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Getting IC Title

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, October 02, 2023, 11:20:22 PM

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Date Posted:29/10/2010 11:14 AMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
Getting IC Title
  Lacey Daniels, Troy Stroms, Camera crew 
Here my roleplay!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
SEF presents "Extreme" is on the air, Chris Orton is dress up like Super Man, and Lacey Daniels is dress up like Wonder Woman, so they both having a drink, and Orton started speakin.

Chris Orton: You know what babe, I don't need SEF World Heavyweight Championship to be number one in SEF, because I am number one in SEF.

Lacey Daniels: You sure are baby!

Chris Orton: I should add more achievements in my legacy career in SEF like becoming greatest IC champion in SEF, because championships look good on me don't you agree.

Lacey Daniels: Of course!

Chris Orton: I got Troy Stroms in round #1 in IC title tournament, so this giant going down hard, and I hit "Put Down" on him he won't get up, so the way I figure to beat him got keep him off his feet make sure he doesn't get up.

Lacey Daniels: That good plan! He pretty tall can use his big boot to knock you out, so if you keep him on the ground you will get the victory.

Chris Orton: You look good as Wonder Woman!

Lacey Daniels: Thanks baby! you look sexy in that superman outfit!

Lacey Daniels moves her arms around Chris Orton, and she kiss him on the lips, so SEF fans is hard booing in the background. Chris Orton & Lacey Daniels continue kissing each other until Orton backs away started speaking again.

Chris Orton: I want you so bad babe!

Lacey Daniels: Baby, we are live cameras on us!

Chris Orton: Let me handle this problem!

Chris Orton push camera crew out of his locker room, and he gave Troy Stroms a little message about their match on camera.

Chris Orton: Troy Stroms, you and I have gone to war against each other, but this time this isn't going to be a wrestling match more like a fight to advance next round to get IC title. I know people just love seeing me lose ain't gonna stop me from adding more achievements to my legacy career in SEF, so this week on "Extreme" I'm entering that match and advancing getting IC title.

Chris Orton stops talking, slams the locker room door, and "Extreme" went to a commercial break.

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