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Trick or Treat

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 11:30:08 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:31/10/2010 1:40 PMCopy HTML

The view opens to the view of a drop dead gorgeous Julie laying on her side on top of her hotel room bed dressed in a green and black dress or whatever, kind of short and tight and her tits pressed together with cleavage spilling out. She wears black, strappy high heel and her right arm props her head up, blonde hair hanging down and a smirk on her red lips. Thankfully the camera is setting on a tripod or it may fall from the cameraman fainting. Luckily a tripod has no feelings, of any, just a piece of metal and plastic with no real life, but Julie ends this pointless narration by saying.
Well Lacey Daniels, my oh my what a surprise that you and I are booked to go one on one tonight here on your favorite night of the year and not for any treat, but because your all about the tricks you turn!
A slight laugh and Julie says.
Tonight is Halloween and your no witch, just a bitch and tonight your going to be my bitch and love every, long, inch, of my foot kicking your ass from post to post you undeserving cunt. You walk around with a custom title thinking it means more, but really honey, it means less because you have yet to make it stand out. Some may even say you degrade that title you hold, the legacy of the International Title is great where as your just kind of average. You showed nothing special heading into Extreme Revolution and winning was nothing special as well for you pinned Maegan Fox, a woman you have beaten and you had to do so after the fact your little friend got involved, little Dusty!
Julie smirks big at the mention of Dusty and just says.
If she dares to get involved tonight, well Lacey, I don't care because I know she is taken care of whether she attempts to or not, I have her countered, so my complete focus is on beating you. Sending an example of what I can do one of the champions in SEF, so maybe, just maybe next time we face off its for that belt of yours. Until now you have yet to face one of the great women in this business, but now you face one of the biggest names in SEF history!
Julie pushes herself up swinging her legs out together and quickly, but calmly crosses her left over her right. She leans back on her arms putting her palms of her hands down on the bed and grins confidently saying.
I've beaten many of the greatest here and I've lost to many, but I've made some of the biggest impacts and stood out as not just another pretty face. That's the difference between me and you Lacey well we are both hot, I've already proven myself time and time again while you continue to try and earn the respect of every fan as well as our peers. You've claimed this and that and have yet to really show you can be depended on, so c'mon Lacey, let's see you try and dominate this!
Julie smirks and pushes herself up off the bed bringing her arms up and then down to model her body, rubs the curves of her hips probably making many of boys reach for the Kleenex and then brings her hands to her hips saying.
Although if you ever dared to try the other side of the pillow, I wouldn't mind you dominating me in this bed, but tonight in the ring you won't have the chance. No one can help you once that bell rings because as I said, I have it all covered, this match will be one on one and the best woman will win. Lacey, if you think that's you, then where are you, who are you, why does no one care about you?!
She smirks arrogantly now and steps forward bringing her arms up to the camera and pushes a button fading to black.

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