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The Kindred celebrates Justin's bday

Started by Kristin Fox, October 03, 2023, 08:27:43 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:31/10/2010 4:47 PMCopy HTML

The Roleplay of The Kindered that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!
{{We open on a resturant in St. Louis.  The members of the Kindred are looking dire despite the fact that their is a small cake and Katana is trying to make people cheer a little bit.  She even stands up an puts one of the big cone shaped Happy Birthday hats that you see at Dollar Tree.  Justin raises an eyebrow, annoyed, but says nothing until his wife flutters away to wave to someone, possibly a waiter.  He growls}}
Justin:"I feel like an idiot."
Jagger:"You look like an idiot."
{Justin flips him off as three or four people come out clapping their hands}
Rage:"Oh God, not the Happy birthday from the resturant gang. Christ, I thought you were 23 not 3!"
Justin:"Shut the fuck up!"
Jagger:"We shouldn't be here!  We should be out looking for Gabby!"
{Justin looks at him and shoots him a death glare}
Justin:"We are going to let Katana try to make us feel better.  We know it's not going to change things but I'm sitting here like an idiot," {He points to Camaro who is looking bored} "in front of my co-workers, friends, and family.  {he groans} "Oh God....what if Mack comes in here?"
{{Rage grins}}
Rage:"Ok, I could find that amusing. You damn near 7 foot tall, wearing that fucked up hat, and the head guy and the founder of SEF come sauntering in here.  You'd look like a fool."
Justin:"Fuck you, Rage."
{Katana led the people over with a piece of caramel cake.  She sat down next to Justin as the people chanted and clapped their hands.  Justin set his mouth in a firm line, nodding to the people.}
Katana:"I have also Tivo'd the game for you.  Saints vs The Steelers in the Superdome."
Ash:"What the hell?"  {Everyone looks at him.  He has his phone to his ear.}  "Hello?  Is anyone there?"  {He frowns as the phone suddenly disconnects the call} "That was weird."
Maegan:"Who was it?"
Ash:"I don't know?  I didn't check, let me look."  {He frowns} "Why would Dusty or Knox call me?"
Maegan:"I don't know.  They cut their promo here somewhere."
{Justin puts his fork down from where he had planned to take a bite of the cake to please Katana.  He unclips his I-phone and dials Dusty}
Justin:"Hey,"  {He frowns}  "No, I haven't.  It's why I was calling to check and see why someone called Ash." {he listens}  "That's weird."  {he then taps the screen and turns to the table} "Dusty said that they haven't been back to Texas yet.  They left New Orleans, did a couple shows for TCW, and then flew in here."
Matt:"So who's staying at Dusty's that could call Ash?"
Ash:"Yeah, and why me?  Why would someone call me, with this temporary truce?  They could have called you or Justin."
Jagger:"Well, Lance tried calling me at the hotel last night but I hung up on his sorry ass.  I don't have time for his tauting ass."
Justin:"Yeah, he tried calling me, but I denied his call.  {He reaches for his phone again, cake completely forgotten}  "Dad, someone called Ash from Dusty and Knox's house, but they haven't been in Texas all week.  {he listens and frowns} No?  Well yeah, I guess you could have found it in the computer, if their alarm had been tripped to the local p.d.  Yeah, let me know." {he hangs up and looks at the group}  "My dad says that their alarm didn't go off."
Maegan:"Would they have had time to call?"
Jagger:"The system they have notifies the police within thirty seconds of a door or window being opened while the system is armed.  It doesn't matter if someone unlocks the door and goes in.  Knox would have to turn it off from his i-phone."
Rage:"How would you know?"
Jagger:"I helped him install it when he and Dusty moved in."
{Justin's phone played 'Tom Sawyer' by Rush}
Justin:"Hey Dad,  You're fucking kidding me....{he looks sheepish} "Yeah, sorry...but really?  How bad?  {he listens}  Damn, was Gabby with him?  How bad?  {he closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose}  "This is all my fault."
Justin:"Dad, we'll be on the plane as soon as Extreme is over.  {he hangs up and turns to everyone}  "Uh Ash," {he pauses} "the reason why no one answered you is because they damn near killed Lance.  They fucked up his car and smashed up his cell phone.  He was barely conscious when they showed up.  He can't say anything, his jaw is hanging like a cave man."
Maegan:"Oh God!"
{Emma starts to cry.  They all turn to her, pretty sure she had a crush on him.  Matt puts his arm around her}
Matt:"It's okay.  The cops are going to take him to the hospital.  He may go to jail for kidnapping but..."
Emma:"He wouldn't have to kidnap her.  He was her boyfriend."
{Justin and Jagger stood up so fast their chairs hit the floor.  Justin threw some money on the table but Matt is up and stops him}
Matt:"Stop!  What are you going to do?  Go beat him some more?  You said yourself he's all beaten to hell.  Lucas may have found them.  He could have Gabby!  Now, your dad is going to have the state swarming with cops looking for her.  We have a match tonight againist Drake Sage and Jason Price.  Price had quite a bit to say, but Sage, nothing. He's DC, so we have to be hypervigiliant.  They are capable of anything."
Gracie:"I can't believe I have to face a Jericho tonight when I should be looking for my sister."

{Matt frowns}

Matt:"Everyone stop!  The only one of us who has any security or police experience is Rage and that was before he got out of the military.  The place we can only make a difference is getting into the ring tonight.  That is where we can make a difference and put our hands on these bastards who took a member of our family.  Everyone else thinks that we are weak and pathetic because we feel our family is important.  Tonight, three of us are going to wrestle on Extreme.  On Wildside, we will take care of family business."
This Layout Was Made For The Kindered by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

Daddy Mack

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Re:The Kindred celebrates Justin's bday
Date Posted:31/10/2010 5:23 PMCopy HTML

Suddenly we see Shady Smack come running into view with the Trans Title strapped across him diagonally, over his right shoulder and under his left arm. He wears an Impact X shirt and blue jeans and carries a card in an envelope it looks like. He runs up near Justin growling and throwing the card at him, then points to the caramel cake and then to himself grinning big. Justin and everyone just kinda laugh and Justin says.

Grab some cake if ya want it, thanks for showing up and for the card!

Shady runs off as we see some guy in a black hooded sweatshirt walk in with a birthday hat on his hood which covers his face pretty well. Sports blue jeans and says nothing, just heads for the cake as Justin and everyone is curious about the card. Matt says.

What's it say?

Justin just looks at him saying.

Chill, I'm opening it, oh cool, look at the cover.

He holds it up showing a drawing of someone mooning you and everyone just laughs. Justin opens it up and it says Happy Birthday in big, bold letters on the left and on the right is something handwritten. Justin reads it.

Hey bro, happy birthday and some advice, let the kids grow up, you and Matt both. No one thinks bad of you for putting family first, no one ever said it. Kick the DC's ass yea, but remember, if you want success, sacrifices must be made, for putting your career second to your family means less success. As noted, its not a bad thing, but its just the way it is and by the way, thanks for the cake, caramel is the shit!

And he says with a smile.

And its signed MACK!

He turns as everyone else looks for the hooded guy who they all had to see, but obviously, the card had their attention more. They see him move out the door now and it closes before anyone can say anything to him. They look over and see Shady scarfing down some cake which has several pieces missing, more than he could eat, or could he?

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