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Ignorance Is For Idiots

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 11:31:02 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:31/10/2010 2:32 PMCopy HTML

We open to a true wrestling machine, a man who could make each Justin Rodgers and Matt Fox tap out on any given night, but tonight he must rely on his tag team partner, Drake Sage, a man who can help Price to attain what he wants, a spot in the DC. Unlike what many believe he is not a member, not yet, but a win tonight could change that and the DC would grow stronger and contain for more wrestling talent than ever before. Jason sits on the weight bench of a gym in a pair of sweats and a sleeveless sweatshirt, hair wet from sweat, and a towel around his neck damp from wiping his head. His expression dead serious as he says.
Exactly what denials do you speak of Justin? I never said I wasn't trying to become a member of the DC, I simply said I am not a member, I did go into Extreme Revolution to help Rick win. We had a plan, eliminate the two of you and may the best man win, but that didn't work, so I did not get in. Tonight we'll see, Rick and I have spoken, privately which will remain so until I can earn a spot with the group. I know where the talent goes and its in the Dangerous Corporation, not some pitiful, pathetic group of yours and Matt's that can't get out of the minor leagues!
He smirks a little now, then just kinda sneers and says.
Speaking of Matt, you have shown nothing any different than Justin, talking about your family as if it means something big when it doesn't. The only true thing you said that matters was that the DC has the experience edge, of course they have more, like natural talent. Something I also possess over the whole lot of you worthless Foxes and Rodgers, trying to steal the family history of one of the greatest wrestlers in this business, then telling me I dropped their name. Your all jokes and tonight I will set out for one goal, to make one of you tap out to a real submission hold which any one I clamp on you, but of course, the best would simply be Priceless!
Jason stands up now and walks to the barbell on the bench resting his hands on it and says.
Not one of you pathetic piece of trash can match up to me in any way. Drake Sage got into the DC, but as far as a partner goes, well, I don't know if I can count on him and in this match you two have the advantage there. Rest assured I will prove myself to the DC one way or another because like I said, one of you will tap. Hell, maybe to give me a true challenge I should face your entire shitty family in a gauntlet match and make each one tap out, one by one because I can!
He gets wide, intense eyes, then looks down at the bar and lays his towel on the head of the bench. Jason picks up some weight to slide on to the bar and it seems he's done, so fade to black.

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