, I adapt, and I go in there with a methodical mindset to try and feel out just what the other guy is gonna do so I can pick them apart.

Of course, the problem with you, is that I've never been able to figure out what the hell you're gonna do. You're too crazy of a motherfucker to read.

A moment of contemplation. Mack was crazy no doubt, and that's what made it so hard to beat him.

I'm not gonna sit here and say that I'm walking into Extreme Revolution and wiping the floor with you. That'd make me look like an ignorant cunt because we both know that's not gonna happen and if I lost I'd look even stupider. But you can expect it just as hard and just as competitive as it's been in the past Mack. I pull no punches, I don't bullshit around anymore. Or I try not to anyway. Now I'm sure you got your reasons for wanting to win this. You wanna get back in the title picture, you got beef with Reynolds, whatever. But I need this just as bad Mack. This is about me redeeming myself like I said earlier. So I'm coming in with a mindset of just HAVING to beat you. I have to, no if and or but. If I lose to you, lose this title opportunity, the fuck does it leave me? Not just gonna let you roll over me and let that happen.

It's been four years, and the Showstealer and the Crownless King will step up and face each other again. I'll tell you one thing Mack. After four years, you and I are still gonna tear the
 roof off. But Mack, this is gonna be my victory. Just you wait and see.

And with that, we fade.

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