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That's My Belt

Started by Da Gangstas, October 02, 2023, 11:21:37 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:30/10/2010 7:36 AMCopy HTML

Coming off a hell of a pay per view at Extreme Revolution which was followed by a good first showing of Wildside from the new company within SEF called FFE. We now move to Extreme where the IC Title tournament is kicking off and Chris Orton thinks he'll be able to pick the big seven footer Troy Storms down and claim the IC Title as his. Both men suffered losses last Sunday, Chris' however could be argued as worse, but a loss is a loss to many and that was last week. Its all about what happened tomorrow night and so we find Storms kicked back at a table in a hotel room, a chess board sitting on it with the pieces set up for a new game. Stormed in black sweats and a Gangstas shirt, pretty well casual and leaning back in the chair against the wall just smirking now and he says.
So Chris, your all content, you think you got screwed over Sunday, that you should be the World Champ, so now your thinking its time to get a different title and try to add to your legacy?!
He just keeps smirking and strokes his goatee, then says.
Problem is you've been IC Champ before and myself, not once because I moved on to the World strap earlier than most, though maybe not a record holder of that title, five times is no small number when speaking of a World Title. The IC strap though, it means a lot to hold it, its part of a collection of titles that separates the best, the elite from the ones who are good, but not good enough. Not once I have held that title, but it all changes now and fear the big boot of mine all ya want, but you better be watching for far more than that. You better go over a huge plan with your little girl Lacey to try and fuck me over because it's the only way your gonna stand a chance. Right now I want this title more than any other, hell, I'd turn down a World Title shot for a match with the IC Title directly on the line. You see which match I'm in too even though my boys have a big tag match tomorrow night and well I was obviously one of the picks to help them, like I said, I want the IC Title more than anything else!
He gets a semi serious look, still casual and says.
If you think your gonna try to chop me down and ground my big ass, then well that's a good idea, I won't tell you exactly what I'll do. What I will tell you Chris is that come tomorrow night when you have to step into the ring with me its gonna end like it did around four years ago when I went through, Viper, and McMoney to capture the World Title, remember that?!
He smirks slightly again and says.
I'm better than I was then, I'm far more focused on what I really want and you better believe I will get it, I will be IC Champion, the Intercontinental Champion and its gonna take a lot to keep me from gaining it. You better bring more than Lacey with ya cause I'll knock your little girlfriend out in a heartbeat, then after I destroy you Chris, I'll take her to the back and show her how much bigger than you I really am!
A smirk on his face and he just shrugs, then says.
Don't worry, she ain't on my list of what I want because girls like her are a dime a dozen down on the corner with the rest of the three dollar whores! And after I get down with you Chris, after I put your ass down your probably gonna be joining Lacey on the corner cause your career just may be over in the ring. Just ask Hal Havoc what happens you cross me, when you stand up against a man twice your size and ten times the talent!
A slick smirk on his face now and Storms says.
You get the knocked the fuck down and out is what happens Chris, your pathetic attempts will be swatted away like the pest you are, stomped out and snuffed into nothing. I'm moving on in the tournament and my name will be added to the IC Title history. You want to see the next greatest IC Champ, THE greatest, then watch me son cause when I get down with that belt you and everyone will be bowing in awe at what I do!
And now the big man stands up looking down to the view, steps forward past the camera and reaches out to it pressing a button it seems and fade to black.

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