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Treating You How Ya Act

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 03, 2023, 08:30:44 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:31/10/2010 6:03 PMCopy HTML

So Lacey decided to actually make an appearance leading into this match unlike for the pay per view and now seems to think for some reason Julie doubts her ability. Odd Lacey would think unless she doubts her own ability and its guilt talking? Anyways, we open to find Julie sitting in the back of the arena on a bench inside the women's locker room, her ring gear on and she's just tying her left boot up. Julie flips her knee pad down into place and sits up showing off her Queen of SEF baby tee smirking. She crosses her right leg over her left and says.
Funny, funny, and quite sad is Lacey Daniels showed how wrong she truly is about little ol' me. First of all, Tina is the ring announce, a whole different person from me and she originally came to SEF portraying myself. I have yet to step into a ring against you Lacey, so tonight's fight will be the first ever meeting we have, but I highly doubt it will be the last!
She grins kinda sinisterly and says.
Also, as for coming and going from SEF, that was not my idea, but injuries in this business happen to the best of us, especially to those that work as hard as I do, plus the occasional political occurrence like with Fate!
She gets a bit of a scowl, but just says.
I never once quite or retired, I didn't leave because I chose to hang it up for a while. I've experienced a lot of success and only have more to come because while I've done a lot, I haven't done it all. You verbally targeted Whitney first and well she did retire and is staying true to her word, I never have done so. That means its time to give these people, everyone ringside to the cheap seats and back here an International Champion they deserve. You say you won't back down from a challenge, then here is the challenge, next week for your title, you and I any match you want, hell, handicapped if ya want, I know I can beat you!
She smirks confidently and says.
I never once said you have any talent, I don't doubt you COULD be somebody in this business, but recently, up until I returned and made you step up you were set to fall into nothing. I saved your performance last Sunday and now tonight there is no one to get between us, its just the two of us baby and you can't handle the real Queen of the ring, the only woman in this company to ever achieve that honor. I know all about what you've done because while I sit on the sidelines waiting to comeback from whatever keeps from doing my true love, wrestling! I watch like a hawk as pathetic excuses like you parade around ruining what I love. You claim you've defended against such great challenges, but really? Your opponents had to be replaced last Sunday competition for your title is so bad. You make no one want to face you because your barely show your face in the company. SEF didn't bring me back to challenge you, I came back because my career is far from over!
She leans back kinda arrogantly and cradles her arms in front of her stomach saying.
And what's it matter what I smoke, despite your lies, it changes nothing honey. You can continue to try and twist words and fail miserably or you can learn that hard work pays off. Sooner than later your going to have to accept that title is coming around the waist of someone way sexier than you can imagine being. But as I said before, that is where the similarities end because while I can rely on good looks as much as any woman in history. Like any truly dominant woman I can rely on my unparalleled talent to carry me far over you or any level you could dream to be at. Your in a world where you're a nobody stepping into the ring with somebody who can beat any which way she wants. If you've truly done your homework you would know that I go to any length in order to get the job done, like splashing one of the greatest teams in the world from the top of a forty foot pier in the Atlantic Ocean!
She smirks fondly remembering that, Bash At The Bach '06 when she won her first SEF World Title. She now says.
That was a crazy night and a crazy match and I have had so many more and will continue to have even more because the present is right here and now honey. You either get ready for the fight of your life or you better find a new profession. The only one who has doubt anyone so far is you and your going to be the only one eating anything, especially my foot cause I may have to steal from Mack kick your teeth down yer throat!
She smirks and stands up crossing her arms over chest saying.
This is my playground and I am the sexy sensual sweetie and the only thing getting shined up is going to be my soon to be International Title. So c'mon honey, be true to your word and make next Sunday for the title, hell, if you dare, put it on the line tonight and I'll give SEF a champion they can proud of sooner!
She spreads her arms and points to her shot, then does a crotch chop and smirks saying.
Kiss This!
Julie winks at the camera and skips past it out of the room and so fade to black.

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