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Not Tapping Out Or Even Losing

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 10:22:45 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:24/10/2010 2:52 AMCopy HTML

We open to the calm and collected Rick Reynolds, much more than last time we saw him as his television suffered a crack. Rick sits back on a chair, darkness all around him and he wears the usual casual suit, has the World Title on his lap up against him so the front of it is seen. Rick just runs his fingers over it and taps the gold plate, then smirks and says.
Jason Price, well I did make the offer and after Extreme Revolution, depending on what happens, whether or not I retain or get screwed over and lose, we'll see, maybe your truly DC material. Justin seems to think you may anyways, paranoid and naïve kid that he is! Thing is Jason, you say your goal is to make us all tap, to take this title from me. Well son, that will be the last thing you ever do because not you, not Justin, and certainly not Chris will ever take this title from me, The REAL Franchise of this business!
A more serious and determined look on his face now, his eyes showing us that fire and Rick says.
Its like I said before, my goal is to walk out as World Heavyweight Champion, nothing else. The DC will dominate SEF, but my friends have their match and I have mine. We have our big plan of what to do and rest assured, the Dangerous Corporation will prove that we own SEF, we own Extreme Revolution, and we will show you why!
A slick smirk on his face and Rick keeps on going.
So again, this belt of mine on my lap is the only thing I have on my mind for tonight's show. I am as I always have been focused on being the World Champion. There is no one else who can compare, not everyone's favorite Mack, no one. He will be taken care of and if he dares to enter the ring against me, I will not only beat him like I did last time, I will truly make sure that I end his career for good! Unless he does the smart thing and retires like he mentioned, he will be forced to retire when I get my hands on him cause remember, I don't have to win that match like I WILL do at Extreme Revolution!
A cocky smirk on his face now and Rick stand sup moving the title to his left shoulder, brushes it off and says.
Justin, remember DOGG DAZE, remember the beating I gave you in that match and now magnify it by ten or twenty or a hundred because you need to learn your place here. You need to realize that your no match for the superior skill of the Scorpion Rick Reynolds. Chris Orton needs to learn the same, that he is half the man he was last year when I had to carry his has through feud of the year. Now a year later I am twice what he WAS and Chris, well plain and simple son, you're a loser. Jason Price, two words to you, tap out! You do nothing else and I will kill you, but remember boys, I don't have to be involved in the first two falls. Just the last one when I destroy whatever one of you pathetic miscreants are left in the ring with the man you don't deserve to even be in the ring with. Plus, like I said, the DC will own Extreme Revolution, watch and see kiddos!
Rick flashes a smirk again, then walks off past the camera and so fade to black.

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