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universal6 star tag team

Extreme promo

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 11:18:57 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:28/10/2010 5:23 PMCopy HTML




{{Fresh off of a fairly successful first edition of Wildside greatly helped by the fact that both Shane Mack and Viper made apperances in The Crescent City, the two primary tag teams within the Kindred are sitting in a room as Samantha comes into the room.  The Fighting Foxes and the Enforcers immediately snap to attention ready for their promos, and on edge about the kidnapping of Gabby Rodgers}


Samantha:"I didn't here anything but I did see Ash and Rage knocking on doors and asking questions."

Matt:"Calm down, we'll find her.  Right now, we have promo time for Extreme."

{Gracie looks like she's been crying despite the fact that she and Maegan won the tag team turmoil match and becoming Wildside's first official champs}

Justin:"Okay, {he takes a breath} "The Enforcers are being reunited on Extreme, no less!  Matt and I are facing Drake Sage of the Dangerous Corporation and Jason Price, who despite his denials is being booked to team with the DC.  Interesting how one minute he's talking about not being interested in joining but mysteriously he is booked to team with one of their members."

{Matt claps Justin on the shoulder}

Matt:"Once upon a time, Justin and I raised a whole lot of hell together.  Now we are just concerned with wrestling a great match and winning."

Justin:"Although, {he glances at Matt} I'd be more focused if I knew my little sister wasn't with a couple of sick bitches...."

Gracie:"Oh shut up!  It's your fault anyway!  You never should have gone all man whore!  Who knows how many skanks are going to target Gabby now because she's still not able to take care of herself?  Did you even consider that before you decided to sleep your way across the Gulf Coast?"


{Gracie bursts into tears.  Justin groans and reaches for her}

Justin:"I know.  It's my fault.  Jessica is a jealous bitch.  Matt and I will deal with Chaotic, you and Maegan....well, Dusty and Lacey too...I guess will deal with the Bitches...since Dusty is going to get her hands on her on Extreme."

{Gracie pulls herself together}

Gracie:"Cody....I am sorry.  I am not as focused as I would like to be for our match on Extreme and I hope things are going better for you and your brother than it is for our family.  I respect you and you deserve better than this, but if anyone really knows how to get to me its Jessica O'Bannon.  I don't know why she hates me...and Dusty....{she frowns, pondering that} Usually people choose one side or the other when it comes to Dusty and I.  It doesn't matter.  You deserve a more focused opponent and I promise, by Sunday, I'll be a better, more prepared opponent for you.   Last night on Wildside, the tag team turmoil was a bittersweet victory for Maegan and I.  We would have liked to celebrate in the ring with our whole family when Maegan locked Camaro in the Fighting Fox."

Maegan:"For a second I thought Camaro was going to do some twisting kick and get loose.  He hang out for a lot longer than most people do when I locked on the inverted dragon sleeper."

Justin:"JC is a great wrestler and a good friend.  It was great getting to team with him, at least on one last occassion before the Enforcers are reforged as a tag team on Extreme."

Matt:"What better people to make good on our offer to help Black Bob than to face Drake Sage of the Dangerous Corporation and aa guy like Jason Price, who, well I don't know where his loyalties lie.  As for Drake Sage, I've wanted to get my hands on you ever since you decided that you wanted to make my twin sister your whore!  As much as your partner likes to mock Justin for being protective of our family, {he stretches his arms out} You're looking at the man who since the day my parents died took up the slack and acted in my father's stead as the family's protector.  Justin's a big boy and he can take care of himself.  Acting like your the man who's going to take my sister away from her husband, {he laughs} Not likely.  I'm just wondering if Ash had decided that he was going to handle my FFE security force and not be an active wrestler when you decide that you were going to start talking stupid to my sister?  You know, the funny thing is, You are in a large stable and we may have enough family that in a numbers game we could match up.  It's the experience and size that the Dangerous Corporation has that sadly, my family, my team, The Kindred lacks....well other than the four of us that you see here.  When it comes to the Kindred, {Sara walks in, dressed in hip hugging black jeans, and a Kindred shirt.  She places her chin on Matt's shoulder} what you see before you is the back bone for our stable; The Fighting Foxes and The Enforcers.  We have the most experiences in our group because we have been training since we were small children."

Maegan:"We, Justin, Matt, and I even started training on the same day.  In a match we could sub for the other because, at least on our side, we know how the others prepare for their matches."

Gracie:"I am also no longer the youngest.  {She takes a deep breath}  I guess I must have shown something as an individual wrestler to earn a spot in the Intercontiental title tournement, even if I have to go through Cody, but a title opportunity is a title opportunity.  I hope that you bring your best Cody, because I am going to regroup and try to put on the best show I possibly can."
((This has been an official *MATT FOX * Roleplay))

Layout 2006 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison Designs ((ALL RIGHTS RESERVED))

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