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You Just Don't Get It

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 10:39:20 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:24/10/2010 9:03 PMCopy HTML

And so we open up to the DC locker room, but outside the door is as far as we get where Rob Rocco stands in his ring gear and a black tee, left arm holding the NA Title on his shoulder and his right hand hooks on the waist of his shorts. He just smirks arrogantly and says.
Justin, I am delivering a message for Rick who says you don't even deserve to hear him directly, so shut up you insignificant piece of shit and listen up!
A slight sneer and Rob says.
You not joining Viper's DVF three years ago was the biggest mistake of your career for it wouldn't have been turning your back on your family, it would have been making you a star! Your father would have eventually looked you dead in your eyes and said you're a man, shook your hand and treated you as a man, not a s a kid who still needs daddy's approval! Think about it Justin, your too damn afraid to try anything outside the box of your family, your too spoiled and pampered as Rick stated, your too soft to be World Champion of any organization, especially one with the rich history and huge legacy of SEF. You take for granted your entire family and have to use them to try and get over yet it doesn't work because they are lesser known than you in SEF. You keep trying to make everyone believe you can't be wronged yet every time you open you mouth you simply set yourself up to be buried deeper and deeper. Rick Reynolds is going to own every which way he wants to in tonight's match, he has you beaten already and you don't even know it. Your staring down the barrel of your career and the DC is going to pull the trigger bringing it to an end here tonight a Extreme Revolution!
He smirks and says.
Justin Rodgers, prepare for the end because after tonight you will go crawling back to your hole while the DC reigns supreme with dominance. Viper cannot stop us, Da Gangstas are not what they once were, even Mack will be taken care of and you better believe Justin, we have every base covered tonight. This entire show will be about the Dangerous Corporation finally taking over SEF, just watch and see. You haven't seen a percentage of the world, you've been sheltered and protected all your life, so when your exposed to reality you look like the true joke you are. This is your last shot Justin, this is the end for you!
Rob reaches up with his right hand patting the title and turns to the door opening it when a voice from out of view says.
And he doesn't even know who's gonna end his failed rise!
Rob looks to his right smirking and the view turns, but the camera is suddenly knocked down from whoever just spoke and fade to black.

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