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Yet You Continues To Do The Same Thing Over & Over

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 10:35:49 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:24/10/2010 6:40 PMCopy HTML

You try to tell it like it is like the man you kiss the ass of, Shane Mack, a man I will defeat on Wildside no matter how much I may not like him being back, Mack will never win back the World Heavyweight Championship! No one will take it from me!
And we see Rick Reynolds sitting on a sofa in the back of the Kemper Arena protected in the DC locker room. His title on his lap and he wears a casual suit, Rob, Drake, and Thor sit on a sofa against a wall chatting amongst themselves while Destruction and Axel stand near the door ready to kill. Frankie and Sly sit at a table off behind Reynolds discussing something and Rick now smirks saying.
Justin Rodgers, you are indeed one of the biggest fools in history, but not for why you claimed people think you are. No, you're a fool for thinking your pitiful little family can match the power and domination of the Dangerous Corporation. We have come together to showcase the best talent in SEF in case you missed it when it was declared the law of the land several times by myself and other members of this group. What have you done Justin, what have you and your family down to stake a claim as being powerful in this business, in this company even? Nothing is what because all you do is brag and boast and well yes, I do the same, I back it all up, every bit of it because what goes on outside this company, especially some bullshit, truly fake sport like football!
He grins slickly and sneers in disgust, then says.
You get too distracted when its playing do you, showing your true lack of passion for the sport you claim to love, wrestling, professional wrestling, something you don't bring to SEF, the pro part of it. You and your pathetic family are nothing, but a group of amateurs jealous of the real talent that lies in this locker room. You talk all the time about having so many roots in this business through family yet you don't act as if you have those great genetics. I was trained by Mack, I am a first generation wrestler in my family and I have more natural talent than all of the Rodgers, Foxes, and O'Bannon's combined. The DC is a far more tight knit group than any other in this company today. Although I admit Da Gangstas, they are a brotherhood, but they don't have the dominance we have!
Rick spreads his arms out and nods to his friends on the sofa who smirk and nod back, then Rick says.
You see, we control it all because we can and tonight it makes no difference who stands in the ring with me because Rick Reynolds, heh, he's a god amongst sheep when compared to three of you. Chris Orton can't carry shit anymore, like he could do much better a year ago or even back in '06 when he debuted. He's exactly what Jason Price said he was, a shell of a man who even in his prime was one of the worst World Champion's ever!
A serious expression on his face and Rick says.
Now Jason Price, like I said, you want to make us all tap, fine, try it, but you'll be disappointed the time comes to try and make me tap out. Chris and Justin may be easy prey for you, for your awesome skill in the ring, but your staring at a man who can make anyone in this business today tap out at any given time, so don't test me boy. I'll make sure your dreams are crushed and Jason Price is a forgotten name, when I get done with you it won't be priceless, but rather worthless that you'll be known by!
A smirk flashes across his face now and Rick continues.
Now Justin, why you mentioned your age being a factor is odd considering I never actually did say a word about it and hell kid, I'm only twenty nine, but my experience far outweighs your pitiful little career. You speak of family hosted events, segregated to allow only your own kind to be shown in a spotlight, but when you come to SEF you can't even hack in the mid card despite how many times SEF tries to push you to my level. Your nowhere near it and never will be until you tell your family to fuck off and look out for who really matters, Justin Rodgers! I remember when you came here and what Viper told you, to grow a pair a balls and step out on your own, though he did try to recruit you to the DVF back then. He saw something in you and he wasn't wrong, but the longer you continue this façade of being some sort of family hero, the more talent you waste! So Justin, maybe you should consider joining the DC and work with me, a man who could own Viper if his old ass ever decided to crawl back into a ring!
A snidely sneer turning to a smirk and Rick just says.
You like to talk about what goes on outside of SEF so much, NFL, UFC, WWE, your own smalltime indy company that makes SEF look like it was the WWF in the nineties. You talk and talk and talk about pointless, irrelevant, insignificant, bullshit time and time again. You act as if what you say is the way it is yet can be proven wrong in an instance of a few seconds, a few seconds like after I deliver SIN to you and eliminate your ass tonight. After I end your dreams and hopes of being World Champ, snap you back to reality, your whole world crashes to the ground. Your family bows to your feet and kisses your ass. Your worthless mother molly coddles you while your nobody father is disappointed in the second generation failure you are, which is in irony exactly what he and your entire family is, a failure!
A dead serious expression and Rick sneers a little as he says.
All of you should be wiped off the face of this earth and it's a travesty of justice that all of you were not in New Orleans for the hurricane, so it could wipe you all out and end the misery you instill on this planet. You do not deserve to breath the same air as myself or anyone in the DC let alone step into my wrestling ring. Tonight I erase the injustice Justin Rodgers and let the entire world continue to see who a real World Champion is. You have no idea who is who around here because you do not even know who Justin Rodgers is, nobody does. That is all on you too, it is your fault that you're a nobody and your fault that you will not win tonight. All you can do is try to spew facts while getting it all wrong and making work effort that much less I have to give in order to wipe you out. Chris Orton has already been beaten, he is trivial to me and Jason Price, his obsession with wanting to make everyone tap will be his downfall and that leaves you and I Justin. One on one you cannot beat me and in a fatal four way you must remember, anything goes, especially in the extreme company that is SEF!
Rick pulls his title up and looks at it grinning now, then moves it up to rest on his right shoulder and says with a smirk.
As I said back at DOGG DAZE and it continues to ring true Justin, you are in over your head. Viper is wasting his time trying to get you to unleash your true talent for like I said, if you had any serious passion for the sport you claim to have grown up in and love, then you would come at me full force, hold no punches, and say screw everyone else, this is about me! You can't do it, you won't do it, your too used to being spoiled and pampered by mommy and daddy. Oh yea, ya claim your dad had tough love, please bitch, its all a façade, a fake show put on to make people think your some prodigy, some hero of a wrestling family with a great legacy when in reality, that legacy is indeed tarnished as your group was. It is tarnished by the lack of talent your entire family does not have. Stick to your pencil pushing corporate office jobs that you like to brag and boats your mom does, stay behind the desk and let the real wrestler of SEF shine, the DC, the true backbone of this company!
He grins big and Rick spreads his arms out motioning to get a shot of everyone and then says.
Now get out and leave us to go over how we plan to make sure Extreme Revolution is indeed going to be another great show because of the Dangerous Corporation!
He lowers his arms and the view backs up out the door which is shut by Axel and then fade to black.

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